
Bobotik for newborns - will it get rid of colic?

When new parents are faced with colic, they try to help their baby get rid of pain and discomfort as soon as possible.

Among the drugs recommended for colic, drugs containing simethicone are popular. One of the drugs with this active ingredient is Bobotik. Is such a drug used in newborns and will its use get rid of colic?


The main reasons for prescribing Bobotic for a child are:

  • An increased amount of gases in the intestines with flatulence, aerophagia, colic, after surgery and due to other factors.
  • Preparation for the examination of the abdominal cavity (gastroscopy, ultrasound, radiography).

Side effects and contraindications

This drug should not be prescribed for obstruction of the digestive tract, for example, with obstruction, as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Among the side effects that Bobotik causes, only allergic reactions are found.


Bobotik is a thick, opaque, whitish liquid that has a fruity odor. The main component of this emulsion is simethicone. Among the excipients are water, flavor, sweetener, preservatives.

Operating principle

This drug is a group of drugs against flatulence, since its main active ingredient directly affects the gases formed in the intestines.

The medicine envelops the gas bubbles and affects their surface, which causes them to burst. As a result, gases are quickly removed from the intestines, painful sensations disappear, and bloating disappears.

Simethicone itself is not absorbed in the children's intestine, but passes through it in transit, excreted in the feces without changes.

Can I give it to newborns?

This drug is not prescribed before the age of 28 days, therefore, Bobotic is not given to newborns.

Instructions for use: how and in what dosage to give?

Bobotik is sold in 30 ml bottles, which have a dropper stopper. To drop the required amount of the drug, turn the bottle vertically with the dropper down. In addition, the product should be shaken before each use.

Bobotik is given to the child after meals 4 times a day. A single dose for children under 2 years of age is 8 drops. This amount of the drug contains 20 mg of active ingredient. From 2 years of age, the dosage rises to 14 drops at a time, and from the age of six - up to 16 drops at a time. Bobotic drops can be mixed with boiled water and baby food (breast milk, formula).

If the drug is given before diagnostic tests, the dosage will be different. Babies under 2 years old are given 10 drops in the morning and another 10 drops in the evening the day before the study. For children 2-6 years old, a single dose is 16 drops, and a child over six years old is given 20 drops of the medicine at a time.

Is an overdose dangerous?

In case of an overdose of this drug, there will be no harm to the child's health, since it is not absorbed through the intestinal wall. Excess simethicone will be removed from the intestines without damaging the baby.

How long does it take to take effect?

For most children, the effect of taking this remedy occurs in 15-20 minutes.


If it is not possible to give a child Bobotic, you can use similar drugs that have the same basic substance and the same principle of action.

These include:

  • Espumisan
  • Sub simplex
  • Colikid
  • Antiflat
  • Disflatil
  • Simicol
  • Infacol

Which is better: Bobotik or Espumisan?

Both drugs are emulsion of simethicone, so their effect is the same. The main difference is the concentration of the active ingredient, which affects the dosage.

Since Simethicone is contained in a smaller amount in Espumisan, its single dose is 25 drops. If you give Bobotik to children, the dosage at a time is only 8 drops. In choosing between these two drugs, their additional components should also be considered, since they are different.


Many parents preferred Bobotik to other drugs with simethicone because of its lower dosage. Almost all mothers note that children drink such a drug with pleasure, since it has a pleasant taste. Parents are also pleased with the economy of the packaging - one bottle is enough for a long time.

According to reviews, for most babies, the remedy helps to reduce pain in the tummy and sleep better. However, some parents say that Bobotik did not help improve the baby's condition. There are also negative reviews associated with allergies to additional components of the drug.

Watch the video: Colic Calm Seeing is Believing - Baby Zahra (July 2024).