
Features of professional felt-tip pens for drawing

Felt-tip pens have long been considered exclusively children's fun or stationery not for creativity, however, in recent years, there has been a tendency to recognize this tool as a drawing device. This was greatly facilitated by professional markers for drawing, produced by several companies around the world and really different from the usual ones from the children's set.


Traditionally, markers are produced on an alcohol basis, and there are also professional markers. Another thing is that some markers are filled with other, somewhat unusual compositions, which allows you to get an unexpected effect.

A striking example is the so-called watercolor markers. The name does not deceive - they are indeed filled with watercolors, brought to a state ideal for painting. The drawing, of course, is also fully consistent, in particular, it can be shaded, due to which the effect of a blurred image is achieved.

This solution allows you to eliminate many of the problems that arise in the process of working with paint in the open air. Markers are unlikely to take up more space than a box of watercolors, but they leave less chance of problems with paint - such items rarely flow. In addition, a convenient cap allows you to tightly close the tip, so you no longer have to worry about the safety of the contents of the sketchbook.

Removable nozzles

Felt-tip pens were not considered a serious drawing tool for a long time, for the reason that their nib was a standard shape that cannot be changed. For paints, there are brushes with nap of different shapes, a pencil or pastel can be sharpened so that it is more convenient to draw the desired shapes, but markers did not leave this opportunity. The situation changed when felt-tip pens with replaceable nibs appeared.

Perhaps these tips still won't provide the variety that a full-fledged set of brushes would provide, but it still becomes much easier to draw complex subjects. As a rule, professional felt-tip pens provide for two or even three different nibs in a set at once: a pen and one or two brushes must be included there. The shape of the nib is usually done so that when you change the pressure, you can draw details of different shapes and thicknesses.

All professional marker nibs are removable and sold separately, so you can replace a worn brush at any time.

Some professional markers involve even more unusual tricks. For example, in the products of the Chameleon brand, you can find copies with a built-in photographed camera where the color clarifier is stored. Thanks to this solution, a marker of one color actually allows you to get all possible shades of this tone. Markers are also produced that have no color, but only a clarifier.

The ability to replace any parts

The purchase of even one professional marker usually costs hundreds of rubles, so what can we say about a full-fledged set, the cost of which can even be indicated by a five-digit number. It is clear that at such prices, most really talented people simply could not afford to draw constantly, so manufacturers found a way out by constructing a felt-tip pen in which literally everything can be replaced.

First of all, we are talking about a color filler, but nozzles can be changed in a similar way. In other words, this the acquisition serves as long as its body can withstand, which means that even an inveterate lover of drawing once bought a marker will last more than one year. Of course, consumables will have to be bought constantly, but it is still cheaper than buying a new full set.

Variety of assortment

In fact, each manufacturer strives to produce unique products, offering consumers unusual technical innovations that further simplify drawing. Professional markers should be compared not so much with ordinary felt-tip pens, but with the tool that they imitate, in particular, with the same watercolor.

For this reason, it is impossible to single out some ideal markers, each artist has his own needs, and he chooses what suits him best.

It should be noted that due to the relatively small number of companies engaged in the production of such products, there are practically no repetitions and obvious analogies in the model series.

Manufacturers overview

Chinese products are usually not advised, however, for beginners who are just trying to create with professional felt-tip pens, it is worth paying attention to the products from the Middle Kingdom, produced under the brands Touch and Finecolour. It should be noted that they are not refilled, and their parts are usually not replaced, but the set costs on average 3-4 times cheaper than analogues from other countries.

Professional markers made in Europe, America or Japan are the exact opposite of the above. Such a solution will literally fall in love with any artist, however, due to the high cost of the products, many do not even get to try them in action at least once.

People who recommend starting with cheap Chinese kits are usually advised to gradually dilute the low-quality range with one-by-one splashes of expensive branded products in order to get an idea of ​​the difference at the same time.

Of the recognized brands, it is worth highlighting Chameleon and Letraset.

In the next video, you will find an overview of Finecolour markers from AliExpress.

Watch the video: Lineart Tutorial. How to Draw Smooth Lines with Fineliners and Pens (July 2024).