
Early pregnancy pressure

Optimal blood flow is very important, especially during the first weeks of gestation. Through the blood, all the substances necessary for its growth and development are supplied to the internal organs of the child. The resulting surges in blood pressure in early pregnancy can be very dangerous for both the expectant mother and her baby.

The importance of the indicator

In early pregnancy, blood flow measurements are critical. Maintain blood pressure (BP) within normal limits should be from the very first days after the conception of the baby. At the beginning of pregnancy, its indicators do not change significantly.

The first changes in blood pressure in pregnant women are recorded a few weeks after the conception of the baby. Deviations from the norm are largely due to the changing hormonal background. It leads to a change in the level of blood pressure increased progesterone concentration - one of the main hormones of pregnancy.

This biologically active substance, entering the systemic circulation, leads to the fact that the tone of the blood vessels changes. As the baby develops, the diameter of the arteries can change quite dramatically. A whole complex of different hormones leads to this.

Features in this period

Toxemia or gestosis can lead to a change in blood pressure. These pathologies are accompanied by various adverse symptoms. A woman may experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and headache. These pathologies lead to a pronounced violation of the blood supply to the uterus and fetus, which is actively developing in this reproductive organ.

By the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, blood pressure readings may change. During this period, the unique system of uteroplacental blood flow begins to improve. This is the common bloodstream between the baby and his mother. It will function throughout your pregnancy. Through the blood flow system shared with the mother, the baby will receive all the necessary nutritional components for its full growth and development.


The pressure during early pregnancy should be strictly within the normal range. If the expectant mother has any diseases or pathologies of the cardiovascular system, then it should be observed throughout the entire period of bearing the baby with a therapist. If necessary, a woman is selected an individual scheme of drug therapy.

Doctors identify several types of blood pressure. The first type is systolic. It can also be called "top". In early pregnancy, the values ​​of this indicator of hemodynamics should not exceed 140.

If the systolic blood pressure remains at 120 mm. rt. Art., then this is a good sign of normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The second type of blood pressure measured is diastolic. It is also called "bottom". For pregnant women in early pregnancy, its indicators should not exceed 90 mm. Art.

Can I try it on at home?

You can measure blood pressure yourself. To do this, it is not at all necessary to visit a antenatal clinic or clinic. A special device will be needed for measurement - tonometer. Currently, there are no difficulties with its acquisition. Such measuring devices are freely sold in any pharmacy.

Many of modern devices also have more than just the function of measuring blood pressure. With their help, you can also determine the pulse and suspect arrhythmia. After measuring the pressure, the device will show these indicators on the monitor.

Blood pressure checks should be performed at rest. After a hearty meal or cleaning the apartment, you should not immediately take up the tonometer. Take some rest before measuring.

Each tonometer comes with a special instruction manual. She should not be neglected. It describes in detail how to correctly measure blood pressure at home.

A blood pressure monitor is a necessary device for all expectant mothers who have had pressure surges. However, the measurement device is often used not only by a pregnant woman. Quite often it happens that the tonometer becomes a necessary device for many members of her family.

Doctors advise after measuring pressure all blood pressure indicators should be recorded in a special notebook. It also needs to include the time and date when the home study was done. When visiting the clinic, this notebook will need to be shown to the therapist. This will help the doctor better understand the situation and draw up a more competent therapy plan.


Jumps in blood pressure in the earliest stages of pregnancy are the first "bell" about some kind of trouble in the female body. In such a situation, extended diagnostics are required. It is necessary in order for the doctor to be able to figure out what is the reason that influenced the occurrence of such functional disorders.

Experts call a persistent increase in blood pressure hypertension. A variety of causal factors lead to its development. There can be many more during pregnancy.

If, after the diagnosis, the cause of the arterial hypertension has not been established, then in this case, experts talk about the presence hypertension... This disease is hereditary. It manifests itself not only in the expectant mother, but also in her close relatives.

A decrease in blood pressure below normal values ​​may be evidence of developed hypotension. This condition also contributes to the development of numerous adverse symptoms. As a rule, a woman begins to be very worried about dizziness. Her weakness increases, and fatigue increases significantly.

To normalize blood flow indicators, doctors recommend to expectant mothers carefully monitor your daily routine... Regular rest in early pregnancy is essential for them. Good sleep will also help improve the functioning of the nervous system. The mom-to-be should sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Diet also plays a very important role in maintaining normal blood pressure levels. Excessive use of sodium chloride (table salt) leads to an increase in this indicator.

It is now found in large quantities in many finished products. If the expectant mother, against the background of high blood pressure, also has a tendency to develop edema, then she should carefully monitor the amount of salt consumed.

In maintaining normal blood pressure, an important role is also played by drinking regimen. Most of the fluid you consume should be regular drinking water. Expectant mothers should consume at least 1.5 liters per day.

If a woman has any kidney or urinary tract diseases, then the drinking regimen is reviewed. In this case, the amount of liquid required is selected individually.

Doctors advise to limit any intense physical activity for expectant mothers with various blood pressure disorders.

Walking in the fresh air will be a great alternative to sports. During the promenade, the body of the expectant mother receives a lot of oxygen, which is required not only for her, but also for her baby.

Whenever possible, doctors try not to immediately prescribe drug therapy. Many of the drugs can have adverse effects on the intrauterine development of the fetus. It is important to remember that all pharmaceutical drugs can cause side effects.

If, against the background of the normalization of the daily regimen, blood pressure indicators deviate from the norm, then the appointment of antihypertensive drugs may be required. These drugs should be taken daily. Dosages and frequency of use are selected individually by the therapist.

After prescribing antihypertensive therapy the patient's condition is monitored by a doctor... In this case, more frequent visits to the clinic may be required.

If a woman has any diseases of the cardiovascular system, additional consultation with a cardiologist may be required. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe various tests, as well as direct the expectant mother to undergo an electrocardiogram (ECG).

The doctor will tell you all about pressure during pregnancy in the next video.

Watch the video: Blood Pressure in Pregnancy गरभवसथ म रकतचप . Dr. Mukesh Gupta #lenest #bloodpressure (July 2024).