
When can I put my baby on its feet?

Any mother feels joy when her grown-up toddler has learned to stand independently. This is another important stage of development, and the little one is about to take its first steps. But is it worth teaching a child to stand or should he learn it himself? And at what age is it permissible to put a baby on its feet?

Most doctors do not recommend rushing a child's development, but letting the baby develop naturally. As soon as the baby's body is able to withstand the load from sitting and standing, the baby himself will begin to master these skills. You also need to understand that the development of the baby occurs individually and is associated with many factors. For example, small and thin children learn to stand up faster than plump and large ones.

E. Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known doctor claims that sooner or later every child develops a desire to stand and the role of parents in mastering this skill is only to make the process easier and safer. The child who learns to stand does not need to put on shoes, let the baby learn this barefoot.

Many parents proudly declare that their baby got up on his own at 4,5,6 months, and began to walk at 8,9,10. In this regard, Komarovsky wants to focus on the fact that due to the early long-term load on the spine, such children may have a variety of problems in the future - curvatures, radiculitis and others.

The child himself must want to stand and at the age of six months there is no need to train and teach him to stand. There is no problem that the baby will lie and crawl for another month or two.

Is it worth putting on legs forcibly?

The task of parents is only to encourage the physical development of the baby. Forcing a child to do something earlier than he is ready for it (both sitting and standing) is a huge mistake that can not improve, but, on the contrary, worsen his physical condition. Encourage the baby to crawl, but the baby must learn to sit and stand on its own.

Role of parents

What parents should do:

  • Encourage crawling as it strengthens the muscles and spine.
  • Do exercises in a playful way, developing the muscles of the baby.
  • Avoid vitamin D and calcium deficiency.
  • Massage as this is the most beneficial muscle stimulation.
  • Walk often in the fresh air.
  • Love and care with a lot of attention.
  • Help, but not rush.

Exercises to encourage standing

Many believe that for the standing skill, the crumbs must have well-developed arm muscles so that the baby can pull up and hold on to the support. In reality, the most important muscles for getting up and standing are the thighs, back and shoulders.

The following exercises will help in the development of such muscles, and, accordingly, in encouraging getting up and standing:

  1. When the baby is already sitting confidently, you can start exercising with him on an incompletely inflated fitball. Having put the baby on the ball facing away from you, hold the child by the hips and begin to tilt in different directions. Through such training, the child will develop the ability to maintain balance.
  2. Place the child on the table facing away from you and sit him on his haunches. Holding the baby by the hips, begin to rock it back and forth a little, urging it to rise on straight legs. If the child is not yet able to rise on his own, it means that the muscles of his legs are not yet strong enough.
  3. If the baby has already learned to stand up at the support, encourage more frequent use of this skill by attracting the baby with your favorite toy. Sit the baby on the floor next to a sofa or armchair, and put a toy on a hill. The child will become interested and want to reach for the toy, grab the support and stand up. At the first attempts, be sure to insure the baby against falling. And do not forget to cheer your child on their success.

Getting up early

A child may start trying to get up even before mastering the sitting skill (before six months) if he has muscle hypertonicity. If you allow such a baby to stand for a long time, deformation of the feet is possible. Distract the baby and do not allow a long vertical position, and also be sure to support it under the armpits.

We also advise you to read the article on when the child starts to stand. You will learn a lot of interesting things and you will be prepared for this interesting period in your baby's life.

Watch the video: How do I get my baby to open wide? (July 2024).