
Children's floor swing for home

Nowadays there are many different gadgets that help parents in caring for their baby. Among them, a special place is occupied by children's outdoor swing for the home. For most children, they are fun fun, one of their favorite pastimes. Even if the weather is bad, your child will not be bored at home.

Floor swing is easy to rearrange from place to place and transport, they can be folded very easily and do not take up much space. They also have beneficial effects on your child's health and development.

Features and Benefits

In stores you can find a huge selection of models of children's floor swings. They have various designs, original design solutions, bright colors, transformation possibilities.

When choosing a swing for the house, you must take into account their features:

  • strength;
  • reliable fixation;
  • weight and mobility;
  • the ability to adjust the height of the structure;
  • range of motion;
  • the ability to adjust the position of the backrest;
  • seat adjustment for the convenience of the baby;
  • the age of the children for which they are intended.

The main benefit of this entertainment is the health benefits. Swinging on a swing will help in strengthening the vestibular apparatus of children with a uniform amplitude of motion. They help in strengthening the various muscle groups in the baby (stomach, arms, legs and forearms). A pleasant swaying contributes to the development of a sense of rhythm in the baby and helps in the perception of space.

Floor swing helps to develop coordination of movements, to develop good posture. In addition, the use of a children's swing will help young parents free up time for a little rest and entertain a bored baby.

Swings are very convenient to use, the frame of which is folded. They are very compact and, if necessary, they can be easily folded and removed or taken with you anywhere (to nature, to a summer cottage).


On sale you can find 4 types of children's floor swings: electric, mechanical, chaise longue and transforming swing. Let's consider in more detail the features of each of them:

  • Home electrical the swing shakes the baby without the help of the mother, working from the mains or on batteries. They can have functions such as tempo control and swing time settings, a music panel with a certain number of melodies and the ability to adjust its volume. Often, electric swing sets include an arc or a mobile with bright toys, a feeding table, a pillow and a mattress for the baby's convenience, they can also have a remote control or connect to a smartphone. For a swing, powered by a network, an adapter may be included in the kit, with which you can use them if there is no outlet nearby.

  • Mechanical the swing is set in motion by parents or by the actions of a swinging baby. They can have a seat in the form of a chair or be without a backrest, they can be spring-loaded or balanced in one place. Such a swing can have one or two seats.

  • Sun loungers are portable rocking chairs. The cradle of the chaise longue can have two positions: in the active one it swings at the slightest movement of the child, and in the stationary position it is fixed in one position. Most often there are models in which it is possible to adjust the angle of inclination of the back of the chaise lounge. Additionally, they can have musical panels or arches with toys. Models that have a vibration function are called bouncers.
  • Swing-transformer Is a good choice for parents who do not want to purchase an additional highchair or carrycot. With little effort, you can transform your swing into one of these essential structures, and save space in the room.


The frame of a floor swing is most often made of metal hollow pipes. Such designs are the most reliable and durable. but some manufacturers combine metal with plastic or wood. Such a frame does not differ in durability, since plastic breaks easily, and wooden parts can dry out and crack over time. To prevent the swing from moving on the floor, rubber pads or suction cups are made on the legs.

Plastic or wood can be used to make the seat. It can have a soft fabric cover on top. When choosing a swing, keep in mind that a fabric cover can easily get dirty and it is better if it is removable.

How to choose indoor models?

When choosing a swing for the home, you should take into account the age and weight of the child, the reliability and size of the structure, practicality and comfort for the baby:

  • Electric swings and sun loungers can be used from birth. As a rule, such structures are low. The seat of the electric swing is made in the form of a cradle, in which it is very easy to lull the baby to sleep. Such models have five-point seat belts, which allows the mother not to worry about the baby. They can be equipped with music panels, a choice of speed and time of motion sickness. They can also be used to entertain the baby, because there are bright toys on the arc of the electronic nanny. Avoid leaving your baby in such a swing for more than half an hour, as a uniform monotonous movement can lead to motion sickness. The disadvantage of this type of swing is the presence of electronics, which can fail. Then they will no longer be able to be used for their intended purpose, and a considerable amount will have to be paid for repairs. Also, such models are designed only for a small weight and height of the child, so they will be used only for a short time.
  • For children who are already 6 months old, you can purchase a swing-transformer. Such models are most often equipped with a soft seat, the ability to change the angle of the backrest. Parents will need to swing them. A big plus of this type is the ability to turn them into a highchair, chaise longue or carrier. This kind of floor swing is very practical and will last for a long time.
  • For children from 1 to 3 years old, the swing is usually more bulky. They can support a child weighing up to 25 kg. The seat and backrest are made of hard material, they can be cushioned with foam rubber and a fabric cover. There are models in which it is possible to adjust the angle of the backrest. When choosing such a swing, see if they have seat belts, a fabric jumper between the legs of the crumbs, handrails and footrests. Be sure to check the reliability of the structure and the presence of latches against unintentional folding.

