
Omeprazole for children

Omeprazole is an antisecretory drug prescribed for adults for ulcerative and erosive lesions of the upper digestive tract. It is also often taken as a symptomatic remedy for heartburn. But is it possible to give such a drug to children and in what cases?

Release form and composition

The drugs called Omeprazole are produced by many Russian and foreign companies. Their name may contain a prefix indicating the manufacturer (for example, "Omeprazole Zentiva", "Omeprazole-Akrikhin" or "Omeprazole-Richter"), but the active substance in all such medicines is the same. They are available in enteric and conventional capsules, which are sold in packs of 10 to 100.

The main ingredient in the drug is also called omeprazole. Its amount in one capsule can be 10 or 20 mg. Additional components of the drug from different manufacturers are sucrose, hypromellose, magnesium carbonate, macrogol, gelatin and other substances.

It is important to clarify their list for patients who have an intolerance to any chemical compounds.

Operating principle

The drug, by its mechanism of action, is a proton pump inhibitor, therefore is able to suppress the formation of hydrochloric acid, and also reduces the activity of gastric juice. The healing properties of Omeprazole are manifested after the drug enters the acidic environment of the stomach. Once in this section of the digestive tract, the drug enters the parietal cells that secrete hydrochloric acid.

Accumulating in these cells, Omeprazole regulates the synthesis of such components of gastric juice as hydrochloric acid and pepsin. In addition, the drug has a bactericidal effect on H. pylori, which additionally helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

The action of the capsules begins 1 hour after taking them and lasts up to 24 hours. The higher the dosage, the more the parietal cells are inhibited.


Omeprazole is used:

  • As one of the drugs in the complex therapy of stomach ulcers or ulcerative lesions of the duodenum.
  • With Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
  • With gastroesophageal reflux.
  • With erosive esophagitis.

  • With gastropathies caused by treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • With hypersecretory disorders of the stomach.
  • For the prevention of recurrence of peptic ulcer disease.

Are children prescribed?

In the annotation to Omeprazole capsules, most manufacturers have information that such a medicine is not used in childhood. However, in practice, gastroenterologists and pediatricians prescribe Omeprazole to children if they have an acute disease of the upper gastrointestinal tract. In this case, patients under 5 years of age are given medication in extremely rare cases and only under the supervision of a physician.

It is unacceptable to use capsules without the appointment of a specialist in childhood.


Omeprazole capsules should not be given to patients with intolerance to any of their components, as well as with atrophic gastritis or inflammation of the stomach with a decrease in acidity. That is why without examination by a gastroenterologist, such a medicine can be harmfulrather than help with treatment.

In addition, the medication is not prescribed for liver failure, stomach tumors, gastrointestinal infections or kidney failure.

Side effects

During treatment with Omeprazole, dizziness, dry mouth, diarrhea, headaches, flatulence, lethargy, skin rashes, nausea and other negative symptoms may occur.

Their appearance should be the reason for seeking medical attention and adjusting the dosage or replacing the drug.

Instructions for use

Usually, Omeprazole is taken only once a day. The capsule should be swallowed before breakfast or during the first meal with water. Do not open or chew it. The dose for each child is selected individually, since it is calculated taking into account the patient's body weight. In addition, it will differ for different pathologies of the digestive tract.

The duration of treatment also depends on the diagnosis and can be up to several months.

Terms of sale and storage

Omeprazole 20 mg capsules are available by prescription, while 10 mg capsules are over-the-counter. The shelf life of Omeprazole is often 2 or 3 years. Until it has expired, the capsules are kept at a temperature not higher than +25 degrees in a dry place.

It is also important to choose a place for storing the medication where children cannot reach the capsules.


Omeprazole in most reviews is called an effective remedy for abdominal pain, heartburn and other symptoms of stomach ulcers. According to many parents who gave such capsules to children with gastrointestinal pathologies, the drug acted quickly and was mostly well tolerated.

The advantages of the drug are also called taking once a day and a low price (for this reason, Omerpazole is often chosen instead of the more expensive Omez).


If for some reason it is impossible to give the child Omeprazole, another medicine that contains the same active substance can be a substitute for it. It could be Omez, Gastrozol, Omitox, Ultop or Losec. However, giving children any of these medicines, like Omeprazole, is prohibited without a doctor's prescription. In addition, some of them are produced not only in capsules, so it is better to entrust the selection of an analogue to a specialist who observes the child and takes into account possible contraindications.

In addition, instead of omeprazole drugs, babies with diseases of the digestive tract can be prescribed other drugs, for example, Emanera, Cerucal, Zulbeks, Micrasim, Almagel, De-Nol or Rabelok. But it is important for parents to understand that such drugs have different active ingredients and a different mechanism of action.

In addition, all such funds have age restrictions (for example, Rabelok and Zulbeks are not prescribed for children under 12 years old), therefore, their use is possible only after consulting a doctor.

As mentioned above, "Omeprazole" can be used in the treatment of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. You can find out about what means and how to properly treat children's gastritis in the next video.

Watch the video: What is Omeprazole? Omeprazole and Acid Reflux. Food and drinks to avoid with stomach issues (July 2024).