Good to know

How to get online in the electronic queue for kindergarten in 2016

Even 5 years ago, mothers and fathers, concerned about the pressing issue of preschool education of their children, could hardly have imagined that it would be possible to register a child in kindergarten without leaving the walls of the house. By 2016, the electronic queue for kindergartens via the Internet has been worked out in many regions of the country, has proven itself well, and it has much more advantages than negative nuances.

Born - sign up!

The problem of placing a child in a kindergarten in a timely manner has been an urgent one for decades. Many preschool institutions of the USSR were subordinate to state institutions, factories and other organizations. With their closure, the issue of the shortage of places arose overnight. In the 2000s, they tried to resolve this painful situation by creating alternative preschool institutions (family-type kindergartens, private kindergartens), and in 2013 a step was taken in the spirit of the times: the Ministry of Education approved an electronic enrollment in preschool educational institutions via the Internet. Moreover more experienced parents recommend getting into it as soon as the necessary documents for the newborn are drawn up (list of documents for a newborn child). The child is growing, the line is moving in the meantime and the chances of being on time are high.

The public service "electronic queue" in 2016 allows:

  • issue and submit electronic applications for admission of children to kindergarten or transfer to another;
  • check the data of electronic applications automatically, by contacting the registry office;
  • notify parents with timely SMS messages and / or messages to the email address;
  • notify about the appearance of free seats;
  • inform the applicant parents about the date of the child's enrollment in kindergarten.

In 2016, an electronic queue for kindergartens exists in all regions of Russia and operates in approximately the same way.

You need to find out on which site the registration is made (in your region), or it can be a site for state and municipal services, decide on the educational institution where you would like to assign the child, and fill out the form on the site. In this article, we will analyze how to put a child on the waiting list through a single portal of public services.

Step one: a single portal of public servants

To take their cherished place in the online queue, a parent needs to have a personal account on the portal The registration algorithm is simple, two-stage. At first, this is the usual input of personal data, after the acceptance of which an activation code is sent to a mobile phone or email address. The code activates the account, after which access to the service opens.

Step two: apply for admission to the electronic queue

To register a queue in 2016 for enrollment in kindergarten, you need to go to the service page on the portal site STATE SERVICES... The corresponding application form is filled out on it. Moreover, options such as recalling back and adjusting the application are available.Forms may vary slightly depending on the region, but they must include the following information:

  1. FULL NAME. child.
  2. information from the birth certificate.
  3. FULL NAME. the parent who queues up the child (usually the mother).
  4. the address of the child of the parent who is placing the child in the queue.
  5. contact details (phone, e-mail).
  6. the year the child is supposed to be enrolled in the ECE center.
  7. information on benefits for accelerated enrollment (for children without parental care, for children of citizens affected by radiation or in special risk units, etc.).
  8. the name of 1-4 preschool institutions: one is a priority, the rest are alternative. (chosen at the discretion of the parents).

Your application will be reviewed within 10 days. After that, you will receive a confirmation of its successful registration, or a refusal.

After the application is accepted, an individual code is assigned, it is sent to everyone who put the child in the online queue.

Metropolitan mothers and fathers can put their children in line also from the website

In order of movement: how to view the queue

Controlling your queue to kindergarten is easy:

  • you should visit your personal account on the public services portal;
  • enter the requested personal data and information from the baby's birth certificate;
  • find out the status of the application through the individual user code.

Only after that, the system provides up-to-date information: a line with the number in the queue, the number of people on the waiting list, information about their availability of benefits, as well as the personal data of the child is displayed.

Pros of an electronic queue

  • accessibility (you can fill out an application for a garden at any time, for this it is not necessary to visit the authorities that work at the same hours as most of the applicants);
  • transparency of the queue (you can see how the queue is moving);
  • the possibility of making changes to applications.


  • distrust of citizens of the electronic queue;
  • in many regions the recording system is in test mode;
  • despite completing the application electronically, the applicant must still submit documents.

Finally in kindergarten: admission notification

If the outcome is successful, happy parents receive the long-awaited notification of enrollment. The message about the admission of your child to a preschool educational institution will be sent to the contacts that were initially indicated in the application for admission.

Over the previous years of operation, the Electronic Kindergarten system has worked out most of its shortcomings. By 2016, parents received a convenient and proven way of placing their children on the queue for kindergarten with a minimum of effort and time and a convenient form of control and tracking.


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