Games and entertainment

Kinetic sand is a popular novelty for play and creativity

All children love to play with sand: in the sandbox, on the beach - even heaps of building sand beckon them. And no wonder: this material gives a huge scope for creativity and constructive activity, which is so important for the development of toddlers and preschoolers. Seeing how long and enthusiastically they can tinker in the sand, sometimes you just want such a sandbox to be at home. Only home sandboxes do not exist. However, now you have the opportunity to arrange at home not just a sandbox, but a real beach, thanks to a new invention - kinetic sand!

Kinetic sand is intended for play with children from 3 years of age and is available for sale weighing from 1 kg. Now, do not be afraid of the appearance of this material at home - with all the advantages of ordinary beach sand, kinetic sand has a number of additional advantages, thanks to which it does not create any hassle at home.

What makes kinetic sand so special?

  1. It is a unique material consisting of 98% pure quartz sand and 2% of a special bonding agent.
  2. Wet to the touch, like wet sand on the beach, and at the same time, like dry sand, capable of seeping through your fingers, kinetic sand leaves no marks on your hands or on the work surface.
  3. This material is easy to sculpt and is a great tool for creating any shapes, both with the help of sand molds, and without them. You can build grandiose castles from it at home without fear of the consequences of their destruction, because this sand is incredibly easy to clean: its particles just stick to each other, like pieces of dough.
  4. Kinetic sand is absolutely harmless for games: it is not toxic, does not cause allergies, it does not breed bacteria - you can even eat it, although, of course, you should not do this.
  5. Games with kinetic sand not only give room for children's creative imagination, but also develop fine motor skills, and with it, as you know, speech. And due to the pleasant tactile sensations, this sand also has a pronounced therapeutic effect: it soothes, relieves stress and nervousness, evokes the desire for creativity and creation.
  6. Kinetic sand does not dry, which means you can play with it over and over again without worrying about the loss of its wonderful properties.
  7. If you wish, there is an opportunity to buy multi-colored kinetic sand - then, to all the above advantages, the color artistic perception of the game will also be added, and pure bright colors are not only pleasing to the eye, but also able to cheer up.
  8. Moreover, you can order a whole set, which, in addition to packaging the sand itself, includes various molds, buckets, shovels and other related tools for playing with sand.

You can buy this wonderful material in any children's store. Better yet, order it yourself online with home delivery. Moreover, buying online, you can save more time for leisure with children and not go with them to crowded shops, besides, when it is so easy to catch a cold! You can buy such kinetic sand at a discount, if you look for offers on sites that offer various coupons, you can use the myToys coupon, and you can order such sand from this store. Colored kinetic sand can also be found there. If you devote a little time to this moment, you can find such sand for every taste and color, of course the expression about taste was figurative J

11 Proven Kinetic Sand Games For Kids

Watch the video: Kinetic Sand Sandisfying Set - ToysRUs Toy Review (July 2024).