
How to make a rattle? Workshops with scrap materials and crocheting

Rattles are the most interesting toys for toddlers. Bright, noisy - will surely attract attention and occupy a crying baby, entertain and calm down. The first toy should always be safe. And what, if not mother's care and gentle hands, will be able to provide this and create a toy that has become a favorite for the baby.


The rattle is considered a percussion noise instrument, which is a cavity filled with rattling elements. Makes noises when shaken. Along with the sound effect, the toy develops the baby. With her, he learns new shapes, colors and sounds, develops fine motor skills and tactile sensations, trains the eye muscles. Sensory perception and coordination are formed from these components.

The rattle can have any shape - balls, ovals, rectangles, rhombuses, and so on. For babies, a rounded shape is preferable - a ball, an oval, beads, cylinders, otherwise the baby may get hurt. The color scheme of the toy is bright and eye-catching. Materials for execution are also varied - plastic, wood, fabric.

For children, you need to take into account a number of conditions when making such a toy:

  • use natural materials, but be careful, they have the properties of allergens;
  • eliminate small details, decorate the rattle with seams, not beads, sequins or buttons;
  • tightly and firmly connect the elements to avoid the filler falling out and damage to the toy;
  • avoid sharp elements and corners;
  • do not overdo it with flowers, psychologists recommend up to three colors in one toy - so it will not tire and harm your eyes.


There are several types of rattles:

  • suspension - a long toy with several noisy elements, used for hanging in a cradle, crib, stroller;
  • a bracelet - made of fabric, attached with Velcro to the baby's handle or leg, can be made in the form of a mitten or sock;
  • ring - the most common option for playing with hands, rings can be in the form of an oval, rectangle, triangle, or made in the form of animals, fruits;
  • rustle - fabric with a filler that does not rattle, but rustles softly, well develops motor skills and hearing in babies.

How to do it yourself?

At home, you can create a lot of interesting rattles from available tools, using everything that comes to hand. The advantage of self-made toys is that they can be updated and replaced frequently, which means that they will not bother the baby.

Workshop ideas will inspire and help you create interesting rattles step by step.

  • The simplest variation - a rattle made of a bottle and different fillers: pebbles, cereals of different sizes, beads. The bottle must be tightly closed. The filler for the toy should not exceed the weight that the child can lift. It remains to decorate the bottle with indelible paints or self-adhesive paper - and you can play. The bottle can be left transparent, so the baby can see what is happening with the filler and develop vision.

  • Make a hanging rattle can be made of plastic "testicles" from kinder surprises also with filler. Make a hole in the middle and thread. Such a rattle should close tightly, scotch tape, electrical tape, glue or simple heating and fastening of the elements will help.
  • For kindergarten, you can make a toy in the form of a twig, where on each branch there will be a "fruit" in the form of a plastic "testicle". It will be interesting for kids not only to play with it, but also to apply it in a musical lesson. A variant of a tambourine in the form of a ring is possible. In this case, the containers are tightly bound in a ring, and each cell is filled with different fillers. Another interesting idea is a hammer from a container with a filler. There can be several hammers with different fillers.
  • Tea tin can will also be a good rattle. Fill it with different cereals, fasten the lid tightly and glue. Next, glue the jar with bright pictures or make an animal out of it, gluing a dense fabric. In this case, paper is unsafe, because the baby pulls everything into his mouth.
  • Another handy material - bottle caps... They need to be pierced in the center and strung on a thread. The covers should freely "walk" along the thread and be in contact with each other.
  • An interesting and very simple way to make a "noisemaker" is a comb with teeth... We tie a bright ribbon and a stick for playing with teeth to it. It turns out to be a whole musical instrument.
  • If you have a bunch of keys lying around in your house, then clean them and paint them with safe paint... Attach bright ribbons to them and connect to a wooden base. The pendant toy is ready. And you can also just tie them together.

How to sew correctly?

For newborns, you can easily sew a bracelet toy. To do this, you need a bright and dense fabric, Velcro, synthetic winterizer, beads. First, the base is made - a bracelet. Measure the girth of the baby's hand and add 4 centimeters to the figure so that the toy can move along the hand and not sting, plus the place for the Velcro is about three centimeters. We sew from the inside out. If you want the bracelet to be harder, you can thread a thick fabric tape inside. We sew Velcro to the edge. Next, the decorative part begins and the rattle itself.