For children 3 years old and older, you can purchase balance swing, spring swing or traditional:

  • The balance swing can have one or two child seats. Very often they are presented in the form of various funny animals. If this model assumes one seat, then it is set in motion by swinging the baby back and forth. On models with two seating positions, children take turns pushing off the floor.
  • A swing on a spring sways as a result of pushing the child off the floor, as well as movements of his body in different directions.
  • The traditional swing has almost the same design as the swing for children 3 years old. However, they are more massive and require more space.

Safety criteria

When choosing a swing for your baby, pay special attention to how safe they are to use:

  • The swing frame must be stable and reliable... The attachment points of the parts must be firmly fixed. In order for the swing not to slide on the floor on the legs, rubber pads or suction cups are needed. The places where the child will hold on or rest on the legs should be rubberized or covered with fabric.

  • It is imperative to check the presence of locks against unintentional folding. Children's swing should not have sharp corners, small parts that can be easily removed.
  • There must be three- or five-point seat belts on the seat. It is good if there is a bridge between the legs made of fabric or an anatomical limiter. This will help prevent your baby from slipping out of them. Pay attention to the place where the seat is attached to the frame. It should be free of chips, cracks and other damage.
  • The seat must be fastened firmly and securely. If the backrest can change its angle, then make sure that it is securely fixed.
  • It's good if the fabric covers are removable, it will be much easier to keep the model clean. The fabric used in the production must be natural, preferably cotton. The mattress should be orthopedic, especially if you are purchasing a product for a newborn.
  • See if the selected model has a swing lock. It is necessary to fix the seat in a fixed position if necessary.


  • Capella - the company is a global brand for the production of goods for children and has been on the market for over 20 years. Swings from this company have a bright original design, and the quality meets all European standards.
  • Electronic swing manufacturers Graco and Jetem are very popular with young parents. The most affordable among them is Jetem.
  • Baby care - a manufacturer of a huge range of products for children from birth to early preschool age. Their automatic swing and battery operated are in great demand among parents of toddlers.
  • "Breeze" - Russian company for the production of goods for children. The cost of goods available to many from this manufacturer is an undoubted advantage.

  • Bebeton - a manufacturer that offers a large selection of sun loungers, bassinets and outdoor swings.
  • Enjoy - the home floor swing from this company falls into the middle price category and is very reliable.

  • For children from 1 to 3 years old, parents often choose brands Fairy, Allen, Adbor.

Beautiful interiors

An important point is how harmoniously the children's swing will fit into the interior and size of your home. It is important that their design is liked by the child for whom they are purchased, otherwise it may turn out that the baby will lose interest in them very quickly.

In a small apartment, bulky swings will be inappropriate; for large rooms, larger options can be considered. Swings for children over 3 years old are best purchased in a room with high ceilings.

Choose colors that will suit you in design, will not look ridiculous and annoying when you look at them.

Bringing design solutions to life when creating the interior of a children's room, consider for a child of which gender they are intended - a boy or a girl. Think over everything to the smallest detail, because even they can be of great importance. Boys are characterized by restlessness and curiosity. They learn everything from their own experience, they are keenly interested in everything. A swing in the shape of a boat will perfectly fit into the marine interior of a children's room.

If a child is interested in transportation, then it can be a car or a motorcycle. Of the colors suitable for them, you should pay attention to blue, blue, lilac, as well as combinations with beige, orange and gray. For older boys, a backless swing can be purchased, on which they can swing even while standing.

Little princesses will prefer colorful and elegant options. The sitting of a swing for girls can be made in the form of a pouf or a carriage, and the swing itself can also be in the form of a favorite fairytale hero or animal. To create an interior in a children's room, you should not do everything in pink. Stop your choice on natural shades that create coziness, warmth in the room and make it light and tender. When choosing a swing for a child girl, these trends will also be relevant.

Kids will love the fun prints and interesting catchy designs.

For information on how to choose a safe baby swing, see the next video.

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