
Doctor Komarovsky on sedatives for children

Every mother, especially when it comes to the mother of a restless baby, dreams that the child will finally get enough sleep and let everyone else sleep. Therefore, with the question of what kind of sedative to give the child, mothers come to the offices of pediatric doctors. Pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky, who hears such questions himself almost every day, decided to tell all concerned parents whether their babies need sedatives and what medicines they can be given.

Who needs these drugs?

Modern mothers believe that it is her child who really needs sedatives, who does not sleep well, often wakes up, is capricious and shows signs of the very hyperactivity that has recently become so fashionable to talk about every time you need to explain the baby's anxiety. Evgeny Komarovsky, pediatrician of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences and author of books and articles on children's health, is sure that the very statement of the question with a request to prescribe a sedative for a child sounds incorrect.

All over the world, doctors, obeying the requirements and recommendations of the World Health Organization, do not even suspect of any sedatives for children. There are kids with mental illness, severe pathologies who need serious treatment with no less serious drugs. But these are antipsychotics, tranquilizers. To prescribe something to a child without mental disabilities just to calm him down is an exclusively Russian "invention".

Dr. Komarovsky is also a staunch follower of just this approach. He is sure that a child who does not have severe psychiatric diagnoses does not need sleeping pills or sedatives. Moreover, they are dangerous if their use is not justified. But in Russian pharmacies there are many products that are sold without a prescription. But they have nothing to do with sleeping pills and sedatives (in the true sense of the word). Most often these are homeopathic medicines with one tenth of a molecule of a certain active substance per liter of water with sugar.

It is clear that a child cannot become calmer from water with sugar. But this makes the doctor, who is overcome by the parents with the question of prescribing sleeping pills, and the mother who is now confident that she is helping the child by giving him drops or pills labeled as "for a child's sleep" or "for the peace of mind of the baby" becomes calmer.

In most cases, says Yevgeny Komarovsky, when the mother thinks that it’s time for the child to start taking a sedative, she is mistaken - her baby does not need anything like that. And if he sleeps badly, then he is not to blame for this, parents should take responsibility for disturbed sleep and whims and make sure that the child wants to sleep, sleeps soundly and calmly and behaves peacefully and without hysterics.

What to do?

First of all, according to Komarovsky, parents must accept responsibility and understand that problems with sleep and behavior are problems of their own upbringing and organization of the daily routine. If a child is sitting, playing computer games, a tablet, if he is forced to eat and he does not move much, then with a high degree of probability he will need, in the opinion of his mother, sedatives.

When a child moves a lot, walks, does any kind of sports in the section, rides a bicycle, eats when he wants to, and not when his mother thinks that it is time for him to have lunch or dinner, usually he has no problems falling asleep.

The child's employment is the first issue that needs to be addressed. Next, you should make sure that all the conditions for a healthy sleep have been created - the room is cool, the air is humid, the bed is comfortable, the child does not receive bright new impressions before bed, does not run or play active games.

Do all parents follow this path? Unfortunately not. Many people find it more convenient to go to another doctor who will prescribe the homeopathic Tenoten, Dormikind, sweet, but, alas, useless Edas-306 syrup, or look on the Internet for a couple of tips on how to give a newborn glycine, how to brew a motherwort for a child, valerian, how to do soothing herbal teas before bed. Komarovsky says that you can give your child herbal remedies. But whether it is necessary is another question, because the problem due to which the baby has signs of hyperactivity or problems with night rest will remain unresolved.

Truly sleeping pills and sedatives are sold exclusively according to prescriptions that can be obtained if the child has pathologies from the work of the central nervous system, as well as for mental ailments.

It should be noted that the practice has developed in society to use for children with a sedative purpose not only homeopathic, but also nootropic drugs ("Phenibut", "Pantogam" and others). Komarovsky believes that the effect of such a group of drugs is not much greater than the effect of homeopathy, or rather, both are completely useless, they generally do not cure anything.

What to replace?

Dr. Komarovsky recommends that the parents of a restless child forget their way to the pharmacy. Anxiety can be relieved in a lot of other ways, dispensing with pills and drops, because even herbal preparations, by and large, are completely useless for a baby. Komarovsky refers to such means as evening bathing, but not in ordinary warm water, but in a cool bath, after which the child should immediately be given warm pajamas.

For children 3 years of age and older, such quick-soothing recipes famous in folk medicine, such as warm milk and honey, are well suited. At 2 years old, it is better not to give honey, you can provoke a strong allergic reaction in the baby.

If mom's massage works well for your baby, give it before bed. Sometimes a simple conversation with a baby, reading an evening fairy tale is an excellent sedative.

A child always has a reason for anxiety - either he is uncomfortable (hot or cold), or he is wet and damp, or he has nightmares. You can find a decent way out of any situation.

Buy a night light so that the child is not scared in the dark, pick up a baby massage cream with a pleasant smell, turn on pleasant music for the baby, preferably classical, quietly, unobtrusively.

If the child is already 3 years old, it is quite possible to try aromatherapy techniques. Inhaling vapors of essential oils is useful not only from the point of view of their beneficial effect on the nervous system, but also for the prevention and even treatment of respiratory diseases.

In addition, there are such excellent and completely free of negative side effects methods such as art therapy, puppet therapy, fairy tale therapy. A child psychologist or teacher will help to choose what will be interesting and useful for the child, as well as will have a beneficial effect on the psychological state of his mother. You need to go to them, and not to the pharmacy or to the doctor.

It is necessary to show the child to the doctor in case of significant violations in his behavior and condition. Disruption of night sleep (episodic), as well as increased curiosity, mobility and sociability have nothing to do with diseases.


Recently, the responses of mothers have been more and more pleasing to Komarovsky and any sane person, since many people have begun to come to the conclusion that “magic” pills that would make a healthy and calm baby out of a healthy and active baby simply do not exist. There is a lifestyle, temperament, character, mood in the end, but there is no pill.

And therefore, experienced mothers do not advise solving the issue even in favor of valerian or motherwort broth.

In the next video, Evgeny Olegovich will tell you whether children with normal health need sleeping pills and sedatives at all, and will recommend the best way to calm down and improve a child's health - the right dad.

Watch the video: Журнал. Дайджест. Сентябрь 2020 Доктор Комаровский (July 2024).