
How to deal with child boredom?

How often can you hear familiar words from children: “I'm bored! What should I do? " Such complaints cause conflicting emotions in mom and dad: some adults get upset, others get annoyed and immediately find the child any activity, just not to interfere. Why do kids get bored? Do children need to come up with activities or is it better to teach themselves to entertain themselves?

Today's kids are used to having fun with TV, video games and computers. Many find it difficult to wait in line at the grocery store or sit quietly for a minute while adults talk to each other. They quickly get bored with everything, and they do not hesitate to announce it publicly: "I'm tired of everything!" The main reasons for the boredom of today's child are widely known: electronic gadgets, with which they do not part from infancy, and the inability of children to interact with each other. What other reasons are there for children's boredom?

Where does boredom come from?

Let's try to understand what is really hidden behind the complaints of your baby that he absolutely does not want to do anything and has absolutely nothing to do.

  • Overload with impressions. Kindergarten, photo circle ... The kid gets too much information and impressions during the day. The psyche will need a certain amount of time to process what it has seen, heard, learned and passed through.
  • Inability to play. Although from the outside it looks like boredom, in fact, the child is simply not able to occupy himself on his own. And most often this happens due to the fact that he got acquainted with the TV and gadgets earlier than with cubes and pyramids. Spending time at the computer, children do not use their own imagination in any way, do not show initiative, do not agree with their peers about the rules of games.
  • The need for attention. Sometimes, when telling mom about boredom, the baby means that he feels lonely, unhappy and in need of her attention. After all, none, even the most expensive trinkets, can replace your hugs and gentle touches.
  • Waiting for an event. Boredom can be caused by the child's usual expectation of an event, for example, a trip to his grandmother or a trip to the park. A small child cannot yet clearly track time, therefore he often lacks patience.
  • Features of the child. Children with hyperactivity will get bored more quickly when presented with tasks that require concentration. And an anxious and modest child who refuses to play and compete may get bored looking at his peers having fun.

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What should the parents of a bored child do?

  1. First, you need to leave your business and pay attention to the child for at least ten minutes. Sometimes it's enough to hug him, chat a little, play noisy games, cuddle each other - and boredom is as it were. After an emotional release, the baby usually has new ideas, and you can approve and support them. If the boredom persists, explain that you need to be able to enjoy your free time, you can just do nothing and relax a little. Then he will accumulate strength for new achievements.
  2. Resist the temptation to provide your little one with a variety of activities. It is very important that he gains invaluable experience in making his own decisions, learns to manage his free time himself. Therefore, when he once again declares: "I am bored" - invite him to come up with something to do.
  3. If your child often complains of boredom, help him make a list of activities he can do when things get dull. Include home activities such as drawing and playing with the construction set, as well as outdoor activities such as cycling, drawing with crayons on the asphalt. When he says boredom again, remind him to look at this list.
  4. Explain to your child that it is impolite to say, "Your home is very boring." Remind him that by expressing his disinterest, he can hurt the feelings of others.
  5. Don't fight boredom with TV, computer games, and gadgets. Experts say that children who constantly play electronic applications and video games do not know what to do with themselves. Also, constant sitting at the computer limits the imagination and creativity of the baby and prevents him from using the resourcefulness inherent in childhood.
  6. If a child can read, he will never have problems doing nothing. There is a whole world in the books that will plunge him into a whirlwind of incredible adventures. When can you get bored? Read together, focusing on the fact that he needs to find out for himself what will happen to his favorite characters next. Start by choosing simple and engaging stories to keep you interested.
  7. Combine distraction from boredom and creative activity by providing your child with not ready-made games, but just the material to make them. For example, try making a mock-up of a city on a piece of cardboard using old magazines, small boxes, glue, scissors, colored pencils, and a kid's fantasy.
  8. Be sure to teach children how to play with the toys they have. Perhaps he doesn't even know what this whole bunch of cars, dolls, constructors, puzzles and balls is for. Pay attention to the appropriate toys for the child's age. If he used to play something with interest, but now he is bored, he probably already grew out of these games. If he does not understand what to do, and is also not at all interested in a new toy, it is probably still great for him.
  9. Some preschoolers are not interested in toys. They are more attracted to household chores that adults do. Let your child participate in the laundry, cleaning, or cooking. Observing homework will not only provide him with great material to play on his own, but it will also make it easy to relieve boredom.
  10. If children like board games, introduce an interesting and healthy tradition in the house: play chess. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to spend several hours a day behind black and white fields. Start the game, place the board on the coffee table, and place a pencil and a piece of paper next to it. As soon as the child gets bored, let him come up and think about the chess game.

If you have tried all the methods, and the child continues to pester you with a complaint of boredom, explain: "I understand you perfectly, because I also miss you sometimes." Listen to him, hug and fondle, but do not seek to dispel his blues. Be sure that after a while the little dreamer will certainly find a suitable occupation for himself.

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