
The most popular board games for children 5 years old

Board games for children are becoming more and more popular. They are suitable for any company, because their variety is great. Modern toys, educational, logical, didactic - this is only a small part of the variety. Children are happy to devote time to such games at home and in kindergarten, with family and friends. Although the games have competitive tactics, they bring players closer together in finding solutions, observing each other, studying actions and consequences.


Board games are a collective affair. This means that one of the useful properties is close communication between players. The child learns to negotiate, communicate, give in, acquires a sense of healthy competition, which is no less important for the future life.

Simulation is another usefulness of board games. Imagination starts to work. The child receives a problem situation and looks for ways to solve it, analyzes, suggests what the result can be.

Also, the child gets acquainted with the world around him - animals, plants, professions, situations. They also teach the rules of life - safety, traffic rules, correct behavior, what is good and what is bad.

From the point of view of mental processes, babies develop thinking, attention, memory. Logical thinking is actively involved in sorting and grouping games. Along with this, the child learns to read, count, write. A lot of games are aimed at acquainting the child with the works of various writers, folk art. Games for the development of fine motor skills are popular and useful, which affects the accuracy, clarity of actions, the child's speech apparatus.

The usefulness of board games is undoubtedly great. It would seem that such simple children's entertainment, but what is the potential for the development of the baby. And if they are made by the child himself with his parents, then their value increases significantly.


There is no clear ranking among board games, as many of them can be attributed to different categories. But still, among these entertainments, several varieties can be distinguished:


Games with chips, dice and cards. The map can be thematic for fairy tales, cartoons, with the study of animals, plants, professions - the choice is huge. The sets also include additional tasks in the form of riddles, performing poems, songs, dances. Suitable for any company, but the more children, the larger the card must be, otherwise the game will end very quickly.

Lotto / Domino

Children's themed dominoes and bingo have many themes: plants, fruits, animals, transport, professions, seasons and the like.


Play sets such as "Do it yourself", "Lego", the assembly of various parts, the creation of streets, cities - all games in which, having collected parts, come to a certain result. This game is especially interesting for boys. It comes with instructions with options for crafts. But this does not mean that the child should be limited to this. If it is difficult for him to come up with a model himself, then adults may well help and give an idea.

Puzzles and Mosaics

From 40 to 60 large pieces - the optimal number of puzzles for children 5-6 years old. If the children are experienced and well versed in this matter, then the number can be increased, and the size of the parts can be reduced. The difficulty of the mosaics can also vary. If your goal is to keep the child busy, but not tire, then choose puzzles of medium difficulty.


Classes with cards "Find a couple", "What's extra?", "Memori", "Who lives where?" aimed at developing thinking, attention and memory. The child in the game recreates connections with the outside world, gets acquainted with the processes, develops logic. These games are ideal for kindergarten - children learn by playing.


Interesting games with rules, where the player makes a decision on which the further course of the strategy depends.

"Monopoly", "Children of Carcassonne" and similar toys will make your child think and think over their actions in order to achieve the desired victory.

Games that develop fine motor skills

Beads, weaving from elastic bands, "Jenga" and many others. The child controls the accuracy in execution, coordination of movements, accuracy.

Games with chips and pawns

These are traditional "Drafts", "Chess", "Ludo", "Backgammon". All of them force the child to turn on thinking and think over their actions several steps ahead.


Creating play material with your own hands. Lotto, dominoes, chess, cards - all this can be done at home at no extra cost. And the child will especially appreciate the game made with his own hands.

The best board games are different for everyone. All children have different interests and character, so the choice can be anything, because the variety of games will please any whim.

Popular games

The abundance of board games will not make even the biggest restless and fastidious critics get bored.

Answer in 5 seconds

Play with a clock, a ball moving in a spiral for five seconds, and question cards. In five seconds, you need to answer one question with three answers. Name your three favorite foods, colors, and so on. If you managed to give an answer, then you move forward, and if not, you stay in place.


Game set with cards. You need to quickly find a match for your image, hidden in a colorful illustration of another card. Due to the fast pace, the game does not get boring and the child can play it several times.

