Parents stories

The story of one mom: how I became a vegetable due to toxicosis

Mild nausea early in pregnancy can have serious consequences. What is the threat of ignoring the symptoms of toxicosis and how to cope with its consequences?

My first pregnancy went like clockwork: I ate well, led an active lifestyle and traveled a lot. Therefore, when I became pregnant again, I hoped that this time everything would turn out well. But at some point, everything went wrong. I didn't pay much attention to mild nausea in the first trimester. Now I understand that if I immediately went to the doctor, I would have the opportunity to avoid the horror that accompanied me almost until the end of the second trimester ...

Why does toxicosis occur?

At the beginning of the first trimester, until the last I did not believe that it was toxicosis. Where would he come from, because in my first pregnancy he was not even in sight. And not much time has passed - just over a year.

As it turned out, the absence of toxicosis in the first pregnancy does not at all guarantee that it will not appear the next time. There can be many reasons for this. I turned to three different doctors for help and they all voiced their assumptions to me.

Gynecologist, who watched my pregnancy, was sure that the main cause of toxicosis is hormones. Previous pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, constant stress and fatigue - all this led to the fact that hormonal disruption occurred in the body.

Gastroenterologist, to which I addressed this problem, gave another reason. In his opinion, the diet, which I followed during breastfeeding, was to blame. For a whole year, only light and healthy foods were present in my diet. And when, after completing GW, I returned to regular food, it was not easy for my stomach to readjust to a different nutrition system. But as soon as his work returned to normal, I became pregnant a second time. And thus dealt a new blow to my digestion - after all, hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy often disrupt the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

But psychologist, who turned out to be a young girl without children, was of the opinion that all problems come from the head. She said so: “Toxicosis is a psychophysical phenomenon. If you are not mentally ready for pregnancy, then the body will resist it in every possible way ”... A strange statement, especially considering the fact that I was completely ready for the appearance of my second child and I myself wanted it.

How do the symptoms of toxicosis manifest

As time went on, mild nausea in the morning became my constant companion. But I still did not go to the doctor, in the hope that I could cope with the problem on my own. On the advice of my mother-in-law, I started drinking natural fruit drinks and eating sour apples. When migraines and light dizziness were added to the nausea, I also did not attach any importance to this, taking this symptom for the body's reaction to weather changes.

It all ended with the fact that in a few weeks I was literally taken by the hands to the doctor. By that time, I could not eat almost anything, a glass of tomato juice for the whole day. There was constant drowsiness, and all the smells around me caused new bouts of nausea. Washing powder, soap, shampoos - my body reacted to almost everything.

I was prescribed "Hofitol" - a herbal choleretic drug, "Iodomarin" and "Magnesium B6" to relieve the tone, which inevitably began after vomiting, and also as a sedative.

But by that time my condition had deteriorated so much that I was sick of everything, even water. The medications prescribed by the doctor were not absorbed. Signs of dehydration began to appear: the skin was dry and itched constantly, a burning sensation appeared in the eyes. I passed urine for analysis, and a high concentration of acetone was found in it. In ten days I lost more than three kilograms, the doctor wanted to send me to the hospital. We agreed with the nurse, and she came to me twice a day to put on an IV.

How to treat toxicosis

Complex therapy in the treatment of toxicosis gives very good results. I was given droppers with glucose, Ringer's solution and saline solution, injections with antiemetic drugs and vitamins. The first day I lay in a layer and literally felt like a “vegetable”. It felt like I was sick even from just turning my head. The next day I began to feel better, and in the late afternoon I was able to get out of bed and even drink tea with crackers.

Fresh air also plays an important role in the treatment of toxicosis. When the treatment began, my mother moved in with us for a while. The room in which I was lying was constantly ventilated. When I got oklemalsya a little, I began to go out on the balcony myself - after such a “walk” my appetite usually woke up and the headache subsided. Well, after the abolition of droppers, I began to slowly go out with my daughter.

The obvious signs of toxicosis were gone, but my path to rehabilitation was just beginning. I ate fractionally (often in small portions), so as not to give my stomach an unnecessary load, I ate large quantities of vegetables, fruits and lean meat: boiled or steamed. From fatty and fried, an exacerbation of pancreatitis immediately began.

My blood sugar rose and I had to give up sweets for several months. Finally, I returned to normal only by the end of the second trimester, my weight will fully recover, and I again felt like a human being.

My doctor is sure: toxicosis during pregnancy is not a norm, but a pathology. And it cannot be ignored and left to chance. If I took up the treatment on time and adjusted my diet, I could do without injections and droppers. And would not lie in bed like a vegetable. I fell into the very trap that overly responsible mothers usually fall into: they get so used to constant stress, household chores and continuous care of the child that they completely forget that they themselves can sometimes get sick and need help.

Video from Marina: How to survive severe toxicosis


Watch the video: My Mom Starves Me (July 2024).