
Sorter is a useful educational toy for children at the age of 1

The main purpose of the sorter is to teach the child to think logically. By sorting the details, kids not only think, but also use analytical skills, memory, color combination. Each sorter has its own characteristics, so you can choose it for any age and degree of development.

What is it?

This interesting game was born at the beginning of the 20th century, its homeland is Italy. The first to consider sorting was a famous teacher, a representative of the early development system Maria Montessori. In Russia, this idea was taken up by her associates - husband and wife, Nikitin's teachers. Previously, sorters were made by hand, but in the 30s the company Fisher price released the first copies of this wonderful wooden game.

Over time and demand, production improved and passed to plastic copies. Today there are many manufacturers of this toy, so the choice and options are very extensive.

The toy-sorter has the following form - a sorting basis for the distribution of figures according to any criterion - most often it is color, size, shape. The base panel can be frames, columns (like a pyramid), three-dimensional figures (houses, balls, cubes). The second name of this toy is the sorter, which, in fact, is the essence of the whole game. The fundamental difference from simple sorting is that there are precise contours and colors that do not allow arbitrary sorting, and requires precision and results from the child.

The toy is intended for children from 6 months to 3-4 years old. However, the child learns the immediate task of the sorter from about 11 months.

How is it useful?

Sorter is undoubtedly a useful toy aimed at the versatile development of the child:

  • introduces the concepts: "the same - different", "the same", "similar", "fit - not fit";
  • activates the ability to compare, analyze, classify, sort, helps to establish cause-and-effect relationships;
  • develops memory - the child remembers what corresponds to what, the simultaneous effect on vision and touch, tactile sensations also affects memory;
  • teaches to distinguish shapes by their characteristics (shape, color, quantity, texture);
  • teaches you to navigate in space;
  • develops fine motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity, which affect thinking abilities, logical thinking and speech apparatus, that is, thanks to this, the child can start talking earlier;

  • if there are several sorters, then it is better to purchase them from different materials, the child will learn to distinguish between wood, plastic, fabric and will remember the sensations from each of them;
  • sorters with sound effects train your hearing, help you remember and create sound associations;
  • forms technical thinking, design skills;
  • develops perseverance and attentiveness, diligence, makes you concentrate;
  • promotes the early development of children, it is not in vain that this toy is the basis of early development pedagogy.

The benefits of the sorter are great both for the child and for the parents' rest in an interesting activity with the baby.


The following materials are used to create sorters:

  • Wood. The most environmentally friendly material, so it is often chosen by caring parents. The wooden sorter is easy to clean and handle. Nice material for tactile sensations, as it keeps the baby's palm warm, and also allows you to feel the weight of the elements.

  • Plastic. Bright details, lightweight and waterproof - everything that is so necessary for a child's toy. These qualities allow you to take it with you wherever you go. The plastic sorter is easy to clean and handle, which is a plus for its safety. Of course, the material can alert you with toxicity, unnaturalness, but modern technologies have made such toys as safe as possible for children.

  • The cloth. Fabric figurines of various textures and colors attract the attention of babies. Such a sorter is suitable for the little ones. And the filler helps motor skills. Another nice bonus - there is a soundtrack inside the figures - rattles, tweeters. There are also weaknesses - such a toy can be crumpled and inserted into any hole, from which the essence of the whole game disappears. Well, mothers say that the body itself also crumples and the lack of rigidity does not suit the baby.
  • Combined. Combines several materials. Aimed at developing the child's motor skills, the ability to distinguish between textures and materials. The downside is that if the base is fabric, then when you carry it, the hard parts fall out.


Sorters are classified according to the following criteria.

By complexity

Different complexity of the sorter suggests different solutions. "Semi-sorters" - elementary children's pyramids, nesting dolls, cups - games in which there can be many solutions. Here, an adult must guide you to the correct choice, make a hint, demonstrate the correct option. The advantage of these toys is that there are many options for playing. Sorters directly - base and shapes for insertion or nesting. They have one solution, unless there are similar shapes and holes - octagons and hexagons, circles and ovals.

Exclusive can be called Seguin boards - a base board with special inserts - fruits, geometric shapes, details that can make up a complete drawing.


There are two main types - an insert game and a donning game. Insert game is a three-dimensional shape with holes for figures to be inserted into. The base can be of various shapes - a cube, a ball or toys - a house, a typewriter and the like. Putting on game - pins with figures that need to be put on the base. Columns and holes in figures, colors, shapes of figures can differ in shape. The figures are put on or rotated for fixation. These include geometrics-sorter in the form of frames and shapes inserted there.

According to the age

Sorters vary in complexity and material. For the smallest and up to a year, fabric is suitable. For children 1 year and older, you can choose vertical sorters, bulk toys. The older the baby, the more figures and the more complex silhouettes you can choose with additional functionality.

