
Enterol for children: instructions for use

Small children often take various objects into their mouths, and their digestive system is still immature, therefore many parents face diarrhea, intestinal infections, poisoning, dysbiosis and similar problems. The drug called "Enterol" has properties to eliminate diarrhea and normalize the intestinal microflora. Since such a remedy has a minimum of contraindications, very rare side effects, quick action and affordable cost, it is quite in demand in childhood.

Release form

Enterol is a product of the French company Biocodex. There are two different forms of the drug:

  • Powder in sachets, from which the suspension should be prepared. Depending on the dosage, one sachet contains 306 or 765 mg of light brown powder, which has a fruity smell. One pack holds 10 to 50 sachets.
  • Capsules. They are packaged in blisters of 5 or 6 capsules, or sold in glass bottles. One package contains from 10 to 50 capsules. They have a size 0 and an opaque white smooth shell, and inside there is a powder of a light brown tone, which has a specific yeast smell.


The action of Enterola is provided by yeast fungi called Saccharomyces boulardii (Latin name - Saccharomyces boulardii). In one sachet, such microscopic mushrooms in a lyophilized form are contained in a dosage of 100 mg or 250 mg, in one capsule in an amount of 250 mg.

Among the inactive components of the powder form of the drug are silicon dioxide, fructose, flavoring and milk sugar. Additional ingredients of Enterol in capsules are magnesium stearate and lactose (they are added to saccharomycetes), as well as titanium dioxide and gelatin (the capsule shell is made of these two substances).

Operating principle

"Enterol" is a group of probiotics, so its intake has a healing effect on the body of people with various digestive disorders. The Boulardi saccharomyces, which are part of both forms of the drug, help get rid of many harmful bacteria in the digestive tract, including Salmonella, Yersinia, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella, Clostridia and Escherichia. Saccharomycetes have antagonism towards such opportunistic and pathogenic microbes.

In addition, such fungi have an antitoxic effect, which consists in the production of proteases - they break down toxic substances and affect the receptors of intestinal cells. Thanks to this effect, entero- and cytotoxins secreted by pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract are neutralized.

The drug also has an antagonistic effect against candida, lamblia and dysentery amoeba. The drug also affects some viruses (enteroviruses, rotaviruses) that can infect the digestive tract. In addition, the use of "Enterol":

  • has a positive effect on the enzymatic function of the intestine, increasing the activity of lactase, maltase and other disaccharidases in the small intestine;
  • has an antisecretory effect, due to which the release of sodium and water into the intestinal lumen decreases, which additionally helps in the fight against diarrhea;
  • improves the condition of the walls of the small intestine, providing a trophic effect;
  • enhances nonspecific immunity by stimulating the production of immunoglobulin A.

Also note that Saccharomycetes have a natural resistance to antibacterial drugs. Unlike other probiotics, Enterol does not belong to the microflora of a healthy person. Once in the intestine, the unicellular fungi contained in the medicine do not form colonies, but are excreted from the digestive tract unchanged.

If you stop taking, then after 2-5 days there will be no saccharomycetes in the body.


Most often "Enterol" is used as a symptomatic remedy for diarrhea or for its prevention. Both forms of medication are in demand:

  • with diarrhea caused by pathogenic bacteria, for example, salmonella or E. coli;
  • with dysbiosis;
  • with irritable bowel syndrome, when bouts of diarrhea are replaced by constipation;
  • with rotavirus infection and in other cases of diarrhea caused by viruses;
  • with enterocolitis of a non-infectious nature;
  • with candidiasis of the intestine;
  • with diarrhea, which was provoked by drugs;
  • with traveler's diarrhea;
  • with pseudomembranous colitis caused by clostridia;
  • when infected with lamblia;
  • with intestinal amebiasis;
  • in case of poisoning.

At what age are children prescribed?

Both forms of Enterol can be used in patients over 1 year of age, but capsules are usually not prescribed for children under six years of age, as it is difficult for babies to swallow them. If it is not possible to use the powder and a child of 1-6 years old must be given a capsule, then the gelatinous shell is opened and the powder inside is dissolved in 50 ml of a little warm or cool water, after which the baby is given a drink.

In some cases, the medication is prescribed for children under one year old, but only under medical supervision and in reduced dosages.


The use of Enterol is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to Saccharomycetes or any inactive components of the drug. The drug is also not given to hospitalized patients with a central venous catheter, because it increases the risk of fungal infection.

Since the composition of both forms of the drug includes lactose, "Enterol" should not be used in small patients with lactase deficiency or milk sugar intolerance. Due to the presence of fructose in the powder, this form of the drug is not prescribed for children with rare hereditary pathologies in which the absorption of carbohydrates is impaired.

Side effects

The child's body may react to the intake of Enterol with an allergic reaction, for example, itchy skin, redness or hives. Such manifestations of intolerance are very rarely found, but their occurrence requires immediate discontinuation of the drug. Also, some children during the treatment with "Enterol" may experience constipation, headaches, increased gas production.

With such negative symptoms, you should consult with your doctor.

Instructions for use

The medication is taken one hour before meals. To give your child the powder, you must first open the bag and then stir its contents into a drink. It is preferable to swallow "Enterol" in capsules and drink it with a cool or slightly warm drink.

Plain water works best to dilute the powder, but you can also use juice, compote, milk, or other liquid. However, it should not be hot, because Enterol includes live cultures. For this reason, it is also impossible to heat the powder together with water. If you use a drink from the refrigerator, then it must be heated separately (but maximum to room temperature) and only then stir the powder in the liquid.

If a child accidentally misses one or more doses of the drug, no further action is required. The use of "Enterol" is continued according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.


