Newborn health

How to understand that you have a good pediatrician in front of you?

Children are often sick. Therefore, if you have a child, be prepared for the fact that you will go to the pediatrician often. Only how to understand that you are a competent specialist who can be completely trusted? Or do you still need to look for someone else? If you're having these thoughts, chances are you didn't like your pediatrician. This situation is not uncommon. It is even more offensive if the pediatrician in the paid clinic does not suit.

How to tell a good pediatrician from a bad one

Before you start looking for another doctor, it is worth analyzing whether your current pediatrician is really that bad. Perhaps you were just biased towards him. We offer you objective criteria by which you can assess the professionalism of a pediatric doctor.

A good pediatrician is well-mannered and polite

Anything is possible in life. It also happens that a doctor is a pediatrician from God, but coming to see him is a real test because of his difficult nature. The doctor may also be in a bad mood, because he is the same person as the rest of us. Only more often than not, the right doctor behaves respectfully and tactfully. If the pediatrician is rude, evaluates your words and actions, communicates with you dismissively with the transition to personalities, you should not only interrupt the appointment, but also file a complaint with the hospital management.

A good pediatrician truly loves children.

If the doctor is good, he knows how to get along with children, knows how to create a relaxed atmosphere for a kid who is afraid of people in white coats. He talks to children, jokes, amuses, he will try to distract the child. After all, if children cause dislike and irritation in the doctor, then why did he even need to become a pediatrician?

A good pediatrician is accurate in everything

If a specialist is responsible for his work, he monitors the cleanliness of his dressing gown and workplace, does not forget to wash his hands before examining the patient, does not dine at the work table. By the way, according to the state of the doctor's desk, it is quite possible to judge the order in his head. A good pediatrician will carefully examine a small patient and will try not to hurt or unpleasantly hurt the baby. Naturally, he will never lose his medical record.

A good pediatrician remembers everything

What he cannot remember, he will certainly write down. Naturally, there are queues of patients to see a good specialist. Therefore, it is possible that he will not remember everyone. Just not recognizing the patient by sight is one thing, and for the tenth time giving a referral for a long-term vaccination is a serious reason to doubt the competence of a physician.

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A good pediatrician knows how to listen

A competent specialist will surely ask you what worries your child, ask leading questions. Even if the reception is limited in time, he will not interrupt in mid-sentence, get nervous, but will politely ask you to list the main points. After all, a good pediatrician seeks to find out all the details about how a child is developing. He knows that this is the only way to trace the course of the disease and make the correct diagnosis.

A good pediatrician is a general specialist

The task of a pediatric doctor is not just to measure the height and weight of a small patient. A good pediatrician should have extensive knowledge of different areas of medicine in order to prescribe a referral to another doctor if necessary. Consider that you are consulted by a professional if he operates with facts from narrow medical disciplines, talks about how different organs and systems of the body are connected, how they affect each other.

A good pediatrician conducts thorough examinations

The doctor mutters something to you from the other end of the office, goes about his business and never once glanced at the baby? Here is a layman who does not even try to hide his incompetence. After all, even an ordinary runny nose cannot be diagnosed without examination.

A good pediatrician will clarify the controversial diagnosis by sending the child for tests

There are situations when a diagnosis can be made without analysis, focusing only on external symptoms. For example, acute respiratory infections, chickenpox, measles, conjunctivitis. If the case is more complicated or the pediatrician has reasons for doubts, he is obliged to give a referral for tests. Only on the basis of their results will he make a diagnosis. If the doctor claims that the baby has gastritis, dysbiosis or hay fever just by glancing at him, you should not trust him. Unless this doctor is a clairvoyant, but it is still better to double-check the diagnosis with another specialist and not risk child health.

A good pediatrician explains the treatment in detail

If a child needs treatment, a good doctor will not only prescribe pills and potions, but also write down what dosages and at what time to take them. Having bought the drugs, check what is indicated in the instructions with the recommendations of the pediatrician. If everything converges or the discrepancies are insignificant, then this doctor can be trusted.

A good pediatrician keeps up with the times

The right specialist will not suggest that the mother transfer the baby to artificial feeding. He will not offer to instill breast milk in the baby's eyes or nose, he will not prescribe streptocide and suprastin, he will not prescribe antibiotics without good reason.

Many parents go to extremes when dealing with a pediatrician. Some are skeptical about the conclusions that the child is absolutely healthy. Mom and Dad do not believe that this is possible - so that the baby does not have any diseases. Although, if the baby is cheerful, agile, eats well and does not complain about anything, then you just have to rejoice.

Other parents, on the other hand, blame children's doctors for detecting diseases in children who look healthy. If you are not sure about the correctness of the diagnosis, just take tests and consult another doctor. Moreover, it is not a fact that the first specialist is incompetent and should be abandoned.

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Health. How do you choose a good doctor?

You can understand whether your pediatrician is a good one by how the doctor prescribes medications, whether he takes into account the health of the parents when diagnosing a child, whether he adheres to the rules of hygiene and, most importantly, whether you understand the recommendations of a specialist. What else should you know when choosing a pediatric doctor?

Watch the video: UNC Health Media Briefing COVID-19 in Children u0026 pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome 51320 (July 2024).