
Anna Vasilenko,

teacher physical education

Sport is an integral part of every person's life. The sooner we do it, the better. My connection with sports began in kindergarten, when my parents took me to swimming and gymnastics. The years passed, and the love for sports only intensified: the more I did, the more I realized how important physical activity is for a person. Having received one higher education in the field of philology, I nevertheless decided to devote myself to what I love and graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education.

The knowledge that the university gave me deepened all the previously gained experience and helped in working with novice athletes. I am still an active athlete, I participate in competitions, but at the same time I successfully teach children and people of different ages the intricacies of sports discipline.

With the advent of my daughter, I got a new direction, which became a priority for me, this is the physical education of little children. Knowing all the nuances of this matter, understanding at what age and what you can do is very important for any parent who is worried about his child. Gymnastics and developmental exercises for children at home, in kindergarten and sports clubs should be correct, logically structured and correctly selected in order to be useful without harming the child.

Watch the video: Arte Fiera 2014 - Intervista a Anna Vasilenko Galleria nina due (June 2024).