
Active pregnancy: all about the benefits of swimming during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers understand that going to the pool is beneficial, but sometimes they are surprised to learn that they need to get permission from their doctor for this. In fact, the question of whether or not you can swim during pregnancy is decided individually in each case.

  • Swimming is a great activity option for expectant mothers. This is the training of muscles and many body systems, eliminating overload;
  • Still, you cannot go to the pool with the risk of termination of pregnancy, placenta previa, any vaginal discharge;
  • You can also swim in natural waters, but only in those where the water is clear enough and there is no ban on swimming. In any case, you should first consult your doctor.

The benefits of swimming for pregnant women

Exercising in the pool improves the immunity of the expectant mother, increases endurance, provides a moderate load on the whole body and helps to keep weight under control. As with any physical training, swimming is also uplifting and energizing.

Also, classes in the pool develop and strengthen different muscle groups. Strong back muscles will make it easier to carry a baby and help to cope with the stress due to a growing abdomen, and trained muscles of the small pelvis, pelvic floor, abdomen, perineum are the key to a successful birth.

An important plus of swimming is a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, which are under high stress during pregnancy. Swimming in the pool stimulates blood circulation, as a result of which the blood and lymph accelerates, improving the nutrition of the internal organs. This ensures the prevention of blood stagnation in the legs and varicose veins, helps to reduce edema.

Water helps to relieve unnecessary stress on the spine and all muscle groups, so a pregnant woman relaxes, gets rid of back and lower back pain. When swimming, the respiratory system is well trained - this is important for preparing for childbirth. With proper breathing and full ventilation of the lungs, the blood is better saturated with oxygen, which means that the unborn child is supplied in sufficient quantities.

Swimming regularly will also help the baby get into the correct position in her belly. With a problematic presentation, doctors even recommend that patients go to the pool to help the child roll over. Still, do not forget that for all the benefits of such training, there are certain conditions in which they are prohibited.


It is strictly forbidden to swim if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, so it is important to discuss the issue of visiting the pool with your doctor. The reasons for the prohibition are also abundant discharge and placenta previa.

If there are no contraindications, the expectant mother can safely go to the pool, and it is better to start swimming as early as possible in order to prepare for childbirth from the first weeks of pregnancy. There is no need to be afraid of infections. In modern pools, effective water purification systems and special chlorine-free products are used, which are absolutely safe.

Can expectant mothers swim in rivers and lakes?

If it's summer, and you want to swim in an open reservoir, swim to your health, but just do not do it in prohibited places. Don't go into the water right away - first assess how clean it is.

It is very useful for pregnant women to swim in the sea. Salt water is rich in trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Only if the bottom is rocky, do not forget to wear special shoes.

At what stage of pregnancy can you go to the pool?

Expectant mothers can swim until childbirth. At the same time, it is better to give preference to classes in special groups for pregnant women. The main thing when visiting the pool is to listen to your body. It is important to enjoy the process. Do not force-swim - it will not benefit you or your baby.

Watch the video: Tommys - Swimming in pregnancy (July 2024).