By form

Manufacturers think carefully about sorters. Their shape allows you to find a master among the most capricious and picky. The simplest format is cube, pyramid, wooden sorter from Tomik. But it is important to captivate the kids, so a house, a machine can be the basis. The most interesting forms are a gurney that can be transported around the house (which is an additional function), Patrick's sorter-suitcase, a house with keys.

By figures

Logical, geometric sorters, animal figures, for those who want to learn - numbers and letters - the choice depends on the purpose of the acquisition. The older the kid, the more complex the figure with additional complication - scrolling, pressing, nesting one into another, step-by-step completion of the task.

By size

The toy can be voluminous - when the inserts fall inside, flat - when there is a base on which you need to place or insert figures, it looks like a frame with contours. Such a sorter can fit into frames, and the shape can also have a hole in the middle for inserting another element. Small and large in size - the larger the sorter, the more suitable for toddlers, the smaller game is suitable for older children.

Sorter-wheel chairs, trolleys, suitcases are great for carrying and playing on the street.

By appointment

Musical, developing, educational, playful, tactile - all this is an additional function of the sorter. The main thing is when choosing do not overdo it with effects, otherwise the child will quickly get tired, and the toy will lose the main function of learning.

With additional functionality

Universal toy... In addition to the sorter, there can be onomatopoeia, and labyrinths, and lacing, and watches, and hammers - everything that will help the diversified development of the baby.

Tips for choosing

When buying, you should ask yourself what age the game is suitable for. It is necessary to evaluate its complexity, material, additional functions, safety.

Best optionfor the little ones - soft fabric toy with various fillings. The main thing for textiles is the possibility of washing. The material should not shed, and the filler should emit unpleasant odors. Such a toy is safe, because the child will not get hurt by careless movements, and in a collective game it will not offend another with a blow.

The child will be pleased if each figure has its own filler with different sounds - tweeters, balls, bells, musical accompaniment.

It is better for kids to choose toys with a minimum of edges, because their perception is not yet so developed, and the child may get confused and simply cannot find a suitable hole. It is better to let it be an uncomplicated circle than a flower, or even more complicated - flowers with a different number of petals. The number of holes should be minimal and with simple shapes. For small ones, one hole on each face is enough, or all holes should be on the same side.

Another attractive feature for toddlers is sounds - imitation of animals, or performance evaluation with the words “Well done!”, “Right” and others.

For children from a year and older, wood is the best environmentally friendly material. But when buying it, it should be borne in mind that a child at this age checks everything for a tooth. The tree of such experiments may not withstand, and the child may bite off a piece. Fortunately, modern technologies do not stand still, and plastic does not lag behind its wooden counterparts. Bright and light toys will surely interest the child.

Here the number of holes increases, as does the complexity of the shapes. More angles and silhouettes of animals, soundtrack, step-by-step execution of the task with scrolling, selection of shapes and colors. The form must be understandable and familiar to the child, otherwise the child will get angry, not understanding how the asterisk differs from the pentahedron.

General recommendations for all children:

  • The holes should not be too large so that the child cannot put the handle in there, but too small are also dangerous, because the baby studies everything with his fingers. The size of the figures is also important - babies pull everything into their mouths, so the minimum should be five to six centimeters.
  • It is better to select parts with rounded corners. Sorter with pins should have rounded ends and a fairly wide base (however, with this kind of play it is better to be careful and play with the child).
  • The shapes should easily fall into the intended hole, but the hole should only fit into one shape. Jamming will annoy the child, but too easy a figure entering any cell will lead to a loss of interest in the game. Therefore, after the purchase, adults must play the first game, checking that the parts match the holes.

  • The base should open so that the baby does not press anything and can also close it safely in order to continue his game without disturbing the adults. This is a big plus for the child's independence.
  • Lack of strong odors, otherwise the game will be dangerous at least by allergic reactions. Such materials include fabric and plastic games.
  • Ability to adjust sound effects.
  • Secure battery compartment that a child cannot open on their own.

An additional universal hole for all the details is permissible for kids, but an adult child does not need it, otherwise the game will lose its meaning. When choosing, do not forget for what purpose you are buying the game - the development of motor skills, the perception of colors, shapes, numbers, letters, or maybe this is a gift - do not mix everything in one pile, the child will be tired of such a variety. It is better to buy several sorters with different functionality.

If the purchase is made through an online store verify its quality by contacting the seller, who must provide a certificate. Read the reviews of moms and make the right choice.

And, most importantly, take into account the opinion of the baby - he is interested in animals, numbers, colors, geometry - choose what will satisfy his interest and your goals.

How to teach a kid to play sorter?

A few tips:

  • First of all, the personal example of the parent is important when teaching the baby. The adult shows - the child repeats. If it is difficult for the baby, then the parent takes his hand and repeats all the movements. Turn the sorter with the right side towards the child to make the task easier.
  • Be sure to praise the child, thereby encouraging further action. Ask questions as you play: “Does this toy fit here? No! Let's look some more. " Support, more than ever, is important for the baby, because it gives rise to self-confidence.
  • Refuse criticism and abuse. The child will no longer want to play the game for which he is scolded.
  • Take your time, watch, give the baby time to think and reflect, build a logical solution.