If you find it difficult to sew complex toys, then just sew a circle and fill it with padding polyester and beads; for beauty, you can use a sock with an animal's face. For needlewomen, an option with a pattern of an animal from individual elements - ears, muzzle, is suitable. It can be a giraffe, a bear, a bunny, a cat. It remains to attach the element to the bracelet and the rattle is ready, you can attach it to your arms or legs.

If you have multiple bracelets, don't use all of them - it's tiring. Each newborn play must be accompanied by one bracelet.

The letters made of felt are becoming popular - this is an excellent soft personalized rattle-rustler. The outline of the letters is cut out of felt in two copies. Sew the elements on the seamy side, leaving a hole for the filler and packing. We turn out the product and stuff it with padding polyester and rustling elements - candy wrappers, beads, balls. We close our letter with a blind seam. And so we do with the rest. The size of the letters is unlimited. Small letters can be combined with a thread and make a rustle bracelet. Big letters will be a substitute for pillows and stuffed toys.

For older children, you can sew a tambourine with long threads and beads at the ends. Sheathe a solid base - a saw cut from a tree, a jar. Attach two strands to opposite sides and decorate the ends with balls with different noise effects - peas, beads. The child, turning the tambourine, will hear a different sound.

Patchwork is an interesting look for game material. The simplest thing is a soccer ball made from pieces of cloth. Choose a different texture, color. We fill it tightly with padding polyester, put a cavity with rattling elements in the center and connect the ball.

Children's socks are often used for stitched rattles. Indeed, today they are full of funny pictures. It remains to think over the form, to sew and fill. A funny toy is ready, and at a minimum cost.

Knitted toys

Crocheting a rattle is not difficult if you can read the diagrams. There are many such toys. Most importantly, do not forget about the environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity of the material. The best option is cotton or baby wool.

The simplest toy is tying a ring with a thread. The thread is passed into the ring, caught by the crochet and with the help of a single crochet is tightened on the ring. This action is repeated until the ring is completely wrapped. Then you can make pendants in the form of rings or small stuffed toys. The shape of the ring is comfortable to hold with a small handle. Therefore, it is better to attach a stuffed toy to it or make the ring part of the toy.

Knitted toys keep you warm and caring. They can be a great gift for babies. Baby toys - amigurumi are gaining momentum. They do not exceed 10 centimeters in height and have a large head. For a child's palm, this is a great option. With the help of schemes and single crochet, different details are knitted. Then they are stuffed, filled with beads and connected.

This funny toy will become one of the favorites for the kid.

You can tie a rattle using available tools. An interesting toy is an octopus. It is performed with the help of an "egg" from a kinder surprise. Fill it with thundering filler and crochet it tightly. Fasten the testicle well beforehand to avoid parsing. From the resulting base we knit chains of air loops - these are the future legs. The leg ends with a crocheted bead. Next, we embroider the muzzle of the octopus.

An interesting rattle is the maraca. It can be made using a wand and kinder surprise or any other hollow mold. Here, the strapping with single crochets occurs from ball to stick - a single structure is obtained. Do not forget about the filler beforehand.

All kinds of butterflies, caterpillars, snakes are knitted with the help of balls, stuffed with padding polyester and different types of "rustlers". The muzzles can be knitted or embroidered.

Another type of rattles is sling beads. Mothers attach them to the sling, in cradles, strollers. Large wooden beads are tied with multi-colored threads. On some beads, the strap should be larger than the bead size. They are filled with thundering filler. It must be borne in mind that the child can put them in his mouth. In this case, cereals will not work as a filler. It will swell and simply deteriorate from moisture. It is better to use beads of different sizes and textures here.

Mothers knit baby booties. They can be made into a nice kind of rattle. Tie the muzzle of the animal on a toe and stuff it with small beads. Feet can also be made with padding - this is a great foot massager. Make the strings in the form of hollow balls and fill them with light elements too. Even a simple rustling candy wrapper will attract the attention of a baby.

DIY toy is a source of care and warmth. The rattle is suitable not only for a newborn, but also for a completely adult baby up to three years old. Combining several functions, it can also be a plush toy with which the child will fall asleep.

The importance is undeniable - along with entertainment, there is a significant development of your child in the game.

For information on how to tie a rattle for the little ones, see the next video.

Watch the video: How To Crochet Scrap Yarn Bowls (July 2024).