
At what age can nectarine be given to children?

Infants like fruit complementary foods for their natural sweetness and pleasant taste, and for parents - for their valuable vitamin and mineral composition. In an effort to diversify the fruit menu of the toddler, many mothers are thinking about introducing nectarine into complementary foods. It differs from peaches in a smooth skin and a sweeter taste. At what age can a baby be given such a fruit for the first time, how is it useful for babies and how to properly include it in the children's menu?


  • Nectarines are rich in vitamins C, A, B-groups, E, K, beta-carotene, choline, potassium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, iron and many other compounds important for the development of the child's body.
  • It is a low-calorie fruit that contains quite a lot of dietary fiber and pectins, which makes them good for digestion.
  • The use of nectarines has a positive effect on metabolic processes and the state of blood vessels.
  • Nectarines have the ability to normalize the acidity of gastric juice, slow down the inflammatory process and prevent anemia.

You will learn even more about the benefits and dangers of nectarines from the video.


  • The high carbohydrate content makes nectarine a junk food for diabetes or obesity.
  • Nectarines have diuretic properties, so they are not advised to be eaten before bed.
  • Excessive intake of nectarine can cause digestive upset.

From how many months can you introduce into complementary foods?

Acquaintance with the nectarine of an infant, fed by mother's milk, is recommended at the age of over 7 months, when the baby has already tasted apples and pears. Artificial kids can be treated to such a fruit a month earlier.

How to give?

The smallest gourmets are offered nectarines in the form of puree. To prepare it, take a ripe fruit, wash it well and dip it in boiling water for about a minute. Next, the nectarine is cooled (can be placed in cold water or a bowl of ice), peeled and pitted, then cut into cubes, placed in a blender and ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained. For a more delicate consistency, add a little water to the puree.

For older children I offer nectarines fresh, cut into small pieces. They can also be put into a children's nibbler.

They are often added to curds and yoghurts, as well as various baked goods. In addition, jam and preserves are made from nectarines.

Tips for choosing

For baby food, buy nectarines of a bright color with a pleasant smell. Their skin should not be too pale, but very dark fruits should be discarded. Do not pick nectarines with spots, wrinkled or damaged surfaces. The fruit should be firm when pressed and not too soft. Store fresh nectarine in the refrigerator for a maximum of 5 days.

What to do if you have an allergy?

Cases of nectarine intolerance are rare and are usually associated with beta-carotene content. If a child develops redness, rash, diarrhea or other signs of allergy after the first serving of puree from such fruit or a few days after the introduction of nectarine into the diet, the new product is immediately canceled. You can try again to introduce nectarines into the children's menu in a few months.

Find out if your child's weight is normal using the following calculator.

Watch the video: 9 Fruit Purees for 4+. 6+ Month Baby. Stage 1 Homemade Baby Food. Healthy Baby Food Recipes (July 2024).