
Singulair for children: instructions for use

Bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis are a serious problem in pediatrics, since these diseases torment the child and worsen his quality of life, and the hormonal drugs used to treat them have their drawbacks.

However, in recent years, very effective anti-asthma drugs have appeared that do not contain hormones. One of them is Singular. How this drug works for allergies and asthma, in what doses it is prescribed for children, how many days it needs to be taken to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, and what analogues can be substituted - you will find the answers to these and other questions in our article.

Release form and composition

Singular is produced only in solid form. In this case, one type of medicine is chewable tablets, and the other is coated tablets. This medicinal product is not available in the form of syrup, ampoules, drops, capsules or suspension.

All types of Singular are packed in blisters of 7 and sold in packs of 1, 2 or 4 blisters (from 7 to 28 tablets).

SINGULAIR is embossed on one side of each tablet. The main ingredient in Singular is called montelukast, which comes in the form of montelukast sodium. Depending on the content of such a compound, there are 3 dosages of Singular.

  1. Chewable tablets containing 4 mg of montelukast are pink in color and oval. MSD 71 can be seen on one side of such a tool.
  2. Chewable tablets, which contain montelukast in a dose of 5 mg, are also pink in color, but they are round in shape and have the inscription MSD 275.
  3. The coated tablets contain the most active ingredient - 10 mg of montelukast in each. Their shell is light cream in color, and the shape of such a medicine is square with rounded corners. These tablets are marked with MSD 117 on one side.

Auxiliary components in chewable tablets of both dosages are the same and are represented by mannitol, hyprolose, magnesium stearate, red iron oxide and MCC. This Singular form also contains aspartame, sodium crosscarmellose and cherry flavor.

In addition to montelukast, crosscarmellose sodium, MCC, hyprolose, lactose in the form of monohydrate and magnesium stearate are added to the core of the tablets to be swallowed. The shell of such a Singular is made of hypromellose, carnauba wax, yellow and red iron oxides, hyprolose and titanium dioxide.

Operating principle

Montelukast represents a group of agents called "leukotriene receptor antagonists". Leukotrienes are quite active inflammatory mediators - compounds that are released from eosinophils and mast cells in response to an inflammatory response or allergens.

Once released, they bind to special receptors (called cysteinyl leukotriene) found in the smooth muscle of the bronchial tree, as well as in macrophages, eosinophils and other cells. It is leukotrienes that play a major role in the development of clinical symptoms of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma.

After they bind to receptors located in the airways, bronchial spasm develops, mucus secretion increases, and the vessels become more permeable, which leads to an attack of bronchial asthma. If the patient has an allergic form of rhinitis, then after the influence of the allergen, leukotrienes are released from the cells of the mucous membrane, as a result of which the symptoms of such a disease begin to appear.

Montelukast is able to bind to leukotriene receptors without affecting other important receptors that are found in the respiratory tract - adrenergic receptors, cholinergic receptors or prostaglandin receptors. As a result of this interaction the drug blocks the effects of leukotrienes... Clinically, it prevents the development of bronchospasm in asthma, and also helps to eliminate an asthma attack or allergic rhinitis.

Besides, the medication has a positive effect on the indicators of external respiration (lung volume, respiratory rate, minute volume).

The bioavailability of Singular is considered high, since montelukast is absorbed rather quickly from the taken tablet and after 2-3 hours the concentration of this compound in the blood becomes maximum. The substance almost completely binds to proteins that circulate in the blood. After metabolic changes in the liver cells, montelukast leaves the human body with feces within five days.


Taking into account the special mechanism of action of the drug Singular is in demand:

  • with an allergic form of rhinitis, in order to eliminate the daytime symptoms of such a cold and its nocturnal manifestations;
  • with bronchial asthma to reduce the frequency of bronchospasm, including during exercise and at night;
  • as a prophylactic agent that prevents allergic rhinitis and asthma attacks.

Some ENT doctors prescribe Singular for adenoids, if the cause of the enlargement of the tonsils is an allergic reaction.

At what age is it allowed for children?

The use of Singular in childhood is contraindicated up to 2 years. In this case, the smallest patients can only be given chewable tablets of 4 mg of the active ingredient. 5 mg chewable tablets are prescribed from the age of six, and coated tablets are allowed only from the age of 15.


The medication should not be taken by children who have an intolerance to montelukast or another component of the drug. Since chewable tablets contain aspartame, this form is also contraindicated in patients with phenylketonuria.

The presence of lactose in tablets in the shell determines the prohibition of this form of Singular not only for children with milk sugar intolerance, but also for patients with lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Side effects

Judging by the doctors' reviews and the test results, Singular is usually well tolerated, and its side effects are often mild and do not force treatment to be canceled.

