
Expansion of the ventricles of the brain in infants

Quite often, babies have enlarged cerebral ventricles after birth. Such a condition does not always mean the presence of a disease, in which treatment is definitely required.

Ventricular system of the brain

The ventricles of the brain are several interconnected collectors in which the formation and distribution of liquor fluid occurs. The cerebrospinal fluid is washed with cerebrospinal fluid. Normally, when there is always a certain amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles.

Two large CSF collectors are located on both sides of the corpus callosum. Both ventricles are connected to each other. On the left side is the first ventricle, and on the right - the second. They are composed of horns and a body. The lateral ventricles are connected through a system of small holes with the 3 ventricle.

In the distal part of the brain, 4 ventricles are located between the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata. It is quite large in size. The fourth ventricle is diamond-shaped. At the very bottom there is a hole called a diamond-shaped fossa.

Correct ventricular function allows cerebrospinal fluid to enter the subarachnoid space as needed. This area is located between the hard and arachnoid membranes of the brain. This ability allows you to maintain the required volume of cerebrospinal fluid in various pathological conditions.

Dilatation of the lateral ventricles is often observed in newborn babies. In this condition, the horns of the ventricles are dilated, and there may also be an increased accumulation of fluid in the area of ​​their bodies. This condition often causes both left and right ventricular enlargement. In differential diagnostics, asymmetry is eliminated in the area of ​​the main cerebral collectors.

The size of the ventricles is normal

In infants, the ventricles are often dilated. This state does not mean at all that the child is seriously ill. The sizes of each of the ventricles have specific meanings. These indicators are shown in the table.

To assess normal parameters, the determination of all structural elements of the lateral ventricles is also used. The lateral cisterns should be less than 4 mm deep, the anterior horns 2 to 4 mm, and the occipital horns 10 to 15 mm.

Causes of the enlarged ventricles

Premature babies may have dilated ventricles immediately after birth. They are arranged symmetrically. Symptoms of intracranial hypertension in a child with this condition usually do not occur. If only one of the horns increases slightly, then this may be evidence of the presence of pathology.

The following reasons lead to the development of an increase in ventricles:

  • Fetal hypoxia, anatomical defects in the structure of the placenta, the development of placental insufficiency. Such conditions lead to a violation of the blood supply to the brain of the unborn child, which can cause him to expand the intracranial collectors.

  • Traumatic brain injury or falls. In this case, the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid is impaired. This condition leads to stagnation of water in the ventricles, which can lead to symptoms of increased intracranial pressure.

  • Pathological childbirth. Traumatic injury, as well as unforeseen circumstances during childbirth can lead to a disruption in the supply of blood to the brain. These emergency conditions often contribute to the development of ventricular dilatation.

  • Infection with bacterial infections during pregnancy. Pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate the placenta and can cause various complications in the child.

  • Prolonged labor. Too long time between the discharge of amniotic fluid and the expulsion of the baby can lead to the development of intrapartum hypoxia, which causes a violation of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the dilated ventricles.

  • Oncological formations and cysts that are located in the brain. The growth of tumors puts excessive pressure on the intracerebral structures. This leads to the development of pathological expansion of the ventricles.

  • Foreign bodies and elementsthat are in the brain.

  • Infectious diseases. Many bacteria and viruses easily cross the blood-brain barrier. This contributes to the development of numerous pathological formations in the brain.

How does it manifest?

Ventricular dilation does not always lead to adverse symptoms. In most cases, the child does not have any uncomfortable manifestations that would indicate the presence of a pathological process.

Only with pronounced disorders do the first unfavorable manifestations of the disease begin to appear. These include:

  • Gait disorder. Toddlers begin to tiptoe or step on their heels hard.

  • The appearance of visual disturbances. They often appear in babies as strabismus or insufficient focus on various objects. In some cases, a child may experience double vision, which intensifies when looking at small objects.

  • Shaking hands and feet.

