
Stroller device with a cross over handle

The comfort and calmness of the baby during the walk depends on many factors, one of which is the convenience of the stroller for the baby. More and more families are choosing strollers equipped with a swing handle for their daily walks. Our review will help you figure out how these models of strollers differ from other types, what is their structure, and what types of them are.

What it is?

A stroller with a cross-over handle allows the parent carrying the stroller to change the position of the child transport holder at any time. Usually the handle is fixed in one of two extreme positions - behind the back of the stroller and in front of it. Changing the position of the handle allows you to change the position of the child relative to the parent - when the handle is behind the back, the child will face the world around him and can study the surrounding nature and people passing by, and when the handle is fixed in front of the back, the child will always see the parent who is with him walks.

These strollers are commonly used as a daily walking option because they empower parents to respond to changes in the child's mood and environment.

It makes little sense to roll newborns in such a stroller, so most often such strollers are bought for children aged from six months to three years.

How does it work?

The main structural difference between strollers with a cross-over handle from all other types of children's transport is that the handle in such products is not a continuation of the frame, but is a separate structural element. The handle is connected to the frame through a special fastening and fixing mechanism.

In most cases, this mechanism is a spring-loaded cylinder put on the handle, which has a protrusion with two slots. In those places of the frame, where the handle should be fixed, there are special fixing bolts for which the latch "clings". To change the position of the handle, you must first pull the locking mechanism so that the lock rises above the locking bolt. Then the handle must be rearranged to a new position, and release the latch, which should then fall onto the fixing bolt.

In most products, the retainers are located on both sides of the handle, and it may take some practice to flip it out of habit.

Sometimes the handle flip mechanism can be a hinge with a lever that blocks its movement. Accordingly, in order to flip the handle, the parents need to first move the levers on both sides of the handle, and then move the handle to the desired position. In most cases, the hinge lock levers snap into place automatically.

The rest of the strollers with a cross-over handle differ little from the rest. They are usually upgraded standard walking models. Therefore, in such wheelchairs, either all four wheels are made in the form of swivel wheels with clamps, or only the front pair of wheels relative to the back is swivel.

Pros and cons

Both the advantages and disadvantages of pushchairs with a cross-over handle stem from their design features. The authors of most of the reviews highlight mainly the advantages of such children's transport.

  • Models with a rocker handle are easily adaptable to any changes in the child's mood. When a child begins to miss his mother, she no longer needs to get him out of the stroller and take him on handles - it is enough just to move the handle of the stroller to the position "facing the parent". In cases where the child wants to look at the surroundings, the handle easily returns to the "parent-facing" position.
  • Moving the handle to the "facing mom" position allows you to reliably control the behavior and condition of your baby and not worry that something is wrong with him, but she does not see it. And it will be much more difficult for active children to "escape" from the stroller in this position.

  • A sharp deterioration in the weather will no longer be able to catch parents walking with a child by surprise. It is enough to throw the handle to the position "in front of the back" - and the baby is already reliably protected from rain, snow, gusts of wind or the scorching rays of the sun.
  • In the case of models with massive rear wheels without a swivel mechanism, throwing the handle to the position "in front of the back" increases the cross-country ability of the stroller to overcome obstacles.

However, adding new elements to existing designs always introduces new challenges. Owners of strollers with a cross-over handle usually note negative aspects in their reviews:

  • The mechanism for throwing the handle significantly makes the stroller heavier; it is almost impossible to find such a child transport weighing less than 7 kg.
  • The center of gravity of the stroller in the position "facing the parent" shifts relative to the usual, which reduces controllability. In addition, in models with four swivel wheels, the rear pair of wheels must be locked in this position.
  • The fixation unit often breaks, especially if the child transport is used incorrectly. Even a working handle always has a slight backlash compared to other models, it will take some getting used to.


Different types of prams are equipped with a crossover handle:

  • Strollers - an ordinary stroller with a seat, most often folding according to the "book" scheme. Often, young parents prefer the Bumbleride Flyer with 4 swivel wheels, Jetem Castle S-803 W or Capella S-802 with a large hood. The relatively lightweight of such models is the HauckShopper 6 Navy, which weighs 7.6 kg.

  • Transforming models, among which the brands Jetem, Trans Baby, Baby Care and Hoco are especially popular. The transformer with a rocker handle is a versatile option for a child at any age and in any weather. In such a stroller, the baby can both learn the world and just comfortably sleep in the fresh air while walking.

  • 2 in 1 and 3 in 1 modelsthat allow you to use the same stroller for different periods of your baby's life. First, a cradle for a newborn is installed on such strollers, and then, when the child's age reaches 6 months, it is changed to a walking block. Among these strollers, Graco Symbio and Geoby C601H-RHLL have good reviews. We should also mention the Joie Float model, equipped with a convenient removable crossbar and seat belts. Well, for parents who are not financially constrained, we can recommend the Teutonia Mistral S 2011 model.

The orthopedic mattress available in this stroller will allow your child to always feel comfortable, and the installed UVP 50 + protection will allow you to enjoy walks even in the sunniest summer weather.

Three-wheeled strollers and light canes are not equipped with a swing handle.

Helpful hints

The advantages of a child transport with a swing handle are undeniable, but all the disadvantages can be overcome. So that the mechanism for throwing the handle lasts as long as possible, you need to make sure that no additional effort is exerted on the handle. There is no need to hang anything on the handle, and it is best to overcome obstacles such as curbs and steps with your back to your parent.

The large weight of such strollers can be inconvenient, so you can buy a lightweight cane model for travel in transport.

When choosing a stroller with a crossover handle, you should pay special attention to:

  • the quality of the fixation mechanism;
  • the presence of a brake, bumper and seat belts;
  • the comfort of the back and the size of the hood;
  • the quality of the materials from which the wheels, frame and fabric elements are made.

For an overview of the Coballe stroller with a crossover handle, see the following video.

Watch the video: How to fix the telescopic handle on an Emmaljunga stroller (July 2024).