
Authors of Articles

Good afternoon! Do you have materials worthy of the attention of a wide audience? Want to write helpful articles for moms and dads? Send your articles and we will post them under your authorship on our website and in social networks.

Posting articles on "I am your baby" is:The opportunity to share experience and knowledge with a huge audience, as well as a decent reward (from 200 to 1000 rubles. Depends on the volume of the text).

What are the requirements for an article?

First of all, the article must be the author's, the material must be unique! Any copying of materials, even partial, is not allowed. This point is checked very carefully and if someone else's text is explicitly used, the article will NOT be accepted. If, when writing, you will be guided by any materials, then a big request is to state it in your own words.

Anyone who is interested in our proposal, to agree on the topics of articles, please write
[email protected]


Authors (journalists, copywriters) are required for permanent work.

You can also be a specialist in any field (psychology, you are a pediatrician, breastfeeding consultant, etc.), but you must know Russian well and correctly express your thoughts in articles.


  • Experience in writing articles for websites or paper media is required.
  • A journalistic or philological education is desirable.
  • Spelling, punctuation and stylistic literacy.
  • Ability to write informative (completeness of topic), structured and useful articles.
  • Love for your work, desire to develop.

We look forward to hearing from you in a letter to[email protected]

  1. a short story about yourself, your work experience, why you are interested in this work and we should take you.
  2. what city you are from, how old are you, your education.
  3. links to your articles on other sites or texts attached to the letter (be sure to have examples of work).
  4. if you have a profile in text exchanges (Content Monster, Etxt, etc.) or remote work exchanges (,, etc.), then send links.
  5. topics in which you are well versed, and how many articles you can write per month.

Watch the video: EzineArticles - Premium Authors (July 2024).