
How to prepare your breasts for feeding your baby

How to feed the unborn baby, how to prepare the breast for feeding is a question that interests many mothers, especially those for whom this is their first birth. To make the breastfeeding process as comfortable as possible for you and your baby, there are several guidelines for preparing your breasts for breastfeeding. You need to start preparing even during pregnancy. Particular attention should be paid to preparatory procedures for women with flat, inverted nipples and overly sensitive breasts.

Any manipulations with the breast require prior consultation with a doctor. He will tell you about the methods of preparation for feeding that are right for you, as well as help you avoid the most common mistakes among young moms.

What is your nipple shape?

Some mothers with flat nipples or inverted nipples begin to panic that this will somehow interfere with feeding, that the baby will be uncomfortable. In fact, it doesn't hurt. You just need to prepare the nipples in advance.

The first thing to do is validate the form. Perhaps your suspicions are unfounded, and the form is okay. Take the nipple halo with two fingers (forefinger and thumb) and slightly press - if the nipple is pulled inward, then the shape is not quite correct, if the nipple sticks out forward, it is convenient for feeding the baby. Also, a normal nipple, under the influence of cold, stretches forward and takes on a convex shape, retracted - is drawn into the areola, flat - does not change shape at all.

Flat or inverted nipples

  • Massage. But it is in your power to change it slightly to make it more convenient to feed the baby. A fairly effective method is massage. The first and easiest is to stretch and twist the nipples. Using two fingers, gently pull the nipple out, twisting it slightly. Perhaps there is no need to remind you that your hands should be cleanly washed and your nails trimmed and filed? But do not overdo it - the skin on them is very delicate, you can damage it. Also, too much twisting of the nipples can cause an increased tone of the uterus.

There is also a Hoffman trick that can be used to pull the nipple out. Place your two thumbs at the base of the nipple and begin a gentle rubbing motion with one finger up, the other down, then to the sides. Thus, the adhesions at the base of the flat (or inverted) nipple weaken, and it is brought out. It is recommended to do this exercise for several minutes 2-5 times a day. This method is a bit controversial, some experts consider it effective, others are extremely against it.

  • Special bra with special inserts and nipple correctors. The bra gradually changes the shape of the nipples, making them more convex. Also in the pharmacy you can find special correctors operating on the pump principle. But often you cannot wear them - start putting on correctors a month before the birth of the baby for about 5 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time to 30 minutes, and before doing such procedures, consult a specialist. After your baby is born, continue to wear the correctors before feeding for 15 minutes. Correctors and onlays apply pressure to the areola and help the nipple stretch.
  • The third method is a breast pump. Use it after you start feeding, but consult in advance if you have any contraindications for pumping. It also helps pull the nipples.

Under no circumstances listen to “advisors” who recommend switching to artificial feeding if the nipple is too flat (do not use a pacifier and a bottle with a nipple for feeding. Remember that in the case of inverted nipples, after a bottle with a nipple, you will definitely struggle with “ confusion of nipples ”from your baby;). Even if you did not have time to prepare the breast for feeding before the baby is born, do not worry, the baby will do everything himself. In the process of feeding with movements of the lips, he will gradually change the shape of the nipples. In this case, try to keep bottles, nipples, and pacifiers to a minimum.

Dealing with nipple tenderness

Sensitive nipples make every feed torture. You are distracted by unpleasant sensations, and this interferes with comfortable feeding of the baby. Preliminary preparation of the nipples will help to get rid of the problem. There are several ways to do this.

  1. Coarse bra. The tissue should be not too stiff so as not to injure the skin, but at the same time rough enough to help the halo to get rid of excess sensitivity.
  2. Often go without a bra - every day for 10-15 minutes arrange your breasts in air baths (walk with bare breasts around the apartment). You can go to the nearest store without a bra - 10-15 minutes is just enough. In warm weather, you can bare your breasts on the street at your summer cottage.
  3. Another way is massage with imitation of baby feeding. Take a nipple with two fingers and gently squeeze and begin to pull. But do not press too hard on the mammary glands - it may seem to the body that the feeding time has already begun.
  4. Do not rub nipples or use alcohol-based lotions! These manipulations violate the protective layer of the areola and injure the nipples.