Pathfinder and Gingerbread Man

Games in which the child uses fragments of cards to create a map of movement from hero to hero. Kolobok, for example, needs to get to his grandmother on the opposite side of the field, but avoid meeting with predatory animals.

Mister twister

A game that duplicates Twister, but you need to play here with your fingers. Teaches to distinguish colors, counting, develops fine motor skills.

Monopoly Junior

Children's version of Monopoly. The child learns what money is and how to use it. Similar to her - "Marakkesh" and "Farm Frenzy". The child also disposes of his household, trying to manage it correctly and carry out profitable deals.

Leaning tower of Miombo

Children's colorful version of the Jenga game. First, the child builds a tower from the bars, and then carefully takes them out, trying not to drop them. The player will lose, after whose move the tower will fall.

Thunderous jungle

The kit includes magnetic eggs and snakes. You need to be able to hold the eggs so that they are not attracted to each other and do not make a rattling sound.

Alias ​​is a team toy

Task: explain to your team what word is written on the card, what is drawn, without saying it. A similar game "Guess who are you?", Differs in that each player puts a rim with a word on his head, and, asking questions, tries to guess what the word is.

Constructor "Builder"

Constructor "Builder" of 65 elements is made of wood and includes various parts to build towers, houses and all kinds of figures. The bright and high quality material makes the game safe and fun.

Wheel of Fortune - Quiz Game

The set includes a drum and cards with words (over 1000), which are placed on special fields. The players' moves are determined by the wheel. The player needs to guess where the ball will land.


It is a card, words from which you need to portray, without using words, only facial expressions and gestures.

Corridor (Labyrinth)

In this game, tactics are central. The child must make moves in such a way as to drive the opponent into a trap and at the same time not get caught and get out on his own.


There are a lot of games. "Doctor Aibolit" is a simple game based on the famous cartoon with tasks that will captivate the kid. The original and popular toy "Cats and Mice" is a three-dimensional field with mouse chips, inside which there is a glass ball. If it falls out, then the player's chip returns to the start. The cat interferes with the mice, creating obstacles. Another interesting walker "Turtle Race". Children take turns completing various tasks from the cards. The whole catch is that where - whose turtle can only be recognized at the end.

Lotto in four languages

Simple loto, but on the other side of the card the word is written in 4 languages ​​- Russian, English, French and German.

Firstly, the child memorizes words in an unobtrusive form, by the picture-sound association, and secondly, you can find out which language is closer to your child.

Seth Junior

You need to collect a set of cards by color, shape and number of symbols. The winner will be the one who collects the most sets in a short time.

Children of Carcassonne

Playing with cards, fragments of the map. The kid should think over the tactics of laying out cards with his hero and come to the finish line first.

Haunted tower

Set with clocks with arrows and token cards. It is necessary to collect ghosts by color of three tokens, if the color does not match, then the clock begins to add five minutes. If you find identical babies, then place them in the bedroom. The game is designed for team interaction.


A game for addition to 10. In the center of the table is a deck of round cards with fruits and numbers. The team of raccoons and hedgehogs selects cards by type and searches among their own for those that add up to ten. All this must be done quickly so that the opposing team does not take the map. The winner is the team that collects the most cards.


Cards with animal families are mixed and distributed equally to all participants. Each player takes a card from the player on the left and tries to collect families. The loser is the one who has a card with a cockroach in his hands.


Players are dealt 7 cards each. Purpose: to discard a card of a similar color or number onto the deck on the table. The game is complicated by special cards with tasks.

Color code

Cards with geometric shapes of different colors should be repeated using the special color frames included. Helps to develop color perception and not to confuse shades.

Beast letters

Small colorful cards with letters and large cards with animals and names include five different games. The easiest one is to collect the letters of your animal as quickly as possible.

Jigsaw puzzles

One of the children's favorite board games. Various cartoon characters, frames, images with light landscapes can hold the baby's attention for a long time. Children love it when the whole family is playing.

Lotto of smells

Jars with smells should be laid out on the field with images - fruits, household aromas, flowers. Finally, you can check the result by turning the flavor over.

