
"Heparin ointment" during pregnancy: instructions for use

The volume of blood in the body of a pregnant woman increases, which, as the uterus grows, can provoke problems with the veins. In the treatment of phlebitis and hemorrhoids, a drug called "Heparin ointment"... However, you should not rush to use it while carrying a child. Instructions for the use of such a medicine recommends that you first consult a doctor to make sure that this remedy will ease the condition of the expectant mother and will not harm the baby.

Features of the drug

"Heparin Ointment" is a white or yellowish-white thick substance that is sold in tubes of 10 and 25 grams. As its name implies, the main ingredient of the drug is sodium heparin.

This substance is contained in 100 grams of the drug at a dose of 10,000 IU. In addition to heparin, the ointment includes two more active substances: benzocaine (its dosage is 4 g per 100 g) and benzyl nicotinate (its amount in 100 g is 0.08 g).

Inactive ointment base of the drug contains glycerin, water, stearin and other compounds.

Operating principle

The heparin present in the ointment has an anticoagulant effect, that is, it acts on the blood, as a result of which coagulation is inhibited and thrombin synthesis is blocked. Besides, heparin enhances microcirculation, due to which blood clots and hematomas quickly dissolve... Under the influence of this substance also swelling decreases, and the inflammatory process becomes less active.

The second ingredient of "Heparin Ointment" - benzocaine - refers to local anesthetics, therefore, the drug reduces pain at the site of treatment. It affects cell membranes, reducing their permeability to ions, as a result of which nerve impulses from sensitive nerve endings are not carried out. The inclusion of benzyl nicotinate in the product enhances the therapeutic effect of heparin. This ingredient also dilates the peripheral vessels, which improves blood flow in the area where the ointment is applied.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

In the annotation to the "Heparin Ointment" it is noted that its it is permissible to use while carrying a childif such a drug has been prescribed by a doctor. Heparin is absorbed into the treated tissues in scanty amounts and does not penetrate the placental barrier, therefore, such a substance is safe for the fetus. Two other active substances also act mainly locally, but this does not mean that the drug can be used without medical supervision.

The specialist must conduct an examination and determine whether this medication is necessary for a specific expectant mother, making sure that the expected benefit of the treatment will be higher than the possible risk to the fetus, and also recommend the optimal regimen.

Independent use of "Heparin Ointment" while waiting for the baby is not recommended. If the doctor prescribed the remedy, you must strictly follow his prescription.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The reason for using "Heparin Ointment" is:

  • exacerbation of external hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of superficial veins;
  • subcutaneous hematoma;
  • phlebitis that occurs after an unsuccessful injection;
  • localized edema due to bruising or other injury;
  • inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and lymphedema.

One of the most common indications forcing the use of "Heparin Ointment" during pregnancy is hemorrhoids... Such a problem can occur at any period of gestation, especially if a woman has a predisposition to this disease. Due to changes in the level of sex hormones, expectant mothers often suffer from constipation. Their appearance is also caused by a decrease in mobility and a change in diet, which is often observed already in the first months of pregnancy.

Due to problems with emptying, the pressure in the vessels of the pelvis increases, so hemorrhoids may appear already in the first trimester. However, most often this pathology begins to bother a woman in the last stages.

In the third trimester, the main provoking factor is the enlarged uterus, which causes compression of the pelvic veins. As a result of stagnation, hemorrhoids enlarge, become inflamed, begin to hurt and itch, and sometimes bleed, causing severe discomfort. In such a situation, treatment with "Heparin Ointment" will be justified.

No less often, doctors prescribe "Heparin Ointment" for varicose veinsto prevent such a dangerous complication as thrombophlebitis. Thanks to the use of the medicine, pain and burning in places of enlarged veins disappear, swelling decreases, and the general condition improves. If you do not start treatment on time, the consequence of the slow blood flow in the veins of the legs and inflammation of their walls will be the formation of blood clots, which can either completely block the blood flow or come off.

