
Teeth are being cut. How can I help my child?

A child's first tooth is always an event. It is difficult to predict whether it will be accompanied by the tears of the baby and the worries of the parents. But you can and should prepare for this stage. Teething usually starts from the 5-7th month of life. These are general data, since the period of teething in children is an individual concept. Someone boasts of the first tooth even at 3 months, and someone "tolerates" up to a year. Experienced grandmothers say to impatient mothers: "You still have time to suffer!"

Indeed, the temperature during teething, anxiety of the baby and disturbance of the stool, lack of appetite turn the long-awaited joy into the upset and worries of the parents. I would like to help my child as soon as possible in any way possible. Listen, but rather take a closer look, what is bothering the child right now? Teeth itching? Or is the temperature creeping up?

Special "teethers" will help to relieve itchy gums. In pharmacies and children's stores today there is a huge variety of shapes and sizes of teething toys. When babies start to cut their teeth, gum disease often occurs. Popular among the "dental" accessories have gained silicone or rubber rings with a liquid inside, which can soothe an exhausted child. He will gladly chew such a ring if you cool the unusual bagel beforehand.

Symptoms of teething in infants manifest themselves in different ways. Sometimes severe pain and significant swelling of the gums are present. Unfortunately, no matter how attractive and “tasty” the toy is, it ceases to be a lifesaver in such cases.

Teething gel can be a salvation for both mom and baby. Before using the gel, you must carefully study the instructions and be sure to pay attention to age restrictions. Teething pain relievers most often contain lidocaine hydrochloride, which provides a quick but short-term anesthetic effect. Using such funds, you need to strictly observe the dosage and remember that medicines should be prescribed by specialists: a pediatric dentist or pediatrician. Reputable drug manufacturers call the exclusion of the risk of drug overdose as one of the important criteria when creating packaging.

Teething gel most often acts locally and has a temporary effect. Combined action products are increasingly becoming the optimal choice. So, for example, Dantinorm Baby solution contains natural ingredients that have a complex effect: lowering temperature, reducing pain, relieving inflammation). The contents of one container clearly correspond to one dose, which lasts up to 8 hours. For full protection against unpleasant symptoms during the day, it is enough to take the drug three times. The use of herbal products can safely alleviate all the main symptoms of teething in children under one year old.

Sometimes teething is accompanied by a runny nose that turns into a cough. At such moments, parents wonder if the child is teething or a virus has crept up. It is important to always remember that it is the pediatrician who will be able to distinguish the symptoms of teething in a child from the symptoms of other diseases.

And the most important advice is attention and patience, love and affection. This is the only way you can help a defenseless baby to cope with unknown sensations. Only in this way will you comprehend all the joy and fullness of happiness to be close to the dearest and dearest person in the most important moments.

Watch the video: Dental Excellence 17: Root Extraction System. (July 2024).