
Learning Globes

The globe is an integral part of the school geography curriculum, allowing you to more clearly imagine the location of various objects on the surface of the globe. Moreover, the globe, in contrast to the book, provides relatively little information, except for the general outlines of borders, major cities and capitals. However, modern technologies have already reached here, so now the educational globes have a lot of useful information, and even can present it in a fun way.


There are several different models of training globes, each of which, in addition to a map of the Earth's surface, can have a different set of functions:

  • On pointing a special pointer at a particular geographic object, the basic information about this object is issued by voice, both in Russian and in the main foreign languages, which also allows you to pull up a foreign one.
  • It contains a huge amount of current information about states - in particular, their area and population, data on state languages, political structure, features of the national economy and local currency, and much more.
  • He is able to tell a lot about local culture and customs, history and sights, typical weather and ecological state of nature at a specified point, as well as provide interesting facts about certain geographical objects.
  • Since much of geographic information, especially that expressed in numbers, tends to change constantly, a good learning globe should be able to update its own databases. This is usually done by connecting the device to a computer via a USB cable.
  • Some models also contain audio samples from a particular country - for example, recorded speech in the state language, or sounds made by common local animals.
  • Such a product can be aimed not only at schoolchildren, but also at university students, and people who simply love geography. All three categories of users, in one way or another, are interested in a certain game moment that allows them to test their own knowledge. That is why many electronic geoids are equipped with quizzes or special games.

The implementation principle of a gadget may differ slightly from model to model, but the set of functions is generally standard.

Sometimes manufacturers also accompany the geoid with an interactive book, which also contains additional information. This can be information about industry and minerals, flags and anthems of various countries, photographs of national dishes, paleontological data on dinosaurs and maps of geographical discoveries, as well as maps of the Moon and the Solar System with accompanying information.

How will it help in the development of the child and what will it teach?

It is no secret that the more a person knows about other countries, peoples and cultures, the broader his horizons. Due to his age, the child hardly had time to see the world, and such a gift will greatly contribute to the fact that he received certain knowledge about distant lands. Again, an expensive product is also designed for students, that is, the data here are quite serious, and their number is comparable to a very thick book on geography.

If we drop the level of spiritual growth and focus on what such a product can give a small child useful, then the following should be highlighted:

  1. Certain knowledge of geography is accumulating, which will have a good effect on school grades and on the ability to tell something interesting.
  2. To work with small objects on the surface of the globe, you will have to develop good dexterity; in the learning process, you can significantly train both motor skills and coordination of movements. However, if a child is already attending school, then in this regard, the globe is unlikely to give him something new.
  3. The educational globe is a rather interesting interlocutor, so the child gradually gets used to the idea that he doesn't necessarily need other people to have an interesting time.
  4. In the process of learning, the craving for research increases, the growing curiosity can be directed in the right direction.
  5. A large amount of knowledge gained and well-thought-out tasks contribute to the development of logical thinking, which makes it possible to correctly sort information in order to better assimilate it.
  6. An added bonus to all of the above will be a more vivid imagination of the baby.

How to play?

Actually, useful geographic information can be obtained from various sources, and the high popularity of these gadgets is largely due to the presence of games in them, which differ from any other analogues - a clear reference to the globe. This contributes to a better assimilation of information and a greater interest of the child in what is happening.

Again, the game concept of different models can look completely different, and the leader is probably the French company Vtech, whose geoid offers a choice of five different game options at once. Let us consider them in more detail:

  • Exploring the Globe. It is the movement of the pointer in the form of an airplane on the surface of the globe in free mode. "Stopping" at certain places will allow obtaining certain information of a geographical and cultural nature.
  • Linguistics. In study mode, the device provides data on which languages ​​are spoken by the largest peoples of the world, and even allows you to listen to a sample of speech in that language. In the New Friends mode, the geoid, on the contrary, asks questions related to languages, and the owner's task is to guess where on the planet they say so.
  • Answers on questions. In this mode, the toy asks the child any tasks related to the information offered by the device, most often - to find this or that object on the map.
  • Journey. In this case, the globe simply tells its operator a certain sequence of geographic objects that must be "visited" in the specified order, without straying off the route.
  • Music. This mode was created specifically in order to acquaint the child in more detail with the musical traditions of the peoples of the world. This is one of the most favorite modes for children as it is in many ways entertaining. This option is designed for the smallest children, there is not so much information here, so the emphasis is on a large number of game modes.

If we talk about more serious models, designed, among other things, for experienced adult users, then the version of the game there is more like a quiz, including with real, difficult tasks.

Popular models

Contrary to the seemingly the same principle of operation and purpose, globes can have completely different principles of implementation that affect not only the cost of the product, but also its compliance with a particular target audience.

Vtech and Fisher Price

A vivid example of educational globes for young children are the models of the Vtech and Fisher Price brands we have already reviewed. In fact, the amount of truly geographic information is quite small here. Such products are aimed at preschoolers starting from the age of one and a half years.

The lack of numerous data is explained by the temporary inability of the target audience to understand and assimilate it, and it is compensated by various game modes, the task of which is to try to instill in the child an interest in geography and knowledge of unknown countries.

For all its advantages, devices of this type lose their relevance already at primary school age, and even look too naive in the first geography lessons.

For details on these models, see the following videos.


Quite different goals are pursued by the interactive globe, a striking example of which is the Russian model Intelligate. You can teach children using it, but at the same time it is designed even for a rather meticulous lover of geography who needs a sea of ​​very different information, and always relevant. No matter how the authors tried to cram more information into the geoid itself, they were still dissatisfied with the final result, so this model comes with a booklet that provides a large amount of visual information.

Thanks to the presence of a USB port and constant support on the official website of the manufacturer, the product database never becomes outdated, there is always only fresh information.

Given the encyclopedic nature of the proposed knowledge, it is not surprising that the gadget in the quiz mode asks quite serious questions that could shock many adults.

A gift of this type is relevant not earlier than entering school, but it does not have an upper age limit for use at all.

Regular globe

It would not be entirely fair to exclude an ordinary globe from the list of trainers. It may not look so exciting, and there is not much textual information on its surface, moreover, it is never updated, but in terms of cartographic accuracy it is an unambiguous leader. In addition, this option is much cheaper than any of its electronic counterparts, so you can "upgrade" it simply by purchasing a new one over time.

It is not as pity to break or lose it as in the case of gadgets, which means that children will be able to take it with them to school - especially if the compact size allows it. Again, adults can also use such a product.


It is rare to find a device or device that absolutely everyone would like, but educational globes are precisely from the category of such things. Of course, certain disadvantages are also indicated. Most often, we are talking about the high cost and comparative primitiveness of the most children's models, however, positive aspects still prevail.

In many ways, the toy is liked by consumers because of the originality of the idea itself and the overall colorfulness.

It is noted that such products usually take into account the basic requirements for children's toys, in particular, the use of only high-quality non-toxic materials. The voice acting also received positive ratings.

The general tone of the reviews is that if there is an opportunity to spend money on this rather expensive pleasure, then it is worth buying it for a child. If we talk about expensive interactive globes, then they are generally regarded as a guide useful for the whole family.

You will learn more about learning globes in the following video.

Watch the video: The Fixies. Planning A Trip Around The World. Videos For Kids. Cartoons For Kids (July 2024).