
The kid fell and bumped: how to regret and calm a child

The child fell and hit. A few simple tips for young mothers and grandmothers on how to calm down and take pity on the baby correctly and effectively. Phrases and actions necessary for the baby at this moment.

A broken knee or a bump on the forehead sometimes becomes a whole tragedy for young mothers, and even more so for grandmothers. The child cries, the parents groan and gasp, some even go into hysterics, the whole area is raised on their ears. All feel sorry for the poor man, calm him down, try to punish the unfortunate threshold or stool that is in the way. And the baby revels in everyone's attention and ... roars even more.

Such situations happen in almost every family with small children. And for us, such reactions are quite natural. But, unfortunately, they are completely wrong. What should you do if the baby falls, bumps and cries?

What NOT to do or say when a child has fallen

  • Wail loudly, panic, take the child home from the playground (if the child bumps into the playground). We also read: Important rules for the safety of the child on the playground - we teach the child to play correctly on the playground;
  • Show your fear by saying the words "horror", "disaster", "nightmare". An already worried toddler may be intimidated by your words and reactions;
  • To be overly sorry for the child. The little one who gets used to complaining about every scratch will grow up too anxious and fearful;
  • Stop the child's attempts to tell and show that he is in pain, ignore the child's pain. Even with a small scratch, you cannot say phrases to the child such as "Stop whining!" "Nothing wrong!" or "Men don't cry." The kid will see that you are denying his pain and emotions, and will treat you with hostility and wary.

How to calm your baby properly

The child fell and hurt himself. He is hurt and scared. And then my mother does not know how to pull herself together in order to seem calm. Emotions and facial expressions betray tension and nervousness.

Psychologist's comment. You need to watch your emotions, movements and facial expressions - they should show the child the same thing. If you say soothing words, but at the same time anxiously grab your baby in an armful, he will still be nervous.

In this situation, you can, and most importantly, you SHOULD pull yourself together and calm down. Therefore, if you were frightened yourself, first exhale with force and shake your hands so as not to further excite the child. Such actions will relieve nervous tension. And now a calm and confident mother has to do 3 simple steps.

  1. We sit down to be on the same level with the baby and hug him gently.
  2. We say encouraging, gentle words of support: “I know that it hurts and really want to help you. You hit and got scared. I understand how scared you are now, I'm next to you, baby. I am next to you, which means everything will be fine. " Let the baby cry a little in your arms. The main thing is that he will understand that you are not indifferent to his pain and experiences and you accept his feelings. Gradually, emotions will subside and the child will calm down.
  3. When the first storms of emotion have subsided, tell your baby how you will work together to heal a bruised knee. “We have a magic water at home that hisses and removes dirt from the wound. And there is also a magical green elixir, after which the wound will heal quickly and quickly.

CHECKED BY TIME! Be sure to try kissing a bruise or bruise at the end of your speech. Tactile contact with a loved one has amazing miraculous power, a placebo effect, i.e. acts as a pain reliever. No medication - and the child is immediately easier! The main thing is that the baby believes in the magic power of his mother's kiss.

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