Child development up to a year

First walk: when can you start walking with your newborn baby?

Young mothers, returning from the hospital, immediately face many questions, the most frequent of which is when to go for the first walk with a newborn. Parents whose babies are born in winter are especially worried. They are afraid that children might catch cold and get sick. When can you give your child the first walk in his life? What rules should be followed at different times of the year?

The baby, however, like his mother, is extremely important for fresh air. Regular walks increase appetite, improve blood circulation, the newborn's sleep becomes deep and calm. Temperature drops outside and at home help to harden the child's body. Sunlight helps in the production of vitamin D, which prevents babies from getting rickets.

First walk

Although some mothers "go out" with a baby the very next morning after discharge, pediatricians-neonatologists recommend taking walks in the fresh air only from the second week of a newborn's life, giving him time to adapt to new conditions... You should start with a 15-minute exercise, adding ten minutes every day and bringing the total duration of being out of the house to two to three hours a day. The duration of walks in the autumn-winter period, as a rule, is shorter than in the warm season.

The ability for their own thermoregulation in children develops gradually, therefore it is necessary dress them correctlyto avoid the two extremes: hypothermia and overheating. Observe the "golden" principle: the baby should be dressed for the season, but a little warmer than the mother - plus another layer of clothing (We read the article on the topic: How to dress a newborn for a walk (summer, autumn, winter) -

To make the first walk a real pleasure for the baby and mother, you need to take into account the weather conditions, the state of health of the crumbs, as well as the season.

Walking in the summer

Many parents mistakenly believe that in the summer months, you can walk with your child immediately after he is discharged, without limiting the time spent on the street. However, in hot summer, especially in the middle of the day, there is a risk of heatstroke to the baby due to overheating of the body. Do not forget that children under three months of age still have an insufficiently mature heat exchange system. Therefore, summer walks should be taken seriously and the basic rules should be followed:

  • Choose clothes made from natural materials so that they do not irritate the delicate skin of the newborn. Avoid buying stroller mattresses made of synthetic fabric.
  • If the temperature reaches 30 degrees, the time for walking should be postponed to the morning and evening so that the summer heat does not interfere with the child.
  • Protect your baby's skin from direct sunlight. Wear a cap over his head to avoid sunstroke.
  • Walk several times a day based on your baby's feeding schedule. Long walks are not very convenient, because the child still needs to change clothes, and you will find other worries and troubles.
  • Take a bottle of boiled water or a nipple outside. If the child wakes up and cries, it can be distracted for a short time.

READ IN DETAIL: 10 rules for walking with a child in the summer heat

We walk in autumn and spring

In the off-season, the weather is often changeable: the bright sun is quickly replaced by torrential rains. In the autumn-spring period, the child can easily catch a cold. To prevent a runny nose and cough, pediatricians advise you to follow simple rules:

  • Do not walk in rainy weather. Special raincoats create a kind of greenhouse effect inside the stroller, negatively affecting the health of the baby. A raincoat is convenient if you need to run home during a sudden downpour.
  • Even if the sun is bright outside, do not rush to undress your child to avoid hypothermia and colds. Use special demi-season overalls, they keep warm well, allowing the skin to breathe.
  • If the weather is dry and sunny, the first walk can be extended up to 15 minutes. Gradually bring the duration of the morning and evening promenade to one and a half hours.

Walking with a child in winter

The greatest doubts in terms of walking with small children are caused precisely by the cold season. Due to severe frosts and piercing winds, the child can remain without fresh cold air for a long time. But you still need to walk, the main thing is to follow the elementary rules of child safety:

  • In winter, it is better to organize the first exit of the child to the street on the 14th day after his birth. If the weather permits (-5 degrees of frost), then you need to walk for 15 minutes. If the temperature drops to 15 degrees, then reduce the time of the first walk to 10 minutes.
  • You cannot go out into the yard with a newborn in severe frost or a piercing wind. No matter how warm you wrap your baby up, his nose and cheeks may freeze. Replace going outside with airing the nursery or walking on the balcony.
  • The total duration of a winter walk should not exceed one and a half hours. Go outside twice a day.
  • Pay special attention to your baby's clothes. Get a convertible jumpsuit. It will not only keep warm, but will also allow the baby to change clothes almost instantly, without disturbing his sensitive sleep.

General recommendations

  1. Purchase a special stroller for your newborn: it must be on wheels with shock absorbers, with a flat bottom, with a mattress made of natural materials (how to choose a stroller).
  2. First you need to get dressed and get ready for a walk for mom, and only then - equip the baby so that he does not overheat and sweat, waiting until you are ready.
  3. Take a walk between your child's meals. This will prolong the time of joint trips and will not allow the baby to freeze, and will also improve his sleep.
  4. Choose calm places for your walk, away from roads and congestions of cars. The most suitable places are squares, parks or a playground.
  5. Do not forget to put a couple of pacifiers in your travel bag. After all, if the baby screams for a long time in the cold air, it can get sore throat.
  6. If the weather outside is unimportant, do not deprive children of the opportunity to get some fresh air. A regular walk can be replaced by sleeping on a glassed-in balcony or loggia. Of course, you should take care of your baby's safe sleep. Protect it from drafts, make sure that nothing falls on it from the neighboring balconies.

When you can't walk with a newborn

Despite all the benefits of walking in the fresh air, sometimes they can be harmful to the baby. If he gets sick, he has a high temperature, stay at home in any weather, constantly airing the nursery. By the way, the issue of leaving home for the first time with a painful or premature baby should be resolved only with your pediatrician.

Avoid walking in unfavorable weather conditions: too hot (above +30) or frosty (below -15) weather, rain or a sharp cold wind will bring more negative than good.

Fresh air is vital for a newborn baby and his mother. Regular walks will strengthen the child's body, as well as improve your mood and give you the necessary physical activity, which will help you quickly get into shape after childbirth.

Video: How long and under what conditions do you need to walk with a newborn?

Watch the video: Video shows newborn walking? (July 2024).