General recommendations

Even if you don't have any problems with your nipples, there are a few guidelines for preparing them for feeding that you should follow:

  • Try to avoid getting soap on the nipples so as not to dry out the skin - wiping the halo with a damp towel is enough;
  • Breasts increase in size during pregnancy. To keep your breasts from drooping, you need to wear a properly sized bra. It should not squeeze the breasts, preventing proper blood circulation. It is recommended to choose underwear with wide straps made from breathable hypoallergenic natural materials;
  • Breast skin care. Preparing your breasts for breastfeeding involves taking proper care of your skin. In late pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid the use of aggressive cosmetics that dry out the epidermis;
  • Compresses. You can make natural decoctions from oak bark or strong black tea, moisten a cotton swab in a solution and apply to the halo for several minutes. This strengthens them and prevents cracking. Repeat the procedure several times a day;
  • Hardening. It is very important for the expectant mother to temper her breasts, as she is in constant tension during feeding. The easiest way is air baths. You can also douse your chest with cold water. Reduce the temperature gradually - you cannot start pouring ice water over the nipples from the first procedures. Pouring cool and warm water alternately on the breast has a tonic effect. Another way is to rub the chest with ice cubes. You can make a frozen decoction of chamomile, oak or string, which is beneficial for the skin of the nipple halo. Ice cannot be kept for a long time in order to prevent hypothermia;
  • Special bra. Its shape is specially designed to prepare a woman's breast for feeding a baby. When wearing this bra, avoid tight and overly tight clothing;
  • Massage. Massage your breasts in circular motions around the breasts. This increases blood flow and prevents pain during breastfeeding (breast massage);
  • Communication with the doctor and other mothers. The waiting period for the baby is very exciting. Many questions arise in my head, including how the feeding will proceed. You can talk to your doctor about this. Ask him about anything that interests you. Also try to talk about this with other moms, ask about the problems they faced, and learn from their experiences. You can go to special classes for young mothers, where they will show you how to properly attach the baby to the breast, how to prepare it for feeding and how to take care of it after that.

If during pregnancy you responsibly approached the preparation of the breast for future feeding, after the birth of the baby, the process will be comfortable and painless for you. As soon as the baby is born, put the baby to the breast - he will feel the mother's warmth, and your body will start the processes responsible for the production of milk.

How to maintain breast shape

  • It is recommended to wear a special bra just like during pregnancy. You can't squeeze your chest. Excessive squeezing of the mammary glands can lead to the fact that milk completely disappears. Do not buy it "for growth" - it is better to buy a new one every time your breasts increase or decrease. It is advisable to buy a bra with wide straps;
  • Do specific exercises. Do push-ups from the floor or wall, squeeze an object with your palms, placing them with the inner side to each other, as in prayer, cross your arms in front of you. But exclude jumping and running for a while;
  • Do not sleep on your stomach when the breast is full of milk;
  • Do not try to lose weight dramatically in the first time after the birth of the baby;
  • Feed your baby in the correct position (feeding positions);
  • Massage your breasts regularly with natural oils.

What not to do

  • Rubbing your breasts with a coarse cloth, a terry towel, and putting a coarse cloth in your bra (to make your nipples less sensitive), as doctors advised several decades ago, can't... From this, the skin around the nipples is worn out and cracked. Nature initially made the female breast ready for feeding the baby, you only need to slightly adjust some points if necessary for personal comfort and convenience of feeding your baby;
  • It is impossible to forcefully pull, massage the nipples, and also subject them to too much manipulation in the late stages, otherwise you can cause an increased tone of the uterus and provoke premature birth;
  • It is also impossible to smear nipples with cream. Natural breast lubrication is produced on its own - that's enough. Do not trust beautiful jars in stores and pharmacies with the inscription “nipple softening cream” - this is a skillful marketing ploy. An exception - a cream may be needed if cracks appear on the nipples, but subject to prior consultation with a doctor. Also, don't use alcohol-based lotions.


Watch the video: Less Stress When Feeding Your Baby (July 2024).