Pull the carrot out

A voluminous walker in the form of a mountain with a carrot at the top. Hares hunt for her, but during the game they can fall into a trap. The winner is the one who is the first to be at the top.


The game allows up to four players. A board with four sectors - the bases on which the player places four of his chips. If the number six rolls out on the die, then the player has the right to display a new chip on the field, if less, then the move takes place with the one on the field. The winner will be the one whose chips are in the center of the field - the house of chips earlier.

Aviator Louis

The task of the players is to save their chickens from the airplane with Louis. This can be done using a special lever, hitting which the airplane begins to make feints. Designed for four players.


Game with an exchange of cards. The more the player changes, the greater the chance of becoming a winner.

Games on paper

The great thing about these games is that all you need is paper, a pen and no investment. These include "Tic-Tac-Toe", walking cards, puzzles cut out of a picture, that is, all the toys that can be made "here and now", if everything that is already tired and you want something new.


"Who eats what?", "Where's whose baby?", "Edible-inedible", "Vegetables and fruits", "What a fairy tale", logical dominoes "What then?" and many other popular games to familiarize the child with the world around him.

All games develop the different feelings and thinking abilities of children. Therefore, it is better to purchase them in a set, or in order not to tire the child, change them as they are fully studied.

Tips for choosing

Before purchasing games, decide for what purpose you are buying them.

  • If you buy a game for a toddler, ask what he likes. If this is a gift, then inquire about the birthday person's interests.
  • For 5-6 year olds, the main thing is safety. Make sure there are no piercing objects, too small parts. If the game is with the case and batteries, then all the covers must be firmly fixed.
  • When choosing a game, read the instructions carefully. And in general - check if it is available. Fortunately, today the game range has an age qualification, so the selection is easier. But if your child has already outgrown some of them, then you can safely look at options for older children.
  • Consider the conditions of the game - number of players, age, presence of adults. During the game there should be no conditions under which it is impossible to play - there are many players, the presence of presenters, who are difficult to recruit in a house with one or two children. Otherwise, the child will simply abandon this activity and all interest will disappear.
  • Another aspect is materialfrom which the play set is made. Paper and cardboard cards and cards wear out quickly. Salvation is lacquered material. High quality and dense, because children get upset very quickly if scuffs appear. Metal can injure. Wood and plastic have the best characteristics.

As you can see, everything is individual in the choice of toys. It is best to choose a game with your child together. A joint choice will help to purchase a game for the whole family and a fun pastime.


Reviews of board games are positive. All mothers emphasize their influence on the logic and thinking of children. But attention and memory in five-year-old children turn on more difficult, so speed games are not as easy as we would like. Mothers love games for color perception, studying letters, numbers, shapes, which is natural for future schoolchildren.

Children also like to play logical paths, walkers, sound effects with various interesting details. The more colorful the play material, the more it captures the child, the more he wants to understand and study it. Having learned to play, the child strives for leadership. Therefore, in family play, parents create a situation of success for the child, which helps to strengthen interest in the game and the involvement of friends.

Moms love that there is a large selection of games, but at the same time they wander in search of an interesting option. Therefore, games change as they become "bored" and the child loses interest in it. Children enjoy playing with the whole family. Parents buy joint games for several children. But at the same time, they note that the age difference does not allow choosing an equal game. Constructors, puzzles, loto, chess and toys with an unpredictable course of action - walkers, "Crocodile", "Corridor" are considered universal. Another plus in purchasing board games is that you can make an order via the Internet, and the set will be on the table as soon as possible.

In general, board games for parents and children are salvation from despondency, unification and healthy rest after a hard day at work and kindergarten. Board games for children are becoming more and more popular. This is an interesting and entertaining pastime. Today, parents and educators are often faced with children's hyperactivity, computer addiction, and unwillingness to learn. At such a moment, the table toy becomes a savior - it will calm, captivate and teach your child a lot.

Review of board games can be viewed without leaving your computer. What game will your child play? The answer can be obtained from the attached video.

Watch the video: 9 Best Board Games for Kids (July 2024).