
How to fold the stroller correctly: step by step instructions

Even before the baby is born, many parents begin to think about which stroller to buy for him. Some pay attention to the price, others to the popularity of this or that model, and still others to weight, maneuverability and other indicators. Most often, transformer models are chosen for newborn babies for their versatility, as well as modular strollers. However, parents, especially mothers, are not always able to immediately understand the mechanism of assembly and disassembly of children's transport. This article will help you deal with this issue.


Only newborn babies need to be in a horizontal position during a walk on an absolutely flat surface. There are three types of strollers for transporting such babies - transformers, modular and cradles. Since the last option is relevant only until the moment when the baby sits down, it is worth dwelling in more detail on the first two options. Transforming strollers are a structure that, with the help of simple shenanigans, from a cradle for newborns turns into a walking block for grown children. Modular models of children's transport consist of a chassis with wheels and two or sometimes three blocks.

In order to assemble the stroller, you must first remove the cradle from the chassis and then install another unit. For some parents, the choice in favor of a transformer is obvious. After all, you don't have to look for additional storage space for removable units. In addition, these models have more sleeping space in the cradle position than in the box of modular types of children's transport. Often these two varieties are confused with each other, since it is outwardly difficult to distinguish a transformer from a modular version.

However, it is worth remembering that the transformers are equipped with a cross-over handle, which allows you to easily change the position of the baby facing or away from mom. In modular models, this should be done by installing the block in the desired direction, while the handle remains stationary.

The strong point of both models can be called powerful wheels. Most often, they are inflatable and with good shock absorption, which are able to overcome off-road, snowy terrain and other difficult areas. Modular strollers, in addition to a cradle and a walking block, often have an infant car seat in the kit, in which you can transport your baby in a car and easily fix it on the chassis. For some families, this may be more practical than buying a separate chair and stroller.

How to assemble?

The mechanisms for assembling and unfolding the two types of children's transport described above are different. Usually, when buying a stroller in a store in a box, in addition to the product itself, you can find detailed instructions from the manufacturer on how to handle this model. However, parents do not always buy new things for the child, so there may simply not be instructions. Transformer stroller models are usually sold folded. Therefore, upon coming home, the parents are faced with the primary task of expanding and correctly assembling the stroller.

  • To do this, you must first unfold the frame into the correct position. To do this, pull the handle until it clicks.
  • The next step is to secure the wheels. Pressing on the center of the wheel, you need to put each of them on the axle. After checking that all wheels are securely fastened, put the wheels of the stroller on the brake to make it easier to attach the rest of the parts.

  • Then you should install the handrail, first passing it through the cover... Usually on such models, the fabric is fixed on the sides with buttons. For those children who are already sitting, it is also necessary to fix the jumper for the legs on the handrail.
  • Now you can set the stroller handle in the correct position... It is necessary to pull on the latches, while throwing the handle to the other side, then adjust the handle in height. Additional accessories, such as a mom bag, a leg cover or a handrail sleeve, are usually fastened using buttons. This allows you to keep the stroller clean, and easily remove and fasten fabric elements after washing.

Many parents often transport the stroller by car or simply fold it into a compact position after a walk. To fold the transformer stroller, you should do such manipulations as:

  • set the transport to the brake position and lower the hood to the stop, while the back of the stroller should be located strictly in a horizontal position;
  • throw the handle and pull the clips on the sides of the stroller. Movement should not be impeded, otherwise this will lead to the fact that the stroller folds in half. When folded, the stroller is additionally fixed with a special lever.

The stages of assembling modular strollers in many ways coincide with the transformer.

  • Initially, it is necessary to unfold the chassis by bending the side parts.
  • Then the stroller handle is attached. You just need to insert it into special holes until it clicks, after which you need to press it to check its reliability.
  • Then you can start attaching the wheels. By pulling up the lever on the wheel, you should put it on the axle. When the lever is released, a click should be heard, indicating a secure fit. To proceed with the assembly, put the stroller on the brake.
  • The grocery basket is attached to the chassis separately. It is usually attached to buttons.
  • After that, you should select the required module - a cradle, a walking block or an infant car seat. Turn the hooks on the frame clockwise on both sides, insert the bayonets on the block into the slots and turn the hooks clockwise again. The block is locked.

To assemble a modular model, you must first remove the block according to the same principle. Then fold the stroller frame using the side clips on the frame.

Helpful hints

In order to preserve the original form of children's transport and not break it during operation, there are some tips to read.

  • Proper care will ensure a long service life for any stroller. Regular cleaning of the wheels from dirt and lubrication of the axles with special oil will protect the chassis from premature wear. And keeping the metal elements clean and dry will not allow the stroller to rust.
  • All foreign objects must be removed from the basket and shopping basket just before folding. This will allow you to easily and compactly fold the transport and avoid accidental breakdown.
  • Remember to remove the mommy bag from the handle, as it can interfere with the assembly process or get dirty during transport.
  • Before folding the stroller, the hood must be lowered as much as possible so that the upper part is not too bulky.
  • The folded structure should be carried by holding only the metal parts or a handle specially provided for this purpose.

Manufacturers do not stand still and are constantly improving models of strollers for maximum comfort for parents. So, many buyers leave positive reviews about the modular Marimex Armel stroller. It is not inferior in its characteristics to more expensive counterparts and perfectly copes with its task. The original color of the model looks attractive. Many people note a convenient way to attach a shopping basket under the basket. Instead of the usual buttons, the manufacturer used a more reliable zipper.

Among the models of transformers, it is worth highlighting the Ultra 2 in 1 stroller from the Happy Baby manufacturer. Buyers have appreciated the functionality and ease of use of this model, as well as the ease of assembly, all at a very reasonable price. In addition to the transforming unit, the set includes an infant car seat, which is very convenient for many parents.

The model assembly mechanism is extremely simple and automated, the main thing is to find and press the necessary buttons. Unlike most transformers, this model is assembled by analogy with modular models - the transformable block is attached after assembling the chassis and wheels.

For instructions on how to fold and unfold the convertible stroller, see the following video.

Watch the video: QuickSmart Easy Fold Stroller Step-by-Step Folding Directions (July 2024).