
Weaning a child from throwing things and food: 8 useful tips

Hysteria is a powerful weapon of protest that a child loves to use in the midst of a crisis 2 - 3 years old. During a tantrum, the baby can scream, cry, fall to the floor and demand his own, deliberately expanding the boundaries of what is permitted. But he has another way to get mom's attention. The child begins to throw various objects and food. It's also fun! How can you wean a child from throwing everything that comes to hand? Read on "I'm Your Baby".

Throwing things, objects, and even food is a new skill that children from 1.5 to 3 years old learn. And he's not bad if you look at him differently. To throw, and not drop, an object, you need not just to unclench your fingers, but to coordinate the work of your eyes and hands. Throwing things purposefully helps develop fine motor skills in the fingers. This is a very addictive ability. It is clear why the child wants to throw objects over and over again. But the mother's desire to wean the baby from throwing things is quite justified.

Yes, you are driven crazy by food flying around the kitchen or a nipple that lands on the sidewalk. But for a child, this is all sheer pleasure. You must understand that the ability to throw things not only brings pleasure to the baby, but also develops it. Even what happens after the throw is instructive: the child begins to understand that all objects fall only down, not up. Even if he does not know anything about gravity yet, he can observe the consequences of its action. The throws let the kid understand that the ball bounces off the floor, the berry is flattened on it, and the soft-boiled egg breaks.

What can be done to make the child stop throwing food, things and objects

Do not scold or punish your child for throwing objects, unless he is aiming a stone at a cat, window, people or car. It is impossible to make a 1.5-3 year old kid stop throwing things around. But there is a way out: take control of the child's new hobby by limiting the list of things that you can throw, and reducing the number of "targets".

Show your toddler objects to throw

If you offer your child many things that can be thrown, he will quickly understand that you cannot do this with other objects and food. Show him balls and other things (balloons, bowling balls, stuffed animals and other safe items) that he can throw without fear of mom's resentment. And during the walk, offer to feed the pigeons: a two-year-old will love breaking off and throwing pieces of bread.

The meaning of this advice is that the child needs to be helped to understand: you can throw things, but only certain things, in certain places and at a certain time. If he is already ready to throw the slippers, calmly take him out of your hands and tell him that you cannot throw shoes, but you can throw a ball.

Stop aggressive throwing of things

What to do if the kid throws something that is not allowed? Try to pretend that nothing happened, try to ignore it. If you interrupt your business and look disapprovingly at the child, he will soon try to get your attention again. After all, he knows how to do it: you just need to throw what is not allowed, and he will definitely do it again and again.

If your child starts throwing things at other toddlers, you must develop a tactic that you will stick to constantly. It helps children remember the repeated repetition of the same thing. If the child threw something, tell him that it hurts, so you cannot do this. Then take him aside, taking a break from his game so that he cools down and understands what the word "no" means. But this break should not last longer than 1 minute, otherwise the baby will forget why he was stopped and taken away from business.

If the child is offended or angry with other children and begins to throw objects at them precisely because of anger and when “freaking out”, explain to him that your feelings can be expressed in words.

Video question in the studio of Dr. Komarovsky: "What to do if a child throws objects when he is angry?"

Do not scream and never raise your hand to the child. With this example, you will show that anger can be contained and dissatisfaction can be expressed in words. The kid will understand that you are upset by his behavior by your tone. If he continues to throw things at children, and all your efforts to wean him from this were in vain, there is only one way out: watch out for what falls into your child's hands.

Attach toys to the handrail of the stroller so the child will not be able to throw them

When your toddler is in a car seat or stroller, tie a few toys so that he can reach them. To do this, use laces or elastic bands (so that your fingers do not get tangled, cut off the ends of the knots). Then the child will understand that you can not only throw the toy, but also pull it back to you. This will double his fun and save yourself the trouble of picking up scattered objects.

Involve your child in cleaning the nursery

Don't make him collect everything he scattered. For a little man, this task is almost impossible. Better turn your work into a game by collecting the scattered toys in a race. And along with this, you can consolidate the knowledge of colors in the baby. Just say, "Help me find the red cubes."

Be a good example for your child

You can use your example to show what you can do and what you can't throw. Throw the pillow on the sofa in front of your baby. But do not throw the phone, even if you are sure that it will not hit anyone or break on the floor. And if the child once again throws something "forbidden", walk around the house and together toss the dirty shirt into the basket, the candy wrapper into the trash can, and the toy into the toy container.

Stay with your child when they eat

At about 1.5-2 years, the dirtiest period begins in relation to food intake. And in order to wean the baby not to throw food, you need to sit next to him, stopping any attempt to puln with porridge or bread. Every time he starts to wave food, take and stop the plate or hand, making it clear that this should not be done. And it will be easier for you if you do not have to clean the floor with the table after each meal. Sitting next to your toddler during lunch can also help ensure that he chews food thoroughly and does not swallow it in pieces.

  • How to teach a child to eat independently and accurately - complete instructions for parents
  • Rules of conduct for children at the table. Lessons in etiquette and good manners

If toddler throws food, serve it in a shatterproof container for children.

Don't put your best china on the table when it's time for your baby to eat. Buy a set of baby shatterproof cups with straws that can be attached to a table or highchair. But remember: this will save you from scattered dishes, but, most likely, will not stop the baby from trying to tear off the plates and glasses "stuck" to the table.

If the child throws food around, put it on a plate in small portions

If the child has little food in the plate, and you do not report the additive until it is empty, then there will be almost nothing to throw. And don't force the kid to eat every last spoonful. Usually, children start throwing food when they are already full and they get bored at the table.

Therefore, remove the plate from the table as soon as the child loses interest in food, regardless of how much was eaten. But do not be nervous and do not swear if the baby has something in his hands: adults also sometimes drop food. If there are bread crumbs on the floor, it's not very scary.

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If, nevertheless, something remains in the child's hands, by accident or on purpose, try not to overexert yourself because of this: we all sometimes drop something, so a piece of bread or cheese on the floor is not so scary.

We hope these tips will help you if your little one is more like a little pig by scattering everything around. Stick to your tactics and be consistent in your actions. And then disaccustom the kid to throw things, objects or food.

Video parenting secrets: the child throws toys:

Watch the video: What to do When Your Child Wont Eat (September 2024).