
Kelp sticks to stimulate labor: what is it and how to use it?

The cervix is ​​preparing for childbirth in advance - it should soften enough, the cervical canal should expand. This will ensure an easier and more correct opening of the cervix during the first stage of labor - during contractions.

The cervix is ​​not always mature enough in women before childbirth. Some require support in maturation. And here a wide range of medicines comes to the aid of doctors. One of the ways to prepare the cervix for childbirth and to speed up the onset of labor is the use of kelp sticks. In this article, we will explain what they are and how to use them.


Small dense sticks up to 6 centimeters long and 3 to 9 mm thick are nothing more than a dried and dehydrated seaweed, known as Laminaria digita, Laminaria japonica (it is also the most common seaweed that many revered in salads).

Such algae grow in the Sea of ​​Japan and other cold northern seas. In addition to the huge list of advantages and useful substances as a food supplement, such algae have a lot of positive effects when used in gynecology in general and to stimulate labor in particular.

Female doctors knew the wonderful properties of algae for a very long time, but for a long time kelp dropped out of the practice of doctors, they simply did not remember. Several decades ago, gynecologists decided to restore the tradition of their use.

Dried seaweed sticks have an amazing property - when in contact with liquids, they increase in size almost four times. That is why the introduction of rods into the cervical canal of an immature or insufficient mature cervix causes swelling and expansion of kelp, and with it the cervical canal itself begins to expand, the cervix becomes softer, smoothed and prepares for childbirth faster.

For this property, the sticks in the official medical language were called "dilators" (dilators).

But it's not just about the mechanical impact on the neck from the inside. Kelp promote the production of natural prostaglandin F2A, which ultimately launches in the round muscle, which is the neck, a chain of biochemical processes that bring the baby's birthday closer.


Kelp can be either a separate preparation of the cervix for childbirth, or be one of the components of complex therapy, in which a woman is injected with hormonal drugs, antispasmodics to open the cervix during childbirth. Treatment usually begins late in pregnancy, when, after 38 weeks, an immature or insufficiently mature cervix is ​​found in a woman.

How many sticks to inject and for how long to leave them in the cervical canal, the doctor decides. It is impossible to do this on your own. Also, after the introduction of the agent into the cervical canal, it is advisable to be under the supervision of a physician.

To start labor, sometimes it is required to enter at least 15-20 sticks in several stages. In the absence of expansion after the first "portion", the old sticks are removed, and the new ones are installed. All this takes place on an ordinary gynecological chair.

The instructions for use clearly describe the order of administration. This should be done by a qualified medical professional, since the installation of kelp requires precision.

If you neglect the rules, complications can arise - the sticks can get into the uterine cavity, an acute and sharp spastic attack of pain can occur when injected, the opening of the fetal bladder and even the development of bleeding.

In gynecology and obstetrics, kelp is more widely used than just cervical preparation during pregnancy. They can stimulate labor, in which the contractions have weakened, as well as call for labor at a later date in the event of the death of the child in utero or for other reasons.

Who is it contraindicated for?

Not everyone can use kelp. They are not administered even if there are direct indications for that to women with colpitis and cervicitis. Also, this method will be recognized as ineffective and inappropriate if you need to give birth urgently because of the dangers that threaten the child or woman. In this case, a caesarean section is usually prescribed and performed.

If a woman is diagnosed with placenta previa, kelp sticks are also not used. They will not put algae into the cervical canal even with premature outflow of amniotic fluid.

Pros and cons

Laminaria are natural remedies, and this is a definite plus. In addition, they act quite quickly - within three hours after the introduction of the sticks into the cervical canal, expansion begins. The action time is a day, it is after 24 hours that the effect of algae becomes maximum.

It should be noted that among obstetricians-gynecologists there are adherents of laminaria, and there are their opponents. The fact is that some studies show an alarming trend - after the use of sticks before childbirth, the risk and frequency of inflammatory complications of the uterine cavity and cervix after childbirth increases. Opponents of the use of algae refer to insufficient knowledge of the action of sticks.

According to some information, the use of kelp can cause the development of rapid and rapid childbirth, which can be very dangerous for both the woman and her baby due to the high probability of injury. Such a relationship exists more in theory, since it is believed that any stimulation of labor is inherently unnatural and can harm, affecting both the speed of the birth process and its quality.

How are they sold?

Dried algae for gynecological use are sold in sets of three types - small, medium and large. There are six sticks in one box. Considering that they may need up to 20 pieces, you will have to buy 3-4 packages. They are sold without a doctor's prescription, the cost is from 350 rubles per box.


If you carefully study the reviews on the use of sticks, then the advantages listed by manufacturers and supporters of laminaria appear in a slightly different form. Almost half of the women who were stimulated to give birth during prolonged pregnancy with kelp noted that after the introduction, quite noticeable pains in the lower back and back, in the lower abdomen, resembling pain during menstruation, begin.

However, the opening of the neck, for which everything was started, did not happen by a millimeter. As a result of 2-3 days of torment, women were stimulated to labor by other means - hormonal drugs, and an amniotomy was performed.

There are many reviews that after the introduction of the sticks, the pregnant woman's condition worsened - a high temperature rose, blood pressure jumped. Often women report that the decision to put the sticks in the hospital was not discussed with them, the doctors simply decided so during the examination and immediately implemented their plans. If there was an opportunity, such mothers admit, they would flatly refuse sticks.

There are also positive reviews. Women point out that the birth was easy and rather quick, the baby was born completely healthy, there were no tears or cuts.

If a woman does not agree to the use of such natural dilators in childbirth, she should notify the doctor in advance.

For more information on the maturity of the cervix and methods of its stimulation, see the video below.

Watch the video: Inducing labor With Acupressure With Daniel Ryken And Chae Lim (July 2024).