After childbirth

My 10 rules to avoid getting discouraged after childbirth

Have you recently become a happy young mom? But joy gradually gave way to routine. Have gray everyday life, so similar to each other, literally flooded you? There are several simple rules that can cheer up a young mother after childbirth. And I want to share them with you.

I am a mother of two children, and I know firsthand how hard it is for a woman after giving birth. Constant routine, childcare, household chores - all this can drive you crazy ... But I found 10 rules for myself that allowed me not to become discouraged after the birth of babies and continue to live a full life. I share them with you.

So, 10 rules of a happy young mom:

1) Do not hesitate to ask relatives to pick up your child for the night if you are very tired and feel morally devastated. There is nothing wrong with that. You will be able to sleep, relax, to be the best mom for your baby in the morning.

2) Many women don't like their body after giving birth. Don't get hung up on your figure now. The body needs time to recover and it is not necessary to run to the gym immediately after giving birth. Elementary simple physical exercises, breathing exercises are suitable. It is also not worth eating a lot and often.

3) Immediately after giving birth, do not strive to be an ideal housewife and wife. Do not try at all costs to prepare a three-course dinner. Ask your husband to help with the housework. A truly loving man will understand that the main thing for you now is rest. Sleep when you want and how much you want.

4) Do not hesitate to ask your family and friends for help. This will allow you to devote time only to yourself.

5) Walk outside daily. Meet other new moms. They will help with advice. Plus, positive communication is uplifting.

6) Don't blindly follow all the advice you hear from others about caring for your baby. You are a mother, and you know better what your child needs.

7) Include more vitamins in your daily diet, especially if you are breastfeeding. Lack of vitamins negatively affects mood, hair, skin and nails.

8) You shouldn't be fenced off from the outside world. Hang out with friends, sometimes leaving the child with your husband. This will allow you to get rid of the routine, replenish energy.

9) Watch yourself. Nothing cheers you up like a new haircut or a trip to the beauty salon. Believe me - a beautiful reflection in the mirror will change your attitude towards yourself for the better.

10) Give yourself time to get used to the new life, to enter the regime. Remember that the child needs a happy mom. Do not forget about yourself, take care of your physical and mental condition.

Watch the video: 12 Simple Rules to Avoid Mistakes When Raising a Daughter (July 2024).