
"Rinofluimucil" during pregnancy: instructions for use

During the period of bearing a child, viral infections of the respiratory tract and colds are not uncommon. It is known that the risk of getting sick during pregnancy increases significantly, because the immune defense of a woman in position weakens. One of the common symptoms that cause great discomfort to the expectant mother is a runny nose. It interferes with proper breathing, which can harm the fetus.

To relieve rhinitis, different medications are used, which are dripped or sprayed into the nose. One of them - "Rinofluimucil". The instructions for the use of this drug do not give clear information whether it is possible for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters. This means that before using it, a doctor's consultation is required, who examines the expectant mother, taking into account contraindications and the severity of the disease. Besides, it is worth reading the reviews of women who were treated with Rinofluimucil during pregnancy.

Features of the drug

"Rinofluimucil" is presented in pharmacies in the form nasal spraysold over the counter in dark glass bottles with a spray nozzle. One bottle contains 10 ml of a clear, colorless liquid, which has a characteristic mint and slightly sulfurous odor.

The medicine is classified as a local remedy used in ENT practice. It contains two active substances.

One of them is acetylcysteine at a dosage of 10 mg per 1 ml, and the second - tuaminoheptane sulfate at a dose of 5 mg per 1 ml. Auxiliary compounds of the solution are 96% ethanol, mint flavor, sodium hydroxide, sorbitol and some other substances.

Operating principle

Thanks to the combination of the two ingredients, Rinofluimucil has at the same time vasoconstrictor and mucolytic action... The acetylcysteine ​​present in the spray affects the mucus produced in the nasal passages. It destroys the bonds in glycoproteins, changing their structure, as a result of which the secretions become more liquid.

This ingredient of the solution also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. His "companion" - tuaminoheptane - is able to constrict the small vessels in the nose by stimulating sympathetic receptors. This leads to a decrease in swelling, a decrease in the volume of secretions and elimination of redness of the mucous membrane.

The action of Rinofluimucil is predominantly local. If you do not exceed the dosage and do not use the spray more often than the doctor prescribed, then the components of the drug are not absorbed, do not enter the bloodstream and do not affect the work of internal organs in any way. In this case, the therapeutic effect is noted already a few minutes after spraying.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

First of all, it is important to note that any medications while waiting for the baby should be used. only as directed by a doctor. Even the use of a seemingly harmless drug like a nasal spray can be dangerous to the fetus.

When a runny nose appears, a future mother should not hesitate and self-medicate, but consult her doctor, after all, the exact cause of poor health can be difficult to determine even for a specialist. It may turn out that nasal discharge and impaired nasal breathing are symptoms of some serious pathology that must be treated immediately. So the most correct tactic, even with symptoms of a banal cold, will be to see a doctor.

As for Rinofluimucil, according to doctors, this drug can be used during pregnancy, but only in cases where the disease poses a higher threat than the drug itself.

Although the ingredients of the solution affect only the mucous membrane, without penetrating into the blood, the product has vasoconstrictor effect. Many doctors call such an action undesirable during gestation and try to protect the expectant mother from it.

However, in a situation where rhinitis is manifested by severe nasal congestion and thick discharge, there is a risk of intrauterine hypoxia, since it will be difficult for the pregnant woman to breathe, and the baby may not receive enough oxygen. Besides, at "Rinofluimucil" noted high efficiency in sinusitis - a disease that is important to cure as soon as possible in order to prevent dangerous complications.

Wherein spray is not prescribed for increased uterine tone, because one of its components is a substance that can increase the contractility of smooth muscles.

Before prescribing Rinofluimucil for a woman in position, the gynecologist will definitely check the condition of the uterus and make sure that there is no hypertonicity.

In addition, the appointment will depend on the duration of the pregnancy.

  • Up to 14-15 weeks key changes occur in the body of the unborn child, therefore the risk of disrupting important processes is quite high and it is recommended to refuse many drugs. That is why the use of "Rinofluimucil" in the 1st trimester is rare. Despite the fact that the manufacturer claims the inability of the ingredients of the solution to penetrate into the blood, doctors prefer not to risk it.
  • In the second trimester the fetus is already under the protection of the placenta, but it is unacceptable to use vasoconstrictors at this time without medical supervision. Only a specialist is able to assess whether "Rinofluimucil" is needed at this time, or it is possible to do without such a medication, getting rid of a cold in safe ways. In addition, it is important to choose the correct treatment regimen, which the expectant mother cannot cope with on her own.
  • In the last weeks of gestation the number of approved drugs is increasing and Rinofluimucil is not contraindicated. However, its use in the 3rd trimester must necessarily be approved by a doctor. Although the drug is not able to affect labor, caution does not hurt.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The reason for prescribing "Rinofluimucil" for a woman in a position is usually rhinitis with acute, subacute or chronic courseif, with such inflammation, a thick mucous or purulent-mucous secret is formed. The drug is also used for sinusitisto prevent the spread of infection and quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.


"Rinofluimucil" should not be sprayed into the nose if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients of the solution. The drug is also not used for thyrotoxicosis or angle-closure glaucoma.

If a woman has heart rhythm disturbances, high blood pressure, bronchial asthma or other serious health problems, the question of using the spray is decided individually.

Doctor's supervision is also required when using other medications, since many of them are incompatible with the components of Rinofluimucil.

Side effects

In some patients during treatment with Rinofluimucil various negative reactions to the solution are possible. Among them, there are dryness of the mucous membrane, an allergic rash, increased heart rate and other symptoms that require immediate withdrawal of the spray. In the case of prolonged use, the drug can disrupt the normal functioning of the mucous membrane and provoke addiction.

Instructions for use

"Rinofluimucil" is injected into the nasal cavity using a spray nozzle, which, at the beginning of drug use, is placed on the bottle with a solution and activated by several clicks. The treatment regimen is determined by the attending physician, but most often two doses of aerosol need to be injected into each nasal passage, that is, press the nozzle twice, inserting it first into one nostril, and then into the second. The frequency of drug use is 3-4 times a day, and the duration of treatment is up to 7 days.


Those women who used "Rinofluimucil" while carrying a child, leave mostly positive reviews about it. They confirm that the drug quickly relieves the condition, has a pleasant smell, and acts for a long time. Any undesirable phenomena are noted extremely rarely.


Preparations containing the same active substances as in Rinofluimucil are not produced at the moment. Therefore, if there is a need to replace the spray with an analogue, the doctor selects a medication with a similar effect. It could be "Pinosol", "Aqua Maris", "Miramistin", "Nazivin", "Tizin", "Sanorin" or another drug. A suitable remedy is determined taking into account the duration of pregnancy, symptoms, the presence of chronic diseases and many other nuances.

For more information on Rinofluimucil, see below.