
"Elevit Planning and First Trimester": instructions for use

Lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in food can affect the conception and formation of the fetus in the early stages, therefore there are special multivitamin supplements, the intake of which will protect a woman from possible problems. One of the most popular among such complexes is Elevit, the packaging of which says "Planning and First Trimester". After studying the instructions for the use of such vitamins and reading the review of reviews, it becomes clear why they are often chosen when planning a pregnancy, and how they differ from no less demanded complex called "Elevit Pronatal".

Features of the additive

"Elevit" marked "Planning and First Trimester" is produced by the renowned company Bayer and intended for women who want to conceive a child or have recently received good news about the imminent replenishment of the family. Such multivitamins are recommended to be drunk before a positive test and within 1 trimester (the first 12 weeks of gestation), and from the 13th week it is advisable to switch to another product of the same manufacturer - Elevit Pronatal. Its use is recommended in 2-3 trimesters and after childbirth.

The list of active substances "Elevita" included 12 vitamin compounds, the most important for women who are preparing for pregnancy, as well as for the formation of an embryo at an early stage. These are vitamins of group B and ascorbic acid, as well as fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D and E.

The supplement also contains folates, from which the woman will receive folic acid. This vitamin is considered one of the key for the proper formation of the fetus, especially its nervous system.

Elevit Planning and First Trimester contains an active substance called metapholine... It is calcium L-methylfolate, which is highly absorbable. It is absorbed even by women who have problems absorbing common folic acid.

In addition to vitamins, "Elevit" for those who wish to conceive a child and have recently become pregnant also includes 8 minerals. The supplement fully covers the needs for copper, iodine and manganese, and also contains selenium, zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium. The tablets are white and oval in shape. They are packaged in blisters of 10 and sold in 30 tablets per pack. On average, the price of one package of the complex is 500 rubles.


By taking Elevit Planning and First Trimester, a woman will provide:

  • correct formation of embryonic tissues;
  • reducing the risk of pathologies of the heart, brain and other organs of the unborn child;
  • support of internal organs, the load on which greatly increases during pregnancy;
  • good functioning of the thyroid gland and other endocrine organs;
  • maintenance of metabolic reactions, synthesis of enzymes and hormones in a woman's body;
  • normal production of hemoglobin, thereby reducing the likelihood of anemia;
  • strengthening the non-specific defense of the body of the expectant mother against viruses, bacteria and other negative influences;
  • prevention of abortion in the 1st trimester.

The use of the supplement will support early toxicosis, improve the functioning of the nervous system of the pregnant woman, the state of the blood vessels and the woman's mood.


Reception "Elevita" for planners especially important in case of hypovitaminosis or a high risk of its occurrence... The supplement is in demand as a prophylactic agent that prevents the lack of vitamin compounds and mineral salts during the most crucial period of pregnancy. It is often prescribed for malnutrition when, for whatever reason, the pregnant woman cannot get all the nutrients from food.... The complex will be useful at the age of 30+ years, as well as with difficulties with bearing in the anamnesis.


The instruction to "Elevit" for the 1st trimester notes the following conditions and diseases in which the intake of the supplement is prohibited:

  • hypersensitivity to any of the components in the complex;
  • hypervitaminosis D or hypervitaminosis A, as well as suspicion of their presence;
  • increased levels of calcium in a woman's urine or blood;
  • disorders of absorption of iron;
  • severe renal failure;
  • disorders of copper metabolism.

In addition, it is important to consider other supplements or medications that the expectant mother is already taking.

“Elevit” should not be drunk at the same time as other vitamin products, so as not to increase the risk of overdose of certain ingredients (primarily fat-soluble vitamins). In addition, the complex is not taken together with antacids and some antimicrobial drugs.

Separately, we note whether it is worth taking the product for men. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals can reduce male fertility, therefore, it is very important to eliminate hypovitaminosis before conception not only for a woman, but also for her partner. However, the ingredients of "Elevita" are designed primarily for the female body. Theoretically, taking such a complex is not contraindicated for men, but a doctor's consultation is required.

Side effect

An allergic reaction may occur to "Elevit", because the preparation contains many active substances and many auxiliary components.... Allergies may appear after taking the first pill or after some time from the start of use. Symptoms include redness of the skin, rash, itching, swelling of facial tissues, and so on. With such a reaction, you must immediately stop taking the supplement, then, together with the doctor, choose another remedy that the woman will tolerate normally.

Among the rare side effects of pills are digestive disorders. In some patients, "Elevit" is the cause of nausea, constipation, pain in the abdomen or loose stools.

Sometimes the additive provokes nervous irritability, headache, sleep disturbances, or dizziness. With such side effects, another multivitamin agent is usually selected, for example, "Femibion ​​1" or "Vitrum Prenatal".

Since there is iron in the complex, the woman's stool becomes dark, sometimes almost black, when using Elevit. A supplement ingredient such as riboflavin can affect the color of the urine, making it brighter. Such changes are not classified as side effects, since they do not harm either the health of the woman herself or the development of the baby.

How to use?

The supplement must be drunk one tablet a day, since this portion contains the active substances necessary for expectant mothers. To reduce the risk of nausea and other adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to swallow Elevit during a meal. It is best if the woman drinks the drug during breakfast, since the complex taken in the afternoon can affect the night's sleep.

The tablet is covered with a dense shell that protects the contents from destruction in the stomach, so you should not bite or break it into pieces. The drug is swallowed with plain clean water, taking it in a volume of about 100 ml. It is also important to comply with the following conditions:

  • do not take Elevit on your own, you should drink the complex after consulting a doctor;
  • do not exceed the dosage (one day - one tablet);
  • clarify the duration of the appointment with the doctor (usually multivitamins are drunk in courses, the duration of which is established by a specialist);
  • if any alarming changes appear, immediately consult a doctor;
  • check the expiration date of the tablets before taking.


There are mostly positive reviews about the use of the Elevit Planning and First Trimester complex.... The supplement is praised for its thoughtful and balanced composition, application once a day and effectiveness. Women who drank such vitamins before conception and in the first weeks of gestation noted that the drug improved their general condition, smoothed early toxicosis, and helped the correct development of the embryo.

One of the main cons supplements are called large tablet size. Some women also complain about the high price of the complex, because of which they prefer more affordable analogs. As for tolerance, in most cases the drug does not provoke side effects and does not worsen the well-being of the expectant mother.

For vitamins needed during pregnancy, see below.

Watch the video: The Importance of Prenatal Vitamins (July 2024).