Good to know

How to teach a child to talk to strangers on the street

How to teach a child to be careful with strangers? Rules of conduct with strangers. How to interrupt a conversation with a stranger?

In the matter of child protection, perhaps not a single issue attracts as much attention as teaching children to communicate with strangers. "Never talk to a stranger on the street!" - the parents say strictly. However, reasoning about this is much easier than teaching children to behave correctly and consistently in real life. How to protect your child from dangerous and annoying strangers and at the same time not instill in him fear of strangers?

Rules for communicating with a stranger

Let's find out what experts offer to teach children to communicate (or not communicate) with potentially dangerous strangers.

  • Introducing the concept of "stranger"

Usually, the child is ready for this already at the age of four. Explain that strangers are people (whether elderly, young men or women) who are unfamiliar to the baby and his parents. This can be illustrated by a common example - for example, a man in a supermarket or a woman in a park. To avoid scaring the child, emphasize that it does not make them good or bad. We also explain who the “familiar” people are - those about whom the parents can say: “Darling, we absolutely trust these people. Do not be afraid to ask them for help! " Also, the child himself should also note: "Yes, mom, I trust this aunt and am not afraid of her."

  • Celebrating the "good" strangers

Remember that some strangers - police officers, firefighters, salespeople, teachers (caregivers), or store guards - are the very strangers that children can approach in case of an emergency. Pay attention to the child what the uniform of law enforcement officers looks like, by what signs he can recognize the person who works in the store, etc.

It is important that the child understands that the stranger to whom he himself turns for help is still safer than the one who offers it first.

  • Setting boundaries and distances

Children should know that they can talk to strangers on the street, but only at a certain distance. We suggest the following: measure a distance of 2 meters on the floor of the house and make sure that the child remembers it. This is the minimum distance at which children can communicate with unknown people without fear.

  • Teach you to say no

Criminals are often good psychologists and easily distinguish among children someone who does not know how to resist the requests or orders of adults and is easily influenced by others. Explain to your child that you should trust your instincts. If he is asked to go somewhere or help to find something, you need to loudly say "no!" and leave.

4 steps to interrupt a conversation with a stranger

So, you explained the basic rules and concepts to your child. And so that strangers could not deceive your child or "speak" him, rehearse the order of conversation and actions.

Step 1. Assessment of the situation. The child must make sure that it is a stranger who is in front of him. And it doesn't matter who exactly - handsome-looking men, grandmother, young girl or teenager. They are all strangers, so you should behave with them the same way.

Step 2. Observance of the distance. Let's say a stranger turned to your offspring with some kind of request or question. In this case, he must make sure that he is at a sufficient distance (2 meters from the stranger) and has the ability to monitor his further actions.

Step 3. Interrupt conversation. You may have seen one of the episodes of a popular program in which they conducted a simple and at the same time terrible experiment: it turns out that a stranger can lead any child from the playground or even from the entrance in a few seconds. Therefore, the kid should immediately stop the conversation: “No, turn to an adult. He will show you the way "or" No, I cannot help you find the dog. "

Step 4. Safe place. If a stranger is trying to talk to a child, then you need to go home, go to school (call your mom or dad from there), go up to the neighbors walking in the yard, in general, be in full view of other people.

Losing the situation

Play different versions of situations ("what would you do if ...") to teach your beloved child the correct behavior in the presence of strangers. For instance:

Hello dear girl!

- Good afternoon (assessment of the situation - an unknown man; keeping the distance - the child moves away, at a distance of 2 meters).

- Girl, my little puppy got lost in a nearby park. Please help me find him.

- No, I need to go home, my mother just called me (the girl should immediately move closer to the adults, not listening to what the man continues to say. Once safe, she will tell her parents about what happened).

Be sure to practice these four steps: assessing the situation, keeping your distance, ending the conversation, and leaving. Explain that you cannot leave the yard or school with strangers: driving a car, helping a cute puppy, going to a cafe or toy store. Don't bully your child, but tell them that sometimes it's difficult for an adult to tell an evil person from a kind person, so it's best not to talk to strangers. Just in case!

  • 7 rules your child must learn to protect themselves from strangers
  • 10 questions that a child should not answer strangers (and even familiar people)
  • 10 precautions parents should teach their child

In a firm, but understandable form, the child needs to be taught that it is impossible to talk with strangers!

Watch the video: TUESDAY TAG ON A THURSDAY 10-15-20 (July 2024).