
Child car seats up to 36 kg: features and design choice

Every loving parent cares about his child and his safety, therefore, without fail, buys a car seat to transport the baby in the car. The child's safety and comfort during the trip will depend on the right choice. This article will show you how to choose the right car seat up to 36 kg and what important criteria you will need to pay special attention to when buying.

Car seat groups

Before buying a chair, you need to determine which group your baby belongs to. This is necessary to find the right option. There are two main criteria here - weight (this parameter is considered the most basic, so you need to focus on it) and the age of the child.

Group 0

Such models are created for children weighing no more than 10 kg, whose age is usually from 0 to 6 months. This model of chairs usually looks like a normal bassinet and is similar to those found in ordinary strollers. There is no mention of a high level of protection here, so this model should only be used if there is a medical indication.

This car seat is installed against the movement of the car, and you will have to disable the airbags.

Group 0+

These models are purchased for children aged 0-12 months and weighing up to 13 kg. Here, special belts are responsible for the safety of the baby, which are able to securely hold the baby. It is also worth noting that the car seat is equipped with a comfortable handle that allows you to carry your child directly in it. The chair must be installed against the movement of the car. As with the previous model, the airbags must be deactivated to install this seat.

Group 1

This group includes car seats for a child from 9 months to 4 years old and weighing 9-18 kg. In addition to special belts, a special safety table will also be responsible for the safety of the baby in some models. The back of the chair can change its position while the child is sleeping. This type of car seat is installed in the car with the face in the direction of travel.

Group 2

Car seats belonging to this group are created for children aged 3 to 7 years and weighing 15-25 kg. Here, the safety of the baby is ensured by reliable car seat belts and standard car belts. The chair is installed in the direction of the car.

Group 3

This group of chairs is made specifically for children aged 6-12 years and weighing 22-36 kg. Such models are produced without backs and are called boosters. Currently, these car seats are no longer produced due to non-compliance with safety rules.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a car seat up to 36 kg, you need to pay attention to some important parameters.

Side protection

It is worth starting with this main parameter, since the chair is purchased for safety. In case of a possible impact from the right or left, only the side protection is able to protect the child. Side protection are high bumpers on the sides of the car seat with a high headrest.


In this case, the fastening cannot be complicated, the main thing is that it is sufficiently reliable. Thanks to the reliable fastening, the child can be secured during the impact of the car from any side.

The chair should be easy to open and close, while ensuring that the child himself does not touch the mount.

Seat upholstery

A child car seat, in addition to safety, should also provide the baby with a comfortable ride. Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the upholstery. Relatively recently, car seat manufacturers began to use cotton materials, but now they decided to stop at using synthetics. This preference is not surprising, since synthetics are not flammable, will not retain foreign odors, and high-quality synthetic fabric is breathable and absorbs moisture.

Additional functions

On long journeys, the child needs to rest on the way. For a comfortable rest on the road, you can buy a car seat with seat width adjustment and a reclining backrest. Only in such a chair will the child feel comfortable while sleeping. Some car seat models have a special table, which not only provides the child with additional protection, but is also very comfortable on the road.

The weight

In addition to taking care of your baby, car seat manufacturers have also taken care of your own comfort. After all, the less the chair weighs, the easier it will be to carry. This is especially true for the carrycot.

Mounting methods

The car seat can be installed in different ways. First, by using car seat belts. This option is very convenient, because the chair, if necessary, can be rearranged from one car to another. The disadvantage here is considered to be frequent incorrect fixation, and this puts the child's safety at risk.

Secondly, the Isofix mount. The child seat is fixed to the vehicle body, so it will always be installed correctly. In addition, the fastening holds the seat itself, while the vehicle belts and the device itself are responsible for safety. The disadvantage is the ability to withstand only 18 kg.

Top Models

Judging by customer reviews, the most popular car seat models can be identified.

Maxi Cosi Axiss Fix

The only drawback of this Dutch car seat is its high cost. The model is made of the most durable plastic, equipped with the Isofix system and, in addition, an anchor strap, which improves fixation of the device in the car. There are also special five-point retention straps with overlays that will prevent chafing of baby skin. Also, a special indicator is built into the chair, which gives a signal if the belt lock is incorrectly located.

Inglesina Prime Miglia I-Fix

The Italian model, made of strong impact-resistant plastic, is almost half the price. This car seat is quite reliable, only heavy. A plus is considered to be the execution of the sidewall from a soft, delicate material, which helps prevent head injury. In addition, the upholstery, pleasant for the child's body and hypoallergenic, will provide comfort for the child. The model has a special pocket that parents can use to store children's things.

Nania Beline SP Cronos

This is a French model of an armchair with a democratic price. The design solution of the car seat is quite interesting, here each side has a special layer that adds height, there is an ergonomic headrest with armrests, and the manufacturer has provided a soft liner for a very small passenger. This model has three-point seat belts including an adjustable headrest.

Recaro Monza Nova IS Seatfix

This chair is considered a high quality model. This device has a reinforced type of protection for the side surfaces. In addition, the model is equipped with a special indicator that gives a signal when the seat is incorrectly positioned. The product is mounted in a car on the basis of Isofix, which means that the seat is rigidly fixed in a car dealership, that is, it is securely fastened with special brackets.

The headrest is adjustable to 11 different positions, there is an additional pillow that will provide the correct position for the child's cervical vertebra and will allow you to comfortably position the head. The hypoallergenic covers are very pleasant to the touch.

Cybex pallas 2

This is a comfortable, modern type of car seat that is able to properly ensure the safety of the baby. The manufacturer has strengthened the side protection, made the headrest adjustable, and created the upholstery from hypoallergenic fabric.

But it will not be possible to install such a model in every car, besides the cost of the chair is criticized by some buyers.

Which model of car seat to choose, of course, is up to the parents to decide. Some will give their preference to a transforming chair, which can be used for a long time, while others will change models as their child grows, it is no secret that even the highest quality materials begin to wear out over time. But be that as it may, any car seat is able to provide little children with safety and comfort when traveling in a car.

For information on how to choose a child car seat, see the next video.

Watch the video: Which type of R44 car seat does my child need? (July 2024).