
Neuromultivitis for children: instructions for use

Neuromultivitis belongs to multivitamin preparations, since it is based on several vitamins important for the human body at once.

Such a medicine is often used in adults with a lack of B vitamins or pathologies of the nervous system. But can this medication be given to children when it is justified and with what vitamin complexes can it be replaced?

Release form and composition

Neuromultivitis is produced only in solid form, which is convex round tablets with a pink-white core and a white shell.

One pack includes 20 or 60 tablets, placed in blisters of 20 pieces (one or three blisters per pack).

Their active ingredients are three vitamins from group B:

  • B1 in the form of thiamine hydrochloride. Its dosage per tablet is 100 mg.
  • B6 in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride. The amount of this vitamin in each tablet is 200 mg.
  • B12 as cyanocobalamin. Its amount in one tablet is 200 mcg.

Such vitamin compounds are supplemented with povidone, magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose, and the drug shell is made of talc, hypromellose, macrogol and some other substances.

Operating principle

Since Neuromultivit is a complex of several vitamins, its effect on the human body is due to the effects characteristic of each of the components of the tablets:

  • Vitamin B1 extremely important for many metabolic processes. In the body, it undergoes phosphorylation and becomes a coenzyme involved in various enzymatic reactions (such a coenzyme is called cocarboxylase). Without a sufficient amount of such a substance, protein metabolism, as well as carbohydrate and fat metabolism, will be disrupted. In addition, vitamin B1 is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses within synapses.
  • Vitamin B6 also has an important effect on the work of the nervous system - both its peripheral and central parts. After phosphorylation, pyridoxine becomes a coenzyme essential for amino acid metabolism. Without his participation, the main enzymes that act in nerve tissues will not function. In addition, this vitamin affects the formation of many mediators, including GABA, dopamine, histamine and adrenaline.
  • Vitamin B12 important for the processes of hematopoiesis and affects the maturation of red blood cells. In addition, this substance takes part in many biochemical processes that are important for life, in particular, in the metabolism of proteins, the formation of amino acids and nucleic acids. After being converted to coenzyme forms, cyanocobalamin affects cell growth and replication.

Thanks to these properties of its components, the use of Neuromultivit has a positive effect on all metabolic processes and the functioning of the nervous system.

Such a remedy improves the supply of oxygen to the tissues, helps to cope with increased stress and participates in cellular metabolism.


Since Neuromultivitis has a pronounced effect on the functioning of the nervous system, the drug is most often used for various neurological pathologies - neuropathies, neuralgia, radicular syndrome, neuritis, plexitis and other lesions of the nerve plexuses or peripheral nerves.

In childhood, a medication can be prescribed for nervous tics, enuresis, stuttering and similar problems.

Neuromultivitis is also recommended for patients who have had severe infections or surgery to speed up their recovery. Even such pills can be prescribed with a confirmed deficiency of vitamins that are part of Neuromultivitis.

Are children prescribed?

In the instructions for Neuromultivitis, which is inside the pack along with the blister, there is information that such tablets are contraindicated for children, since the safety of their effect on the body of young patients has not been studied. Indeed, the doses of vitamin compounds in such a preparation are very high, therefore, it is by no means possible to give Neuromultivit to a child of any age without a doctor's prescription.

However, all the vitamins in the tablets are water-soluble, so they do not accumulate in the body and their overdose is possible only with long-term treatment, therefore, Neuromultivitis can be prescribed by pediatricians, neuropathologists and other specialists, if such a remedy is really required by the child.


The drug is not prescribed to patients who have hypersensitivity to any of its components, both to active substances (vitamins) and to auxiliary ingredients. Neuromultivitis is not recommended for adults either when carrying a child (the medication is allowed for pregnant women only under the supervision of a doctor), or when breastfeeding.

Side effects

Tablets are not recommended to be drunk at night, as an exciting effect on the nervous system is possible, resulting in insomnia. Occasionally, while taking Neuromultivitis, skin allergic reactions may appear, and in some patients, the tablets provoke tachycardia or nausea. However, such negative effects occur in isolated cases. Most patients tolerate the medication normally.

Instructions for use

The drug is advised to be taken after meals, the swallowed tablet can be washed down with clean water. And the single dosage, and the mode of use, and the duration of treatment for each patient are determined individually.

Terms of sale and storage features

Buying Neuromultivitis at a pharmacy is possible only after presenting a prescription from a neurologist or other specialist.

The average price of one package of a drug with 20 tablets is 540-620 rubles, and a pack containing 60 tablets costs from 1000 to 1400 rubles.

It is advised to store the medication at home in a place where the sun's rays will not act on the tablets, the temperature is above +25 degrees or high humidity. In addition, the drug should be kept out of reach of small children.

It is unacceptable to give patients Neuromultivitis with an expired shelf life of 3 years by default.


Mothers, whose children doctors prescribed Neuromultivitis, respond mostly well to this drug. They confirm the high effectiveness of this multivitamin medicine in diseases of the nervous system.

The positive effect of the use of Neuromultivitis is also noted by physicians, among whom is the popular pediatrician Komarovsky. However, they warn that the uncontrolled use of any medication in childhood is unacceptable.

Whether or not to give a child Neuromultivitis is up to the attending physician.


Drugs with the same composition can replace Neuromultivitis:

  • Combilipen injections.
  • Ampoules and tablets Neurobion.
  • Milgamma injections and Milgamma Compositum tablets.

However, the instructions for all these drugs in the list of contraindications include children's age, therefore, their use in patients under 16 years of age should be monitored by a doctor.

Safer and more acceptable sources of B vitamins for children are multivitamin preparations, for example:

  • Pikovit 1+ - syrup prescribed for children over a year old.
  • Vitrum Junior - tablets that can be chewed by children over 6 years of age.
  • Multi-tabs Kid - chewable tablets, which are used in children over one year old.
  • Jungle Kids - tablets in the form of animals that can be chewed by children 1 year of age and older.
  • Kinder Multivitamin Doppelherz - sweet bear lozenges, prescribed to children from the age of four.
  • Multi-tabs Junior - tablets for children over 4 years old.
  • Supradine Kids Junior - chewable tablets recommended from 5 years of age.
  • Pikovit Forte 7+ - Coated tablets for schoolchildren.

These and other multivitamin supplements contain not only B vitamins, but also other ingredients that are needed for the full development of the child.

Another substance valuable for the nervous system that can be prescribed to children with various neurological diseases or for their prevention is lecithin.

Its source can be such drugs:

  • Kinder biovital is a gel used from 1 year.
  • Supradin Kids is a gel that can be given to children over 3 years old.
  • Multivitamol Dr. Theiss with Lysine and Lecithin is a syrup approved from the age of 6.
  • Lecithin Ka - tablets that can be absorbed by children over 14 years of age.

What Neuromultivitis is and how to take it is described in this video.

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