  • Conduct disorders. Babies become more lethargic, sleepy. In some cases, even apathetic. It is very difficult to captivate a child with some kind of games or entertainment activities.

  • Headache. It manifests itself with an increase in intracranial pressure. Vomiting may occur at the height of the pain.

  • Dizziness.

  • Decreased appetite. Babies of the first months of life refuse to breastfeed, eat poorly. In some cases, the child spits up more.

  • Sleep disturbance. Toddlers may have difficulty falling asleep. Some kids sleepwalk.

The disease can be of varying severity. With minimal symptoms, they speak of a mild course. With the appearance of headache, dizziness, as well as other symptoms indicating high intracranial hypertension, the disease becomes moderately severe. If the general condition of the child is severely disturbed and treatment in stationary conditions is required, then the disease becomes already severe.


Untimely diagnosis of pathological conditions that led to the appearance of enlargements in the area of ​​the ventricles of the brain may affect the further development of the child. The first persistent symptoms of ventricular dilatation are observed in babies at 6 months.

Violation of the outflow of liquor fluid can lead to a persistent increase in intracranial pressure. In severe cases of the disease, this contributes to the development of impaired consciousness. Visual and hearing impairment leads to the development of the child's hearing loss and visual impairment. Some babies have seizures and seizures.


In order to determine the exact size of the ventricles, as well as to find out their depth, doctors prescribe several examination methods.

The most informative and reliable are:

  • Ultrasound procedure. Allows you to accurately describe the quantitative indicators of the ventricles, as well as calculate the ventricular index. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to estimate the volume of cerebrospinal fluid that is present in the cerebral collectors during the study.

  • CT scan. With high accuracy, it allows you to describe the structure and size of all the ventricles of the brain. The procedure is safe and does not cause pain in the baby.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging. It is used in complex diagnostic cases when the diagnosis is difficult. Suitable for older children who are unable to move during the entire study. In young children, MRI is done under general anesthesia.

  • Examination of the fundus.

  • Neurosonography.


Therapy for pathological conditions that led to dilatation and asymmetry of the ventricles of the brain is usually performed by a neurologist. In some cases, when the cause of the disease is volumetric formations or the consequences of craniocerebral trauma, a neurosurgeon joins.

To eliminate pathological symptoms, the following treatment methods are used:

  • Prescribing diuretics. Diuretics help reduce the manifestations of intracranial hypertension and improve the well-being of the baby. They also help to normalize the formation of cerebrospinal fluid.

  • Nootropics. They improve the functioning of the brain, as well as promote good blood circulation in the blood vessels.

  • Medicines with sedation. They are used to eliminate increased anxiety and anxiety.

  • Potassium preparations. Have a positive effect on urine excretion. This helps to reduce the increased amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the body.

  • Multivitamin complexes. They are used to compensate for all the necessary trace elements involved in vital processes. They also help to strengthen the body and promote better disease resistance.

  • A soothing and relaxing massage. Allows you to reduce muscle tone, and also helps to relax the nervous system.

  • Physiotherapy. Helps to normalize the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid and prevents its stagnation in the cerebral ventricles.

  • Prescribing antibacterial or antiviral drugs according to indications. They are used only in cases where viruses or bacteria have become the cause of the disease. Appointed for a course appointment.

  • Surgery. It is used in the presence of various masses or to remove fragments of bone tissue as a result of a skull fracture due to traumatic brain injury.


If the condition develops in infancy and early infancy, then the course of the disease is usually favorable. With appropriate treatment, all uncomfortable symptoms quickly disappear and do not bother the baby. High intracranial pressure is normalized.

In older children, the prognosis of the disease is somewhat different. Adverse symptoms are much more difficult to treat. A long course of the disease can lead to persistent visual and hearing impairment. If the treatment was started out of time, then in most cases the child has persistent disorders that negatively affect his mental and mental development.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you about the expansion of the ventricles of the brain in infants and its consequences.

Watch the video: Neuroanatomy: Diencephalon, Thalamus u0026 Hypothalamus (July 2024).