Good to know

How to visit friends who have recently had a baby

When a child appears in a family, the usual routine of life changes dramatically. The first months of a baby's life, parents devote all their time to him: sleep and wakefulness, business and worries, conversations - everything revolves around the baby. It is for this reason that all relatives and friends of newly-made parents need to master certain rules and etiquette for visiting the house where the child was recently born.

This important day has come: your friends have a baby. Become aware of the fact that one day you will need to visit the young family where the baby was born (perhaps even today). By following simple recommendations, you will do everything right and you will be able not only to communicate with young mothers and fathers, but also to provide them with all possible help and share the general joy of a new life.

Adapt to the young family's daily routine

Be sure to talk to your friends about the time of your visit before coming. Come strictly at the appointed hour. Believe me, you will not be assigned the time by accident. Don't be late or come earlier. Most likely, friends will invite you exactly at the time when the baby is sleeping. Therefore, if you come later or earlier, it can be great upsetting your friends, if not very annoying. Also, you don't have to worry about seeing the baby. Toddlers do not sleep for a long time, so you will definitely have time to meet a new family member.

Don't pick up your child without permission

Even if you already have a child or several children, you should not be clever about different issues of raising babies. There is no need to teach parents how to properly hold the head, how to lay or swaddle a baby. You may be madly in love with newborns, but try to control yourself when visiting. Don't be offended if your parents don't let you hold your baby. It is quite natural that in the first months of a child's life, mom and dad do not want to let go of their embrace or share with someone else. Thus, they get used to their child and establish a very important relationship with him.

No need to bring gifts

Of course, there should be gifts on this occasion. But most likely you do not know what the baby already has and what does not. Don't waste your money on 10 rattle or 20 rattle. But it is better if it is a certificate for a certain amount for the purchase of children's goods in a trusted and high-quality store. You will be of great service to your loved ones if this certificate can be used through an online store. This is a quick and convenient way for young parents with a constant lack of time. Thus, you can give something necessary to the baby, and what exactly it will be - the adults will decide. They always know better.

Do not bring alcohol

Most likely, a young mother is breastfeeding her baby, because alcohol is still banned for her. Your girlfriend won't be able to keep you company anytime soon. Of course, the newly-made father and you can afford alcohol, but this will be completely dishonest in this situation. There will come a time when you can all enjoy a glass of wine with dinner again and relax. In general, everyone should be adequate and sober, since there is a newborn child in the house.

Bring groceries

Don't ask what products to buy on the way to visit. Out of politeness, you may only be asked to bring some sweets for tea. Don't listen to your friends - carry EVERYTHING! The new mom is not at all up to cooking 10 different dishes for guests. It will be great if you can buy ready-made food in a safe place so as not to create unnecessary fuss in the kitchen with loved ones. After all, free time (while the child is sleeping) will be much more pleasant to spend on emotional communication than on the process of cooking. And if you take food with a reserve (food that can be stored for a long time), then young parents will be doubly grateful to you. Just hide the food in the refrigerator and the next day it will be like a godsend!

Learn to listen

It may seem to you that your friends are not themselves - after all, they only talk about a newborn. Be patient - this phenomenon is temporary. Your friends are not ready to discuss a new film or details of someone's tumultuous life right now. Try to understand loved ones - just recently, a completely new person appeared in their life, whom they made together in a fit of the strongest feelings. If you have accumulated any questions regarding childbirth and the postpartum period, if you are interested in the question of the mystery of the emergence of a new life, now is the perfect time to learn about it. Right now, your friends are as open as possible to conversations on such topics and are ready to share all the important details.

Offer your friends your help around the house

If these are really your close people, then you can offer your help with the housework: hang up the laundry, wash the dishes. Even ten minutes of your time will greatly facilitate the task of young parents - it is already hard for them to get used to and get used to the new regime. Ask and offer help. If young parents just need to speak out, communicate with a real, living adult, become one: do not rush, do not fuss, do not show pictures of your cats, do not burden your friends with your "stories" until you are asked about it.

Tune in for a long walk

It will be good if you know if they are going for a walk before visiting your friends. In any case, be prepared for such a turn of events and in no case refuse loved ones. It is important for a kid to be outdoors more often, despite the weather conditions. Therefore, it will be right for you to stock up on comfortable and warm things. Even if you usually do not freeze and calmly walk in autumn in light clothes - remember that walks with a stroller are very unhurried, and the off-season weather is extremely unpredictable. It will be much more comfortable for you to enjoy a walk with your friends in a warm coat and gloves.

  • How to visit with a child so that this visit does not become the last
  • How to organize a bridegroom for a newborn, what to give to a baby, some rules for guests and superstitions

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