After childbirth

7 discoveries every woman will make as a mom

With the advent of children, the life of every person is radically transformed. It is in the process of observing her growing baby that each mother begins to discover the world from a completely unexpected side. One day she will understand that ...

Actions are much more valuable than words.

You can countless times to explain to the crumb the banal truths about what is good in this world, and what is quite the opposite, it is useful and instructive. It is from such conversations that the child receives useful information about the world around him and the people inhabiting it. However, his actions will be an exact copy of your actions.

Do you neglect the rules of the road, crossing the street at a red light in front of your kid? Be sure - someday your baby will repeat this "feat". Like a copier, a small child unconsciously and with absolute accuracy repeats the actions of those closest to him.

It's great if really good deeds and strong qualities are copied: this can only cause affection of others. But what about the shortcomings? Repeated by the little man who made them public, they will seem even more unattractive. Want to be a positive role model? You will have to work on the strengths of your personality. The first finding is that young children stimulate self-improvement in their parents.

Even a small child is a person

Each person from birth is the owner of a unique temperament and corresponding character (traits of the character of newborn children). Any mother's attempt to sculpt something ideal out of her crumbs, corresponding to her ambitious dreams, is not only hopeless, but also completely meaningless.

The period of unconditional trust in the mother lasts up to about five years in the child. Being an absolute authority for him, at this age, a mother can convince a baby of anything. What follows is the discovery that a child is not an obedient clay or a toy. This is a person with a peculiar character, unique abilities and interests, requiring a special approach.

Before offering the baby any activity, a loving mother should take a closer look at him and understand for what purpose her child came to this world. Parental ambition should not run counter to the interests and natural inclinations of the child. You shouldn't make a lawyer out of a talented singer or a dancer out of a gifted mathematician.

Mom can't answer all the questions

Most modern mothers are among the educated and quite erudite people. However, the questions of a growing toddler who actively learns the world around them can overnight make them doubt the fundamental nature of their knowledge (Why is there winter and summer? Why is the sun shining? Why is the sky blue? Why is night falling? Where do children come from? Etc., etc. .P). Satisfying the natural curiosity of a child who asks a lot of simple questions about the essence of surrounding objects and phenomena, any mother will understand that she is re-comprehending this world. A very unexpected and interesting discovery.

We read our section "Why and Why"

Freedom is more important than toys for child development

A well-known aphorism says that a woman who has given birth to a child lets her heart wander wherever he wants. This statement quite accurately expresses the essence of the mother's constant anxiety for her child, who is outside the walls of her home.

However, this anxiety does not justify the attempts of some mothers to make their heir only an obedient performer of unfulfilled aspirations and parental will. The most difficult maternal task is the need to teach the child to be independent and, having found his own path in life, boldly follow this path.

Freedom of choice is the key to the formation of an independent personality. For such a personality to take place, it is necessary to provide the child with the right of free choice from an early age. This freedom touches all aspects of his life. What books to read? What colors to paint a landscape with? What dress to wear for a holiday? The child is able to solve such questions himself. Realizing this, a smart mother should give him the opportunity to make an independent choice.

Even having a well-thought-out program in her head designed to make her child happy, a caring and wise mother should leave for him the right to make the final choice in life. It is a very difficult discovery that requires a lot of self-denial and great love from the mother.

It is unwise to give up personal affairs for the sake of a child

Living completely surrendering yourself to a child is far from the best idea. Not for the mother herself, nor for her adored baby. After becoming mothers, many women begin to live only by caring for their children. Their day is distributed every minute between endless washing, cooking, walks, visits to development studios, modeling and drawing, reading children's books and a host of similar events dedicated to caring for children.

Such a tight schedule leaves absolutely no time for the mother herself. This is both bad and wrong. Women's powers are far from limitless. Any woman has the right to take care of herself and to rest. She needs visits to the hairdressing and beauty salon, time for shopping, sports, reading books and elementary relaxation in an easy chair. At the same time, there can be no question of any remorse associated with the presence of their own interests, different from caring for the child.

Who said that a mother should be with her children every minute? Every healthy child can and should have a certain amount of free time, which he is quite able to fill with games and interesting activities. This is one of the methods of forming children's independence and self-sufficiency.

Silence is a worrying symptom

Every experienced mother knows that complete silence in an apartment where a child is playing, who has got the opportunity to occupy himself with an independent game, is a reason for serious concern. If a quiet baby does not show any signs of his presence, this means one thing: at this moment he is doing something “Extremely fun” 🙂.

After such classes, parents may simply not recognize the apartment (the walls of which are painted overnight with very picturesque frescoes) or the child himself, who has decorated his face with a full set of expensive mother's cosmetics. Sometimes a young fashion designer makes adjustments to the style of an exquisite designer toilet. In general, silence is a signal for an immediate search for an unpredictable little prankster.

Do you scold your little robbers for their antics? -

Childhood Problems Should Be Taken Seriously

Loving mothers know how deeply and sincerely little children experience their failures and losses. For an adult who is concerned about everyday and social problems, they may seem insignificant and not worthy of attention. This is the greatest delusion. An outstanding Polish educator Janusz Korczak warned against this, urging to put children's problems first, even if they seem too small.

Due to a small life experience, the loss of a favorite toy is experienced by a small child as dramatically as an adult perceives a lost job or the loss of a significant amount of money. Having made such a discovery, a loving mother will never shrug off childish problems.

Little kids are the funniest moments

Watch the video: A woman finds a suspicious, hollow wall in her home. Stucco (July 2024).