  • At first, don't force your toddler to play by the rules. Let him get acquainted with the sorter, study, by trial and error, come to the right decision. Show the wrong decision so that the kid understands that this will not be able to complete the task, and the correct one so that the kid understands the difference, show emotions of frustration and joy.
  • Come up with new versions of the game. For example, we collect with one hand, with two hands, develop your imagination, imagining that the sorter is a house, a garage, and the figures are residents. Trace the figures with a pencil on a piece of paper, create drawings. Take the parts with you to the sandbox or bathroom. Play against the clock or blindly, "by touch."
  • Accompany the game with comments and explanations - what kind of figure, color, what size it is. Over time, start asking questions, checking how the child remembers and learns the game.

  • If your toddler plays with one figure, don't despair. Repeat movements methodically, learn shapes. Then the second and all the remaining figures will be used. Try to insert all the figures into the same hole, and, conversely, one figure under different holes.
  • If the sorter could not immediately interest you, do not force or force to play, put it off for a while, and then show the child again.
  • Teach your child to clean up the toy after him, so it will last much longer and the risk of losing parts will be less.
  • Do not forget to take care of it, wash and wash, keep it clean.

How to do it yourself?

The sorter can be made by hand using the simplest material - boxes, cloth, foam rubber, dishwashing sponges. It is both economical and interesting for your child:

  • The easiest sorter... We take several bottles of different sizes and various nuts, beans, beans. The child must pick up objects in size under each neck.
  • Jar and caps... We make holes of different sizes in the lid of the plastic jar. We collect caps, small toys in the child's closet and offer to choose their own entrance for each. The lid can be decorated with a pattern.
  • Bottle with cap... Develops fine motor skills well. We make narrow slots in the lid and insert popsicle sticks, counting sticks, processed twigs into them.

  • Field of Dreams. The base is a cardboard circle on a cardboard rim. We divide the circle into sectors and make holes for future inserts. It can be cups, cubes - any shapes.The highlight of the sorter is that the insert must be voluminous and each has its own "filling" - beads, beads, cereals, bells and the like. Each sector is marked with a color or a picture of the filler. If this is a game for little ones, then limit yourself to flowers, but older children can guess the filler by sound.
  • Lego and shoe box... We make holes in the box with a lid suitable for the Lego size and play. The box can be decorated with pictures and stickers.
  • Feed the animal... We glue the images of the animals on the container lid and make holes of different sizes at the muzzle, according to the size of the nut or pebble that will be inserted.

  • Colored jars... Take four or more jars of different colors and make holes in the lid. You can fill them with colored stickers of different shapes according to the color, multi-colored buttons, where you can make your own hole for each.
  • Sorter-locker... From the box we make a cabinet with drawers of different colors and multi-colored accessories for them, which the child must distribute by color.
  • Sorter puzzle... We use colored foam rubber of small thickness. Create a base with cut holes - circles, butterflies, numbers - to your taste. And the same figures. You can also make a volumetric cube by combining four squares with each other. An interesting idea of ​​a sorter in the full height of a child, then the cube can be a full-fledged house.

  • Sorter by color... Make colored holes in the box and tokens corresponding to the colors. The child must insert the token into his hole. You can complicate the task by adding a token whose color is not on the box.
  • Circuit... Draw the outline of various objects on a large sheet of paper. The task of the kid is to find such an object and put it in place. To make the task more interesting, objects can be laid out around the room.
  • Maxi-sorter... Includes a box with holes for figures, for sticks with numbers and letters.

  • Colored caps... We collect lids of any size and color and create pyramids from them by size, colors, make holes for lids in jars by color.
  • Fabric... We select multi-colored felt, flannel or any other dense fabric and sew a cube with different colors of the sides. We pass ordinary juice sticks along the ribs and stitch them so that the cube does not lose its shape. We make holes in the form of a square, circle, triangle and sew the same volumetric figures. Perfect for kids.
  • Combined... The earbuds are made of different materials - fabric, caps, sponges, foam rubber - an excellent development for tactile sensations and fine motor skills.

There are a lot of ideas, the main desire. These simple toys will help your little one have fun. And their availability will make you happy with its variety.

It is important not to forget about safety - to avoid raw elements, sharp cuts and edges that can cut your baby. For the little ones, it is better to avoid playing with small details and cuts.

If the sorter is made of paper, then the game should be supervised by parents, because the children check everything for a tooth and can swallow a bite off or drool. In this case, use scotch tape.

Sorter is a versatile toy for early childhood development. It is useful for both thinking and motor skills. The child, playing, gets a lot of knowledge about shape, color, logical location. The toy will help the parents of fidgets, because it is difficult to break away from it, the children are happy to spend time in such an interesting and useful activity, and the parents are having a rest.

In this video, you will find an overview of the educational toys for toddlers from Fisher-Price.

Watch the video: Sorting objects for kids. What are Sets? (July 2024).