After childbirth

Motivating stories for young mothers: how to lose weight after childbirth

Joint sports activities with children, aerobics, home workouts on videos from You Tube, fractional meals - what do young mothers go to to become slim and fit after giving birth? What steps do they take to achieve their goals, what motivates them and how long it takes. We talked with young mothers and found out how they decided on sports feats.

Liana Bulycheva

My daughter is a year and a half. I was shocked when I saw my photos of my daughter's six months old. Of course, I knew that I had greatly recovered after the birth of a child, but knowing and seeing are completely different things. I got on the scales and was very upset - they showed the terrible number 89. That was too much. And I decided that it was time to act.

I began to follow the principles of proper healthy eating. There was practically no sport in my life - except for long walks with a stroller. But even without training, the result was obvious. I realized that successful weight loss by 70-80 percent depends on proper nutrition. For breakfast, I eat complex carbohydrates - mostly cereals and grain breads. I definitely drink two glasses of water. For lunch - protein (meat, fish), about 25% of the total portion, carbohydrates (buckwheat, rice and even potatoes), also 25% and always vegetables. There should be a lot of vegetables, at least 50%. For dinner, I eat protein (mostly chicken breast or turkey) with a light vegetable salad. The most important thing is that I cook all the food myself, no semi-finished products.

For the year I have lost almost 20 kilograms, now my weight is 71.5.

Of course, this is not my ideal weight yet (I want to lose weight up to 60 kg), but I'm not going to stop. I believe that I can. And the admiring glances of my friends prove once again that I am moving in the right direction.

Maria Chashina

I have never had problems with being overweight before. I weighed 55 kg with a height of 168 cm, and everything suited me. And then I got married, there were constant worries, stress. As a result, I gained 10 kilos. And when my husband and I began to think about the child, my weight was already about 70 kilograms. I didn't want to lose weight, my mother was also against diets and said that when the baby was born, I would start breastfeeding - and the weight would go away by itself.

During pregnancy, I practically did not gain weight. When she gave birth, she weighed the same 70 kg. I was delighted, but early. Caring for a child, endless household chores, stresses that I ate with a huge amount of sweets - all this played a cruel joke on me. In the first eight months after the birth of the baby, I gained 12 kg.

The last straw for me was the photos from the baptism. I didn't recognize myself! It was necessary to urgently do something so as not to finally get fat. I searched through many sites about weight loss, but did not find anything worthwhile. And then I turned to an endocrinologist and donated blood for hormones. My weight at that time was 82 kilograms.

The test results were normal. The doctor advised me to eat in small portions, but often - 5-6 times a day. And do not stop breastfeeding for at least 4 more months. Well, if my weight does not decrease by the age of the child, then I will have to give up GV and resort to more stringent measures.

Maria says that after visiting the doctor, she did not stop looking for information about losing weight on the Internet, and one day she came across an article by a nutritionist about fractional nutrition. She decided to try it.

For four months of strict adherence to the diet, she managed to lose 20 kilograms, and her weight was 62 kilograms.

Maria continued to eat fractionally, and then added workouts to the diet according to programs found on You Tube. She pumped her abs, took care of her skin with wraps and massage with vacuum cups. And gradually she stopped eating fractionally and just switched to proper nutrition. In this mode, another six months passed, and then Maria wanted to lose another 5 kg. To this end, she coped with just 2 months. Maria says that fractional nutrition and the session, which just fell on this period, played a big role in her weight loss. When the baby was one year and eight months old, Maria stopped breastfeeding and lost another 3 kilograms.

Now my child is already three and a half years old. My weight no longer lifts, I constantly look after myself, visit the pool and gym.

Elena Pavlovich

I am a mother of two children. The eldest son is 6 years old, the youngest daughter is a year and seven months old. After the birth of my first child, I returned to pre-pregnancy weight rather quickly, and I did not gain much then. The second pregnancy proceeded differently - for all 9 months I was drawn to sweets. I gained a lot, and with my normal weight plus or minus 55 kilograms, I went to the hospital with a weight of 81 kg. I don't even want to think about it.

Elena says that after giving birth, the excess weight depressed, she fell into depression. Extra pounds did not give her rest. Immediately after giving birth, she wanted to start sports training, but could not do this for medical reasons.

The doctors allowed me to go in for sports when my daughter was six months old. And I immediately got down to business. I did aerobics, did exercises with dumbbells, trained on a stepper. Sport did not affect lactation in any way, and I continued to breastfeed my daughter for up to a year and a month.

After three months of training, I completely returned to my usual weight. But even after that I did not give up training. I have been in sports for over a year now, I have absolutely no excess weight, and my figure has acquired a beautiful toned shape. I will never give up training!

Maria Ushakova

I have sons of the same age. The oldest is three years old, the youngest is two. I began to think about losing weight a few months after the second birth. I started to play sports at home with my children. The boys took it as a game, but for me it was the only way to restore my former form.

I noticed the first results in less than a month. The husband, by the way, noticed too! For four months of active training, I managed to get rid of 10 extra pounds. I started looking even better than before the first birth. I still do not stop practicing, and my figure only benefits from this.

Maria does not go to the gym, she works out at home. She performs the most elementary exercises: squats, jumping rope, lunges, swinging arms and legs, push-ups and abdominal exercises. Maria claims that there is nothing difficult in this, the main thing is just to want.

Proper nutrition also plays a significant role in the process of losing weight. At that time, when I was actively fighting overweight, I met many people who shared their experiences with me and gave valuable advice. Now I started thinking about becoming a fitness trainer too. I want to help mothers on maternity leave to put themselves in order.

I don’t think having children spoiled my figure. On the contrary, it was they - my sons - who helped me to bring my body into perfect shape.

Reader Comments:

I have no question about recovery after childbirth, I still don't understand how it is necessary to recover in a special way after them ... I kicked 8 kg for pregnancy, lost almost half of weight after childbirth from fatigue and lack of sleep, what kind of belly is there! The spine could be felt)))) I had to completely buy new clothes, the old one was hanging in a bag, the only thing that deteriorated (but it’s still from which side to look at this breast due to long feeding) gave birth at 30, by the way, there were not a single stretch marks either.

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Watch the video: WEIGHT LOSS AFTER BABY. INTERMITTENT FASTING. Mai Zimmy (July 2024).