After childbirth

How I got rid of 18 extra pounds in 2.5 months

The problem of excess weight after the birth of a child worries many mothers. Do you want to know how to lose weight after childbirth without resorting to strict diets? How not to exhaust yourself with exhausting workouts and keep your figure in good shape?

Greetings, my dear readers! Over the past few months, my life has changed dramatically. You noticed it from the photo, didn't you 😉?

Ta-dam! I finally did it! In just a couple of months, minus 18 kilograms of excess weight! And, what is incredible, now I can eat whatever I want and not be afraid of getting fat again!

I want to share with you how I was able to put my figure in order after giving birth in such a short time. How I got rid of the hated pounds and said goodbye to the fat woman complex. I will be very glad if my experience will help you too.

During pregnancy, I gained 25 kilograms. After giving birth, it took 7, but the remaining 18 firmly settled on my body. I have been trying to lose weight for the past 6 months.

That is, I didn't quite try, I rather collected information on the Internet about different methods of losing weight, bought up tons of magazines about proper nutrition, but it never came to weight loss. Diets were difficult for me, I was in despair, and in the evenings I seized my grief with another chocolate 🙂 Well, I was breastfeeding, so I was afraid to take various drugs and supplements, I didn't want to exhaust myself with diets and training either.

So, at the beginning of summer, my husband was given a vacation at work and we rushed to the sea together. By that time, I had already finished breastfeeding my son, so I left him with my grandparents without any problems. We rested in full: swam, sunbathed, took pictures and, of course, ate a lot of junk food:;). The first bell in my head rang when I saw myself in a photo in a swimsuit. What looked at me from the photograph was terrifying. And then I realized that something urgently needed to be done.

Here those who know me may object - stop inventing, you are not fat at all! But I know that it is not so. Two months ago I visited a nutritionist and underwent examination at the clinic. They gave me all the data about my body, told me how much a girl of my size should weigh and hinted that it was time to take control of her weight, otherwise it would only grow with my lifestyle.

To say that I was in shock is to say nothing. I looked at myself in the mirror and tears choked me. And I finally made up my mind - I ordered a product that I learned about when I was collecting information about weight loss. The remedy is called Gardenin FatFlex.

Of course, I have heard more than once that all these “miracle drugs from the Internet” do not give any result. That this is just a deception, to which girls desperate to lose weight are being led. But at that time I was just like that. Desperate. My biggest desire was to lose weight. So I found official website of the Gardenin FatFlex manufacturers and made an order.

I'll tell you a few words about the drug itself. It is completely natural, it contains juniper berries, orange, Chia meal and other plant components. I read a lot of reviews about him - many girls praise him (of course there are a lot of negative reviews, too, without them).

I want to say right away that I did not take any means for weight loss during the period of breastfeeding and I do not recommend taking it if you are breastfeeding (and during pregnancy too)!

The regimen is quite simple - you need to take the drug for 5 days, then a break for 2 days. Further in a circle. But before taking it, be sure to consult a doctor.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to consult your doctor before using any weight loss product! MANDATORY !!!

I felt the first effect on the 3rd day. My appetite has noticeably decreased, I practically did not want to eat. At first I was worried that I might pass out somewhere from malnutrition 🙂, but I felt great, and I stopped worrying about this. Moreover, my weight began to melt right before our eyes.

In the first week, I lost almost 3 kilograms. I again went for a consultation with a nutritionist, and she explained to me that Gardenin FatFlex removed all excess water, toxins and a little fat from my body. Further, weight loss should not be so rapid. Here is an article from the medical bulletin - consultation with nutritionist Anna Chaikina

In another three weeks, I lost about 8 kilograms. Well, over the next month and a half, another 7 kg and my weight finally became exactly what it was before pregnancy. In total, I lost 18 kilos in 2.5 months. I was in seventh heaven! My weight loss was very easy, I did not go on strict diets, yes, I controlled what I eat, but not to fanaticism. All that I have achieved is entirely the credit of Gardenin FatFlex. Or perhaps this is my self-hypnosis. Everyone knows the placebo effect)))

Placebo (from Latin placebo, literally - "I will be pleased, I will like it") - a substance without obvious medicinal properties used to simulate a drug in studies where the estimated effect can be distorted by the patient's belief in the effectiveness of the drug, or to improve the patient's well-being in cases lack of a more effective drug. Sometimes a capsule or placebo pill is called a pacifier. Wikipedia

The result is really impressive! My friends even say that I have not only lost weight, but also rejuvenated. I feel like the happiest woman in the world! In just a few months my life has completely changed! I hope that my experience will help you to cope with excess weight. The main thing is to believe, and then everything will work out!

You can read the information and order Gardenin FatFlex on the official site

  • How I quickly lost weight after giving birth without much effort
  • How I lost weight after giving birth
  • Motivating stories for young mothers: how to lose weight after childbirth
  • 8 simple rules for losing weight after childbirth without harming the baby
  • 9 simple habits to help you lose weight
  • Losing weight after childbirth - basic advice

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