
"Laripront" for children: instructions for use

"Laripront" helps to quickly cope with the inflammatory process in the throat, tonsils and oral cavity. This drug affects most of the harmful bacteria that cause oropharyngeal disease in children. However, before using such a medicine in childhood, you must first consult a doctor.

Release form and composition

Laripront is a tablet that must be sucked in the mouth. They are white and round in shape, with a lotus flower imprint on each side. One package of "Laripront" contains 20 tablets, packaged in blisters of 10 pieces. Each of the tablets contains two active ingredients at once:

  • lysozyme in the form of hydrochloride at a dosage of 10 mg;
  • dequalinium chloride at a dosage of 0.25 mg.

Additionally, the composition of the drug includes sucrose, two essences (peppermint and anise), polyvidone k25 and magnesium stearate. These components make the tablets thick and sweetish in taste.

Operating principle

The action of "Laripront" is local and due to its active ingredients.

  • Lysozyme refers to natural enzymes that can affect viruses. Due to this effect, viral particles cannot penetrate into cells, so the disease does not spread. In addition, lysozyme also affects bacteria, destroying their cell walls. It is known that such a substance is active against most gram-positive microbes and some gram-negative bacteria. It also reduces inflammation, loosens mucus and has a hemostatic effect.
  • Dequalinium chloride has an antiseptic effect, since it can destroy a large number of bacteria, as well as fungi. Such a substance, like lysozyme, has hemostatic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Since dequalinum can also reduce surface tension, the inclusion of this ingredient in tablets allows for a deeper effect on the affected tissue.


"Laripront" is used in children with:

  • pharyngitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis (including those caused by thrush);
  • gingivitis.

In addition, the agent is prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections and with various medical manipulations in the mouth and throat in order to prevent the addition of infection. Such tablets can be prescribed to babies who have undergone removal of adenoids or tonsils, and in winter they can be given to prevent colds, sore throats and flu.

At what age is it prescribed?

The manufacturer does not indicate any age range for treatment with Laripront. Among the contraindications for taking this medication, children's age is absent, therefore, theoretically, the medication can be used from birth. In practice, it is prescribed for children over 3-5 years old, when the child can independently absorb the medicine, will not swallow it and will not chew.

It is permissible to knead the drug into small pieces and let it dissolve in this form, but the therapeutic effect will be significantly reduced, therefore it is better to use "Laripront" at an age when the method of administration will not cause any difficulties.


Treatment with Laripront is prohibited if a small patient is hypersensitive to any component of such tablets. There are no other restrictions on the prescription of this drug.

Side effects

Sometimes after taking “Laripront” the child develops a rash, the skin turns red or itches. These and other signs of drug allergy are possible in individual patients and require immediate discontinuation of treatment.

In case of severe symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor and choose an antihistamine approved for age in order to alleviate the child's condition and quickly remove allergic manifestations.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to dissolve "Laripront" at intervals of 2 or 3 hours. A single dose of the medicine is one tablet. It is placed in the child's oral cavity and explained to the little patient that such a drug should not be chewed or swallowed. The tablet should be in the mouth for as long as possible until it dissolves by itself. After that, the child should not eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes.

How long to take the drug should be checked with your doctor. The duration of the course of treatment or prevention depends on the severity of the infection and other factors. Some children are prescribed medication for 5 days, others - for 7 or more. As a rule, after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, the tablets are recommended to be used for another 1-2 days.

Overdose and drug interactions

Since the active ingredients of the tablets are absorbed in a very small dose, and affect the tissues only locally, there were no cases of overdose of "Laripront". If a child accidentally swallows a medication, you need to monitor his condition and consult a doctor if it worsens. Some interactions of such tablets with other drugs have not been noted, but combine Laripront with any other treatment is only needed as directed by a doctor.

Terms of sale and storage

You do not need to take a prescription to buy a drug in a pharmacy, but a specialist examination in childhood is desirable. The average price of one pack of “Laripront” is 200 rubles. It is necessary to keep the medication at home out of the reach of babies. The recommended storage temperature is up to +25 degrees Celsius, and the shelf life of the medicine is 3 years.


You can find many positive reviews about the use of "Laripront" in children. In them, the main advantages of the drug are the effectiveness and safety. According to parents, the drug effectively eliminates hoarseness and pain in the throat, and it rarely provokes side effects. The minuses of such a remedy are usually not noted, but some babies do not like the taste of the tablets, since after their resorption, a bitter aftertaste often remains.


Most often "Laripront" is replaced by tablets called "Lizobakt". Lysozyme is also present in the composition of this drug, but pyridoxine is the second active substance. The remedy is prescribed for gum disease, stomatitis, pharyngitis or other diseases in the pharynx and mouth. It is considered safe, has a pleasant taste, and is used by children over 3 years old. Instead, other medications can be used that have a local effect on the mucous membrane.

  • "Hexalysis"... These tablets also include lysozyme, but enoxolone and biclotymol are other antiseptic components of the drug. The drug is effective against pain and inflammation, but it is used only from the age of six.
  • "Imudon". These mint tablets contain lysates of bacteria that often cause oropharyngeal diseases. Thanks to their resorption, local immunity is stimulated and the inflammatory process is eliminated. For children, such a remedy is prescribed from 3 years old.
  • "Septolet". These lozenges have antiseptic properties thanks to levomenthol, thymol, mint and eucalyptus oils. They are used in the treatment of tonsillitis, stomatitis and other pathologies of the throat and oral cavity from the age of 4.
  • "Faringosept"... Such an affordable drug is capable of destroying various harmful microorganisms, therefore it is prescribed for tonsillitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis and other diseases. Children can dissolve such tablets from the age of 3.