
Children's sanatoriums in Evpatoria

Every child is looking forward to summer, because this is the beginning of a great summer vacation and a time of wonderful rest. If the parents cannot afford expensive foreign resorts, you should pay attention to Evpatoria. This wonderful city conquers at first sight!

Features of location and climate

Evpatoria is a wonderful city of Crimea, which is located at the very sea. The advantages of this location include a wonderful, even climate and the absence of heavy rainfall in the summer. The sanatoriums are located in a very picturesque area: near the mountains and the sea. This results in extraordinary cleanliness and freshness of the air. It contains a lot of useful oxygen, which is an excellent remedy for the treatment of various respiratory diseases or asthma in children.

Since Soviet times, this city has won well-deserved recognition among many families. Not everyone was able to undergo treatment and relax there with the child. Vouchers were issued only to mothers with children who had chronic diseases in the profile of the sanatoriums.

Now it has become much easier to relax and improve your health. You can choose a sanatorium or a dispensary according to your own taste. It is better, of course, to choose the sanatoriums that are most suitable for the diseases that your child has. In Evpatoria, you can find a huge number of different boarding houses for families with children.

The main directions of treatment

Every year the resorts of Evpatoria offer many treatment programs to restore health. Comprehensive programs have been developed for children and parents, neurological programs to combat cerebral palsy, balneological procedures for the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases, and many others.

Medical specialists of medical institutions have sufficient clinical experience in carrying out physiotherapy procedures aimed at restoring and strengthening the immune system and the functioning of the body as a whole.

One of the best and most sought-after resort destinations are maternal and child health programs. The mother is undergoing treatment together with the baby. They are placed in a separate room, with all the necessary amenities inside. Such programs are usually designed for a period of 14-21 days. It is during this period of time that you can fully complete the entire course of necessary procedures: massage, therapeutic baths, nitrogen and laser therapy.

Overview of popular options

"Evpatoria Children's Clinical Sanatorium" of the Ministry of Defense (EKDS MO)

The sanatorium is located in a beautiful park area of ​​the Kalamitsky region. This is a fairly large clinical health center. It provides treatment for a wide range of different diseases. The sanatorium has an excellent modern material and technical base. This allows a wide range of different physiotherapy and health-improving methods to be used.

The children's sanatorium has a very good location. It has a good coastal area with a smooth entrance to the water. The sanatorium is guarded round the clock. You can sign up for procedures at any time of the year. The sanatorium is surrounded by many trees. Mainly therapeutic activity. The sanatorium specializes in the treatment of:

  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems (Cerebral palsy, post-traumatic syndrome of different localizations, recovery and rehabilitation period after injuries and sprains, paralysis caused by various diseases, neuroses and many others).
  • Respiratory system diseases. Most often these are chronic bronchitis and laryngitis, bronchial asthma, recovery after lung and bronchial tree surgery.
  • Various skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis.

The sanatorium has a very good location, not far from the railway station (only two kilometers). It's easy to get to it. There is public transport in the city that stops nearby. The children's sanatorium is located on Duvanovskaya street, 21.

FSBI "Military Sanatorium"

In the children's sanatorium, which will soon celebrate the 100th anniversary of its opening, a huge number of diagnostic and medical procedures are carried out aimed at improving the health of children.

A significant material and technical base allows for complex treatment for babies with various chronic diseases, as well as with their combinations. The sanatorium provides treatment during the postoperative and recovery period.

The sanatorium is proud to have its own rehabilitation programs for many diseases, which allow you to quickly and effectively restore lost health after serious illness, injury or surgery.

It is designed for 600 beds. More than 755 medical specialists treat babies. This is a large medical center, whose activities are aimed at restoring the rehabilitation potential in children of different ages.


This sanatorium is one of the most famous in Crimea. Every year hundreds of toddlers come there to improve their health, relax and recharge before the upcoming new school year. The possibilities of treatment here are enormous: about 100 different methods and methods of prevention and recovery.

For children with neurological disorders or babies with cerebral palsy, hippotherapy is performed. Children ride horses with pleasure. This has a positive effect on their emotional background, and also strengthens the muscles well. It is important to note that there is a mineral water spring on its own territory. It is used in medical treatment, as well as in food preparation and for technical purposes.