The drug is usually given twice a day, and a single dosage is determined by the age of the child:

  • Kid 1-3 years old at one time, 1-3 sachets are required, depending on the number of saccharomycetes in one sachet. If it becomes necessary to give a patient of this age "Enterol" in capsules, then a single dosage will be the contents of one capsule.
  • For a child over the age of three give the contents of two to four sachets at once. "Enterol" in solid form is prescribed to such patients one or two capsules per dose.

How long to give?

The duration of the use of "Enterol" is influenced by many factors. First of all, the doctor takes into account the clinical manifestations and the cause of diarrhea, for example:

  • if diarrhea is triggered by a bacterial or viral infection, then the medicine is prescribed for a course of 5 to 10 days;
  • if the reason for using Enterol is to prevent diarrhea due to antibiotic treatment, the medication should be taken as long as the little patient receives antibacterial agents;
  • for dysbiosis, the drug is usually prescribed for 10-14 days;
  • to prevent diarrhea during travel, the drug is given throughout the trip;
  • if Enterol is used for functional disorders, the treatment is stopped as soon as the symptoms disappear.

If the medication has been taken for acute diarrhea for 2 days and no improvement is noticeable, a doctor's consultation is needed. In addition, you should consult a specialist in the treatment of Enterol in such situations:

  • if a lot of mucus appears in the child's feces;
  • if blood is found in the stool;
  • if the patient's body temperature rises;
  • if the child refuses to drink.


Until that time, there were no situations when taking a large dose of Enterol had a negative effect on the human body. If the dosage is exceeded, it is recommended to monitor the child's condition and, if it has worsened, consult a doctor.

Interaction with other medications

It works well with rehydration solutions and is often prescribed with them to help keep you hydrated. However, it is not recommended to be given along with any antifungal agents. But with antibiotics "Enterol" is compatible, since they do not affect Saccharomycetes. With dysbiosis, the drug can be prescribed together with drugs that contain lacto- or bifidobacteria.

Terms of sale

You do not need a prescription to buy both forms of Enterol, but a doctor's consultation is desirable.

The average price of 10 sachets of 250 mg each is 280 rubles, and for 20 sachets with the same dosage you need to pay about 500 rubles. The cost of a package of 10 capsules is 240-280 rubles, and a jar with 30 capsules costs 460-550 rubles.

Storage conditions

Keep the medicine at home in a dry place so that small children do not get the medicine. The recommended temperature range for proper storage of capsules and sealed sachets is +15 to +25 degrees. The shelf life of both forms of "Enterol" is 3 years. It is indicated on the box, blisters and sachets, therefore, before starting treatment, the production date should be clarified, and only after that the medication should be given to children.


More than 90% of reviews on the use of Enterol call such a probiotic effective, safe and effective. According to the parents, the medication is easy to give to the child, it has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system and helps to stop diarrhea in a short time. Judging by the majority of reviews, such a medicine is generally well tolerated, and an allergy to Enterol occurs extremely rarely.

The advantages of the drug also include the possibility of using it in children over a year old and a pleasant taste. The cost of the medicine, according to mothers, is acceptable, but some parents call it too high and are looking for a cheaper replacement.


Medicines based on the same active substances are not produced, therefore if it is necessary to replace Enterol with another drug, the doctor usually prescribes another probiotic or an antidiarrheal agent, for example:

  • "Smecta". This medicine is also produced in France in the form of a powder or a ready-made suspension. It is called safe for children, therefore it is prescribed at any age. Thanks to the smectite contained in it, the drug is able to absorb bacteria, toxins and viruses, and also envelops the intestinal walls and stimulates the protective function of the intestines. "Smecta" is in demand for vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other negative symptoms caused by overeating, poisoning, intestinal infection, food allergies and other factors.

  • "Imodium". Such a drug helps with diarrhea due to loperamide, which inhibits intestinal motility and prevents the rapid evacuation of feces. The medicine is represented by tablets, which are given to children over 6 years old (they need to be absorbed) and can be replaced by means with the same ingredient - "Lopedium", "Diara" and others.
  • "Bifiform". This probiotic includes bifidobacteria and is available in solution, powder, tablets, and other forms. It is effective against rotavirus, dysbiosis and many other diseases of the digestive tract. For babies, such a medicine is prescribed in solution, and from one year a powder is prescribed. "Bifiform" in capsules is used from 2 years of age, and in tablets - from 3 years.

Enterofuril - Better or Not?

Both of these drugs are useful for diarrhea, but they contain different ingredients. If "Enterol" acts thanks to live fungi that resist harmful bacteria, then "Enterofuril" is an antibacterial agent. Its main component is called nifuroxazide and is capable of acting on Clostridia, E. coli, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus and many other bacteria.

And therefore, the main reason for prescribing Enterofuril is bacterial diarrhea, while the scope of Enterol is more extensive.

"Enterofuril" is also presented in two forms, one of which are capsules, prescribed for children over 3 years old. The second form of the drug, unlike Enterol, is not a sachet with powder, but a ready-made suspension with a banana flavor. Such a children's version of the drug can be used even in infants, since it is allowed from 1 month.

The method of dosing "Enterol" is called more convenient, since the children need to give the diluted powder or capsules only twice a day. The scheme for taking "Enterofuril" provides for taking 3-4 times a day with an equal time interval, for example, every 8 hours. Both drugs are sold without a prescription, but the opened liquid Enterofuril can be stored for no longer than 14 days, while the packaged portioned powder Enterol can lie at home in the medicine cabinet for up to 3 years from the date of release.

For video instructions on the use of Enterol, see the following video.

Watch the video: Enterol (July 2024).