The main aggravating factors that lead to development thrombophlebitis during pregnancy, there is an increase in body weight (the result will be an increased load on the vessels of the legs) and changes in the blood coagulation system caused by an increase in blood volume and hormonal changes. The risk of thrombosis increases if the expectant mother is over 35 years old, the pregnancy is not the first one, the woman has to adhere to bed rest, or if veins are damaged. The appearance of blood clots is a danger to both the fetus and the life of the expectant mother herself, therefore, it is impossible to hesitate with treatment.


It is necessary to refuse the use of "Heparin Ointment" in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug... In addition, the product is not applied to the skin if its integrity is compromised, for example, if a patient has an open wound after an injury.

The presence of purulent inflammation is also a reason to refuse "Heparin Ointment".

The use of the drug is inappropriate for deep vein thrombosis, since the ingredients of the drug do not penetrate so deeply. Caution in using the ointment is shown with a reduced number of platelets in the blood of a pregnant woman, as well as with any disorders of the blood coagulation system... If the test readings do not correspond to the norm, the question of prescribing heparin is decided individually.

Side effects

Some women after treatment with "Heparin Ointment" may have such local side effects as rash, redness, decreased sensitivity, itching... When they appear, the drug must be washed off and consult a doctor so that he picks up an analogue to which there will be no negative reaction.

Instructions for use

The method of using "Heparin Ointment" depends on the indications... For example, if it is used for a hematoma, then the drug is gently rubbed into the affected area with a thin layer. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, the nodes are lubricated with the drug or a gauze soaked in the drug is applied at night, with thrombophlebitis, the agent is applied to the inflamed veins, and so on.

The frequency of treatment, as well as the duration of the use of the medication, is determined individually... Some expectant mothers are prescribed "Heparin Ointment" for 2-3 days, others - for a week or more. It all depends on the manifestations of the disease, and on the body's response to therapy. Usually, the remedy is used every day until the moment when the disturbing symptoms disappear.


About the use of "Heparin Ointment" during the period of bearing a child occurs many positive reviews... In them, women note that the drug helped with hemorrhoids, quickly relieved the condition, eliminated swelling and pain. Its advantages include a low price, mainly local action, ease of use. In this case, the tolerance of the agent is assessed as good. According to expectant mothers, the drug rarely causes any side effects.


Depending on the indications, the doctor may recommend replacing the "Heparin Ointment" with one of these drugs.

  • "Lyoton 1000". The active ingredient in this gel is heparin. The drug is in demand for hematomas, inflammation of superficial veins or varicose veins. During pregnancy, it is permissible to use it as directed by a doctor.

  • Troxevasin. The action of such a gel is provided by troxerutin, a substance that increases the tone of veins and capillaries, eliminates swelling, and reduces vascular fragility. It is allowed to be used during the entire period of pregnancy. The medication is also available in capsules, which are in demand for severe problems with blood flow in the veins. This form of "Troxevasin" is usually prescribed in the 2nd trimester.

  • "Courantil". These dragees act on blood vessels and blood cells. They are prescribed to expectant mothers with a high risk of thrombosis, severe edema, varicose veins, oligohydramnios, and placental insufficiency. The drug is used throughout the gestation period.

  • "Relief"... This medicine, which contains phenylephrine hydrochloride, is available in rectal suppositories and in the form of an ointment. The medication can be used for hemorrhoids at any stage of pregnancy, but under the supervision of a doctor.

  • "Phlebodia 600". The basis of such tablets is diosmin. The drug helps in the fight against acute hemorrhoids, and also eliminates venous insufficiency and problems with microcirculation. It is not used in the 1st trimester, but is often prescribed to expectant mothers at a later date.

In the next video, you will learn how heparin ointment can be used for rejuvenation.

Watch the video: Lovenox Injections: Helpful Tips (July 2024).