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What you need to take for a walk with your child

What to take for a walk with a child, given his age?

  • 0 to 6 months... At this age, the baby sleeps most of the time. Take time to walk when your child is sleeping. You should take a feeding bottle with you (if the child wakes up), spare nappies, diapers, a pacifier and a thermal bag in which it is convenient to put food, a light blanket (if we walk in the summer). In the summer, it will be important to grab a mosquito net;
  • 6 months to a year... The kid is already beginning to be active, learning to sit down, watching from his “vehicle” the world around him. Walking takes longer, so snacks and drinks are needed. Chopped fruits and vegetables, jars of baby food, cookies are suitable as food. Bring the bib too. Take some of your favorite toys as well. Do not forget to take a dummy and a blanket;
  • 1 to 3 years... For babies of this age category, physical activity dominates during a walk. Therefore, we take antibacterial wipes, a plaster, a pencil with peroxide and brilliant green (suddenly the child is accidentally injured during the game). If you go for a walk for a long time, then take a drink and food that the baby is used to eating. If you plan to enter the premises from the street (to childcare centers, for example), bring a change of shoes and light clothing.

What toys to take for a walk?

  1. Sand arsenal. Children of all ages love to play in the sandbox. In the summer, feel free to take buckets, shovels, molds;
  2. Ball. This is a versatile toy. Do not buy a ball that is too large: the size is not important for children, and it will be inconvenient for you to carry. The most optimal diameter will be 10-15 cm: it is easy to carry, and fits perfectly in children's hands;
  3. Colored crayons. They are inexpensive, lightweight, take up little space, are great distractions and keep the child on the street. In general, they are good for everyone;
  4. Balloon. Personally, I can't buy a gel balloon every time when my baby sees it from other guys or we walk past the seller of balloons. It's ruinous. The way out is simple: buy a regular ball in advance, which costs only 5 rubles;
  5. Bubble. If you want to gather children around you, then soap bubbles are excellent helpers in this matter. Everyone will find something to do: someone starts up, someone catches. You can also make soap bubbles yourself. Everything is extremely simple here: pour water into an empty container from the previous bubbles, add regular shampoo to it. Believe me, bubbles will be no worse than purchased ones!
  6. Children's transport. It can be a scooter, a bicycle, a toy car-wheelchair. Children love to rush somewhere and ride on something. Moreover, seeing another kid on any transport, your child will definitely want to ride too. So you should think about buying, so as not to develop envy in your child;
  7. Personal toy. The kid may want to take his favorite toy for a walk. But then it should become "walking", if, of course, it will not be difficult for you to wash it every time;
  8. Cars or dolls... Children love to play role-playing games from the age of 3. For boys, cars are relevant, and for girls - playing with dolls with a stroller. Parents are given freedom during such games: kids are very fond of such games and leave their parents alone;
  9. Water. Be sure to take a drink with you during a hot period - this is extremely important for all children. It is better that it was ordinary clean water (not mineral and without gas). Lemonade and juices are absolutely ineffective: they will not quench your thirst, but, on the contrary, will cause the urge to constantly use them;
  10. Napkins. Better to keep them wet.
  • Useful things to make life easier for parents outside the home
  • 10 rules for walking with a child in the summer heat

Moms from the forums:

Napkins, water, a diaper, a diaper, igruhi, if we are going for a long time, but there is no opportunity to feed the tits, then a bottle of porridge. There is always an umbrella in the basket, just in case, and a bottle of plain water, wash your hands. In general, it all depends on where we are going and for how long.


We take in a stroller, and even if we go for a walk without a stroller, here's what:
wet wipes,
set in the sandbox,
sweater (well, so in reserve)
Mom's wallet yet, we can take more curds.
and when in a stroller we take a towel or a blanket !!!


We have with us:
- wet wipes
- vodichka
- cookies
- corn sticks (more often we buy already on a walk)
- bucket, scapula
now already:
- a warmer blouse or windbreaker
-a light hat or a cap
- toy stroller with a monkey
-or a large car
-or a machine on a string
I carry knitting with me, but rarely when I manage to knit at least a couple of rows.
We stuff all this into a stroller bag and a basket.


We are now taking wet wipes, water or juice on the street, crayons are required. And at will: a bicycle or a scooter, pasochki or a stroller with a "baby".
But when it is completely warm and the knees / elbows are open, then a first-aid kit becomes an integral attribute of a walk. It contains peroxide, brilliant green, cotton swabs, cotton wool and a patch. I helped out more than once. Yes, and acquaintances mummies walking with children know who to run to for medical help, if there is some kind of "flight of the navigator"

Watch the video: How To Teach Baby To Walk: Help Baby Reach Walking Milestone (July 2024).