
Vitamins for children from 3 years old

The growing body of a 3-year-old child needs vitamins, which must be supplied either with food or in the form of pharmacy complexes. Why are vitamins important for a baby of this age and which supplements from those offered by well-known manufacturers are the most common and effective?

A child's body should receive 13 vitamins daily, among which there are so important that without them normal growth and normal development of the baby is impossible.

Features of the effect of vitamins on the body of a three-year-old child and the needs of babies of this age are presented in the table:


The decision to take vitamin supplements should be made on a child-specific basis. Most often, vitamin preparations are recommended for:

  • An unbalanced diet.
  • General fatigue, frequent moods, problems with sleep and appetite.
  • Significant physical or mental stress.
  • Frequent colds and SARS.
  • Seasonal vitamin deficiencies.
  • Recovery after illness or surgery.


Vitamin supplements are not given to 3-year-old children with:

  • Hypervitaminosis.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Kidney disease.

Should I use to strengthen the immune system?

It is at the age of 3 that many babies begin to go to kindergarten, and the physical activity of children increases, so the immune system of three-year-olds has to cope with increased stress. To make it easier for the little one to fight the attack of bacteria and viruses, and in the case of a cold or infection, to recover much faster, pediatricians advise special vitamin complexes. In such complexes, special attention is paid to vitamins that affect the body's defenses - A, C, D and E.

Release forms

Vitamins for three-year-old children are presented by the following options:

  • Syrup.
  • Gel.
  • Solid tablets.
  • Chewable lozenges.

Why are chewable vitamins popular?

Vitamin complexes in the form of chewable lozenges and tablets are especially popular with 3-year-olds because they are bright and tasty, and also usually presented in an interesting form, for example, in the form of teddy bears or other animal figurines. Such vitamins do not need to be swallowed with water, and chewing a delicious gummy or chewable tablet is quite simple.

What vitamins are better for giving: a review of popular

The following vitamin supplements are most often recommended for three-year-old children:

Nutritional adjustments as an alternative

Many parents believe that pharmacy vitamin supplements are not needed at all, and all vitamins can be obtained from ordinary food. This is true, but it is important to make sure that the food that a three-year-old receives is varied and rich in vitamins, as well as quality and fresh.

Read more about the menu for a child at 3 years old in another article.

You can get the vitamins that are essential for a child's health from the following products:

Komarovsky's opinion

The well-known pediatrician does not doubt the value of vitamins for the growing body of 3-year-olds, however, with regard to pharmacy complexes, he responds with restraint. In his opinion, artificial vitamin supplements should be taken by those children who are malnourished.

Also, a popular doctor emphasizes the need to use vitamin preparations if a child is diagnosed with a lack of any vitamin.

For more details, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.


  • Choose a vitamin complex from a reputable manufacturer. Compare the drugs offered to 3-year-old children, and also read reviews from parents. In addition, it is better to buy the complex in a pharmacy chain.
  • Before giving the little one a vitamin, read the annotation and make sure that the drug is really approved at the age of three. In addition, read the sections for manufacturer-specified contraindications and dosage recommendations.
  • If your baby has an allergy, you will have to be especially careful in choosing vitamins, because almost all complexes include dyes, flavors and other additives that may not be suitable for an allergic child.
  • Most vitamins have a tonic effect on the nervous system, therefore, it is advised to take complex vitamins in the morning.
  • If you are buying a vitamin-mineral complex, pay attention to the presence and dosage of minerals such as iodine, iron, calcium, copper and zinc.
  • Store baby vitamins where the baby cannot reach on their own.

Watch the video: Best Brain Development Foods For Kids. Supplements For Children (July 2024).