In rare cases, pills can cause:

  • an allergic reaction such as hives, rash, or anaphylaxis;
  • nausea, diarrhea and other dyspeptic symptoms;
  • increased activity of liver enzymes;
  • joint or muscle pain;
  • enuresis;
  • fatigue;
  • depression, disorientation, memory problems, aggressiveness and other mental disorders;
  • an increased tendency to bleed and bruise, such as nosebleeds;
  • increased risk of respiratory tract infections;
  • drowsiness, paresthesia, dizziness;
  • swelling;
  • increased heart rate.

If any of these symptoms appeared after the first dose or after some time from the start of treatment with Singular, it is imperative to notify the doctor about thisso that he can choose another therapy.

Instructions for use

The medication is taken once a day, preferably in the evening. The diet does not affect its reception. The dosage of the medicine is determined by the patient's age:

  • children 2-5 years old are given 1 chewable tablet containing 4 mg of montelukast;
  • for a child 6-14 years old, the medicine is prescribed for 1 chewable tablet containing 5 mg of montelukast;
  • a teenager 15 years of age and older should swallow 1 coated tablet containing 10 mg of montelukast.

The duration of taking the drug in each individual case is determined by the doctor individually, for example, with bronchial asthma, the drug is drunk for several months.


During studies, it was found that only very significant dosages of montelukast (over 1000 mg per day) cause negative symptoms. With such a severe overdose, the patient develops drowsiness, headache, thirst, vomiting or abdominal pain. Symptomatic agents are used to treat this condition.

Drug interactions

Singular is compatible with many drugs used in bronchial asthma. It is often combined with the use of inhaled glucocorticoids or bronchodilators.

Terms of sale

Any form of Singular is available with a prescription. The cost of one package of 14 tablets is in the range of 900-1100 rubles.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of Singular chewable tablets is 2 years, and of coated tablets - 3 years. Until the date marked on the package has expired, it is recommended to keep the drug at home in a dry place at a temperature of + 15 + 30 degrees.

The product should be stored so that it is not easily accessible to small children.


There are many good reviews from parents about the use of Singular. In them, mothers note that the medication helped with allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma, reduced the risk of bronchospasm, exacerbation of the disease or the transition of ARVI to bronchitis.

The advantages of the drug are called its non-hormonal nature and a single dose per day. The disadvantages of the drug, most parents consider its high price.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

A popular physician considers Singular to be an effective antiallergic drug that can prevent bronchospasm and reduce the need for glucocorticoids or drugs that dilate the bronchi. The pediatrician uses it in his practice and prescribes it to young patients with allergic rhinitis or mild bronchial asthma.

He confirms that it has undergone many controlled studies, in which it has shown its ability to stop the symptoms of bronchial asthma, reduce the number of acute episodes and reduce hypersensitivity to allergens affecting the respiratory tract.

However, the famous doctor focuses the attention of parents on the fact that it is impossible to give Singular to children without a doctor's prescription, because such a medication has contraindications, and some features of the reception. In addition, according to Komarovsky, with ARVI and cough, such a remedy must necessarily be supplemented with other measures, for example, frequent walks, regular ventilation and a full diet.

In addition, Singular is not used to eliminate an asthma attack, therefore, the mother must have an emergency medication on hand that can quickly relieve bronchospasm.


Singular can be replaced by other drugs based on the same active ingredient. They are:

  • Montelar.
  • Montelukast.
  • Almont.
  • Singlon.
  • Montler.
  • Ectalust.

All of them are presented in the same forms (in the form of coated tablets and chewable tablets) and in the same dosages as Singulair, therefore, they are considered an adequate replacement. They are produced in Turkey, Russia, Belgium, Poland and other countries and are distinguished by auxiliary ingredients. For example, domestically produced Ectalust tablets have a strawberry flavor, and Singlon from Gedeon Richter and Montelar from Sandoz are, like Singular, cherry-flavored tablets.

As for the price, then almost all of these drugs are cheaper, but you should not buy them instead of Singular without the agreement of a doctor... It is best to select an analogue together with a doctor who constantly observes the child.

In addition to drugs with a similar active substance, Singulair can also be replaced by medicines with a similar therapeutic effect, for example, syrup or Ketotifen tablets. This drug acts on mast cells and prevents them from releasing active compounds in response to an allergen. In syrup, such a drug is prescribed from 6 months of age, and in solid form - from 3 years.

See the following video for the doctor's comments on Singulair (composition, indications, contraindications, effectiveness, analogues).

Watch the video: Singulair Warning Upgraded (July 2024).