The sanatorium accepts children from the age of three (together with their parents). If a child has cerebral palsy, then treatment can be done from six months after birth. Residential areas are located in close proximity to the Black Sea coast, almost 150 meters away. Proper fractional nutrition is organized. The kids are fed tasty and healthy meals (5-6 times a day). When prescribing a diet, all concomitant diseases of the child are strictly taken into account.

If the child is referred for long-term treatment, he can attend school, which is located on the territory of the sanatorium. This will allow the kid not to miss the course of the school curriculum and do well. A wonderful holiday is organized for the kids. On the territory of the sanatorium there are many sports grounds, as well as a small zoo for children.

"Health resort"

This sanatorium specializes in providing medical and preventive care to children. Arrivals take place throughout the year. Doctors provide treatment for a variety of disease profiles. Most often, children are sent to treat respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

The sanatorium accepts babies from the age of two. Work is underway with groups of children, but accompanied by elders. The sanatorium has a wonderful location. Nearby there is beautiful nature, a lot of greenery. The sanatorium consists of 2 zones: administrative and sleeping. The sleeping area consists of two buildings. On the basis of the sanatorium, there is a cafe, as well as a hairdresser, a video room, sports grounds for playing basketball and attractions.

The sanatorium also provides leisure services for the whole family. It is located on Gorky Street, 24, not far from the railway station. Travel is very convenient.

Named after Krupskaya

In the very center of the city of Evpatoria there is the Krupskaya Sanatorium. It is located on the shores of the Kalamitsky Bay. A significant plus is the presence of its own coastal zone. The water level in this place is rather shallow. For this reason, many parents choose this particular place to stay. Small children can play safely in shallow water. This will not worry the parents.

The sanatorium includes an administration building, three dormitories and a medical part, where treatment and all necessary procedures are carried out. Recuperation in the sanatorium can be done at any time of the year. There is even a school for children on site. This will be very convenient for weakened babies who are sent for a long time.

The child undergoing treatment will not be bored at all. He can easily find activities that are interesting for himself. There is a library with a good collection of books and publications. Sports events are held at specially equipped sports grounds. For teenagers, there are outdoor discos in the summer.

One of the methods used in the work of the sanatorium for the treatment of children is truly unique. It is a hydrodynamic tablet therapy method. With its help, you can many times improve blood circulation in tissues and strengthen immunity.


Smena is a sanatorium for children, which specializes in providing medical and recreational assistance to babies. It is located in the central area of ​​the city of Evpatoria, surrounded by a beautiful park. The building is about 250 meters away from the sea. The excellent climate, mild sun and proximity to the sea make this children's sanatorium very attractive for treatment.

Children from 6 to 14 years old are accepted for rest and treatment. Treatment is carried out across the entire profile of chronic diseases. There are many outdoor sports grounds on the territory where children can play team games. There is also a gym. There is a library for toddlers who love to read.


The children's health resort is located in the most beautiful place on the coast. Here they not only work with children. It is also a research base of the Crimean Medical University. All the latest scientific developments of scientists on the use of various physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are used in the sanatorium regularly.

The sanatorium provides services for the treatment of various chronic diseases in children. Leisure activities for kids are well organized. There is a library on the territory, as well as playgrounds, sports attractions. For children, hobby groups are organized: drawing, making various crafts with their own hands.

On the basis of the sanatorium there is a laboratory that allows a wide range of various analyzes. Consultations are held from the leading specialists of the departments of the Crimean Medical University.


Evpatoria is remarkable for a large number of different medical institutions that specialize in the treatment of children. Reviews of former little patients indicate that undergoing treatment at sea is the best option for a summer vacation.

The opportunity to combine treatment with swimming in the sea and active leisure gives children only positive emotions. They see it not as a cure, but as another summer adventure.

Among the negative reviews, children note bad and old furniture in some buildings. Recently, however, the sanatoriums have been trying to update the material and technical base, so the rooms began to look much better. Parents should pay attention to the prices that sanatoriums charge for treatment. They are usually acceptable for a middle-income family. For kids who have a group of disabilities, with some diseases, vouchers to the sanatorium are issued free of charge, through social protection.

Rest and treatment at sea is a great way to spend summer holidays with the benefit of the child's body. The combination of many factors (sea, sun, natural mineral springs) will strengthen children's immunity and give a charge of excellent sunny mood for the whole year!

Watch the video: Waverly Hills Sanitarium 1936 20 mins (July 2024).