
At what age can beans be given to a child?

Bean dishes are often present on the table of our compatriots, therefore, when a baby appears in the family who begins to try vegetable complementary foods, mothers are interested in whether it can be given to a baby, is it useful for children and how to prepare it for a children's menu.


  • It is a valuable source of protein, therefore it is included in the diet of children who, for one reason or another, cannot consume milk or meat.
  • It contains a lot of fiber, so this product has a positive effect on the digestive function.
  • From dishes with beans, the child will receive carotene, B vitamins, vitamin E, as well as vitamins PP, C and K.
  • Contains many minerals, including sodium, calcium, iron, copper, iodine and many other substances.
  • Its use normalizes blood sugar, removes excess fluid and helps fight bacterial infection.
  • Beans are classified as hypoallergenic foods, so they can be included in the diet of children with diathesis.
  • She is noted for the ability to accelerate the elimination of toxic and harmful compounds from the child's body.

See below for more details.

Red beans are even healthier than peas - this is what they say in the program Living Healthy. See the next video for more details.

What is harmful?

Dishes from ripe beans are digested in the body of a child in the first years of life with difficulty, so their early introduction into a child's diet can cause increased gas formation and constipation.

Eating too large a portion will lead to the same problems, therefore, dishes with this type of legumes are recommended to be consumed in small quantities.

When to introduce into complementary foods?

Young beans appear in the infant's diet along with other vegetable supplements. Such a green vegetable can be offered to a baby at 7-8 months by boiling a mono-component puree from it or adding a small amount of it to other vegetables (by making a multi-component puree). Also, green beans can be found in ready-made mashed potatoes.

Dry beans are not recommended for at least 2 years. For a child of 2-3 years of age, this type of legumes in a mature form should be grinded and not given as a separate dish, but included in soups or other dishes with several ingredients. Only three-year-olds and older children are advised to cook it as a separate dish. In this case, the portion size should not exceed 100 g.

As for the frequency of consumption, dishes from it should be offered no more than 2 times a week. Pediatricians, including the popular doctor Komarovsky, advise giving canned beans to a child at least 3 years old.

How to enter?

The best option to introduce the kid to green beans is the inclusion of a small amount of this young vegetable in vegetable puree or vegetable puree soup. So the baby will gradually get used to the green beans, and his digestive tract can easily digest them.

A little later, the child can make mashed green beans. For this, the vegetable is washed and soaked in water for 10-15 minutes. Then the water is drained, the pods are poured with a large volume of clean water, brought to a boil and cooked until soft, without covering with a lid. For the first time, the crumb is treated with half a spoonful of puree. If the baby does not react to this product with tummy pains, changes in stool and other negative symptoms, the volume of the dish is gradually increased.

To cook ripe beans for a three-year-old, its grains are washed and poured with water for at least 3-4 hours. Cooking such a product involves the use of a significant amount of water and strong boiling. You do not need to cover the pot with a lid, but it is advised to add salt at the end of cooking (before making mashed potatoes from it).

Dishes for children

Young beans are often combined with carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and other vegetables. Also, green beans are included in multicomponent meat dishes. In addition, casseroles, salads and omelets are prepared with this vegetable. Ripe beans are often used to make bean soup, pâté or stews. It can be used as an ingredient in various salads, both chilled and warm.

For more information on green beans, see the following videos.

Find out if your child's weight is normal using the following calculator.

Watch the video: WHEN DO KOREAN CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS? All About Korea (July 2024).