
Learn to write the number "1" with your child

The nursery is over, and the child enters the middle group of kindergarten, which means that the first attempts to study writing begin. First, children are taught to write numbers. The very first and seemingly simple number is “one”. However, its writing must be approached correctly.

How to write?

Before teaching a baby to write any number, it is necessary that he be able to count to 5 or 10, the baby should have an idea of ​​the very concept of a number. It is formed in a child by the age of 4-5 years. At this time, you can start writing.

You need to write the number "1" and all other numbers only in a playful way. So the child will have fun and interesting to remember new knowledge. To begin with, offer to circle the already finished number 1. Then we study together - take the child's hand and draw the number "one", pronouncing its name. It is important to write numbers according to the rules, otherwise the accuracy and beauty of the letter will be more difficult to instill, because the child will already have his own simple skill of writing numbers.

Put the point at which writing begins. Next, go up and draw a line down. The figure is ready. The first time the number is written in large size, to teach the child the spelling sequence and accuracy. Next, we move on to writing in the cell of the notebook.

To have a visual image, draw a large cell on the sheet and write the number again correctly, pronouncing the sequence of drawing elements... Hang the sample on the wall for your child to watch and repeat.

First teach your child a simple typed "1", then show how to spell a capital letter.


There are the following:

  • Entertaining tablet... Download on your tablet, in addition to games, an application with numbers. The writing animation will allow the child to remember the sequence and repeat on the piece of paper on their own, if the adults are busy. An alternative is an animated picture with the writing of the number one.
  • We draw in the air. Move your hand in the air and invite your baby to repeat after you. Further, when studying, you can guess what is depicted in the air.
  • Stencil. Create stencil "1" and offer to circle it.
  • Write everywhere - on a walk: on the sand, build a figure out of pebbles or sticks, when cooking: on flour or cereals, with the help of toys.
  • Drawing from numbers... Invite your child to draw a picture using only number 1. Start small - patterns, snowflakes, Christmas trees. At the same time, we play the game "What does it look like?", Creating any row of numbers "one" and looking for meaning in them.
  • Bring the figure to life... Make a digital hero by adding arms, legs, face. Play or come up with a fairy tale with this hero.
  • Associations... Ask your toddler what this number is like: search among household items, toys, or in a book. Calendars and clocks will be good helpers - a simple search for a number and its meaning will help you learn to understand the time.
  • Various materials. Use pens, pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons for writing, sculpt a figure from plasticine, cut out of paper. All this will allow the child to compare how the number is obtained, how easier it is to write it, and the hand will gradually get used to it, and the skill will come to automatism.


Parents should keep in mind the following:

  • Don't start learning too early, or the child will lose the desire to learn with peers. If the child expresses a desire, then you should not refuse.
  • Teach the concept of "cell" and show how to navigate in it. This will greatly help in teaching and explaining the writing.
  • Develop fine motor skills. There is a diagnosis "trembling hand" - when the elements are curved, and the lines are waves. In this case, the child does little to work out the small muscles of the arm. To strengthen motor skills and strength of the hands, play finger games, finger twister, cut, weave, sort out small details, sculpt, draw with your fingers.

  • Start simple. Draw point by point: sticks, lines with elements of the number "one". Further complicate the task. Tell that the number is “friendly” with others, and together they form new numbers - 10, 21, 11, 100.
  • Be sure to praise your child to increase the desire to learn and the desire for success.

To make it easier for the child to master the writing of the very first digit, use different techniques, alternating and combining them, then learning will become an exciting game, the child will remember everything faster and will accurately output the numbers.

We also recommend showing your child an educational cartoon on how to write the number 1.

Watch the video: Learn to Write Numbers 1 to 30 For Kids Children and Toddlers - Learning Numbers 1 to 30 For Kids (September 2024).