
Choosing a summer stroller for a child

A summer stroller for a baby is an irreplaceable transport. Warm days are a great reason to be outdoors more often, breathe air and improve your health. When we choose a stroller for a child, first of all, we focus on making it comfortable for him and, of course, making it beautiful and durable.

Features and requirements

In summer, a stroller is needed almost every day. In addition to daily walks, which are very important for the baby, there are also trips to the clinic, visits, trips to the country house and walks out of town. And on all these trips, the child feels good if the vehicle is selected correctly for him.

Enterprises that produce products for children offer a huge variety of colors, models, configurations at various prices. Sometimes the variety of strollers in stores can cause some confusion, since it is not always possible to stop at one thing.

You need to focus on those characteristics that are very important. Children's vehicles must be:

  • lungs
  • durable;
  • safe;
  • easy to manage;
  • with a reliable folding mechanism;
  • comfortable for the child;
  • attractive in appearance.

It doesn't matter what design, size and color of the stroller, it must contain details that are indispensable, or those that increase the comfort of the baby while walking.

  • Each design must have a bumper that supports the child and does not allow him to fall out of the stroller, even if the child is too active and tries to get out of his vehicle.
  • It is imperative to have seat belts, thanks to which, even with sudden movements and unforeseen obstacles on the road, the baby will be securely fastened.
  • The adjustable footrest allows the child to sit comfortably while awake and sleeping.

  • Hand or foot brake, which is especially convenient when you need to make some manipulations - to drink, change the child's clothes, find a toy, or, if necessary, leave the vehicle empty for a while and walk on foot.
  • It is very convenient if the fabric cover is easy to remove and can be washed, quickly dried and fixed back. No matter how carefully you use the stroller, it gets dirty quite often.
  • A raincoat, which will protect your child from wind and rain in bad weather, will be a good additional detail.
  • In summer, it is impossible to do without a mosquito net, which will allow the little one to rest calmly and without the risk of being bitten by annoying mosquitoes or midges.


All designs of baby carriages are divided into two main types - "cane" and "book".


It is compact and lightweight. These are its main advantages, which in some cases play a very important role. The structure consists of a metal frame and fabric stretched over it, from which the seat and the sun visor are made. The folding mechanism is very simple, and when folded, the stroller resembles a cane. Easy to carry by handles

The advantages of this type of child transport include:

  • small weight - from two to six kilograms;
  • ease of folding, just one press of the button;
  • small dimensions, structures, it is easy to find a place in the apartment, it easily fits into the trunk of a car.

The disadvantages include the fact that there is no lying position in the stroller and there is no shock absorption.

Cane strollers are four-wheeled and three-wheeled. Some mothers prefer the four-wheeled classics, considering them more comfortable. Others have switched to a more modern three-wheeled type and see their merits in it.

The three-wheeled stroller looks a little unusual, but many people note its maneuverability. With it, you can easily go around the pit, quickly turn in any direction. This kind is considered the clothed. While there are obvious pluses, there is also a minus. For example, as many mothers note, with this type of wheels it is difficult to overcome obstacles (curb, step), you have to adapt.

But on four-wheeled analogs, you can easily overcome any hill. Such structures are very stable. But their weight is more, and maneuverability is not at the highest level.


This is a convenient option for all occasions. It is easy to make a cradle from a transformer when the child takes a lying position and he will sleep comfortably. When awake, the stroller can be easily converted into a walking version.

Transformers are large-sized strollers, weight varies from 15 to 20 kg. These are strollers with soft cushioning that can be adjusted. There are designs with rubber inflatable wheels, thanks to which a smooth ride is ensured. Convenient wheels allow you to overcome any obstacles. The handle can be installed at the front or at the back, and it can be adjusted in height. The stroller is comfortable to operate.

The advantages of the stroller include the fact that the child is always comfortable in it. Thanks to the adjustable backrest, he can sleep comfortably, just rest when the back is in a semi-reclined position, and stay awake when the back is fully upright.

When the stroller is folded, it does not take up much space. There is only one minus - a lot of weight, which is not acceptable for all mothers.

For twins

This is another option for child transport that some people desperately need. There are more difficulties in choosing. The weight of the stroller increases in any case, but you need to choose the one in which the kids will be comfortable. Several types are produced:

  • universal;
  • cradles;

  • transformers;
  • walking;

Double strollers are designed for both twins and the weather. Children can be located next to each other or one behind the other.

All types of strollers may differ in the availability and size of additional accessories. Additionally, cup holders, bags for things, mosquito nets, raincoats can be attached. The stroller can be with a miniature visor or a large hood.

For parents, the design of the stroller is not in the last place, everyone wants the baby to get used to beautiful things from childhood. For girls, mothers choose gentle tones - pink, mint, turquoise, yellow, blue. Boys choose darker tones - for example, blue, gray, green, burgundy.

But this does not mean that the parents of boys should be limited to just such a color scheme. Someone will want the baby to ride in a bright red or orange stroller, and this will also be a very good choice.

We take into account the age

The choice of a stroller primarily depends on the age of the child. The child grows, develops, needs increase, and the presence of increased comfort fades into the background, so parents have to change strollers as the child grows up.

Up to a year

If the baby was born in the summer, then the best option in the first months of life would be a cradle stroller. The models for babies are designed so that the child is comfortable in a horizontal position. The design plus accessories provide protection for all occasions - from the sun, wind, rain, insects. The baby sleeps most of the time, and sleeping in the fresh air is very beneficial.

Doctors do not recommend moving a child into a stroller until six months old, even if it is a transformer and a horizontal position is provided in it. In some cases, even at 6 months, there is no need to rush to transplant the child into a stroller.

It all depends on the capabilities of the baby, everyone develops in different ways. Someone sits well at six months, while someone else needs a couple more months to be fully confident.

But basically at six months you can safely move into a book-stroller, which provides for three positions. It will be comfortable to play and relax in it. If the stroller is equipped with additional accessories, in case of bad weather, the child can be completely closed from rain and wind and drive comfortably home.

A one-year-old child will also be comfortable in this type of stroller. But if mom chooses to buy a cane stroller by the year, this will also be a good option.

2 years

This is the time for active walks. The child is already quite mobile, but still attached to the regime, in which daytime sleep is required. You can go on long walks with it, but the convenience of the child is very important. The stroller should not be cramped. Most likely, he will not only travel in it, discovering a new world for himself, but also sleep in the fresh air. Mom should be comfortable too. Therefore, additional stands for things, hooks for bags will be very useful.

In summer, the stroller must be equipped with a mosquito net. Both designs in the form of a book and in the form of a cane will be convenient. It all depends on various factors: in what area the family lives, in a multi-storey or private house, what the baby loves more - to sleep or stay awake while walking.

3 years

The child is getting older, and more and more often he wants to travel, moving independently. The stroller fades into the background, but it is still needed. Long walks require rest, and the child will happily spend part of the way on his own transport.

But you can already opt for a cane stroller. It is lightweight and easy to use. For a three-year-old child, this option will be enough for walking.

Popular models

There are a lot of strollers manufacturers, everyone is trying to improve children's transport as much as possible, to make it multifunctional, but at the same time as convenient and attractive as possible. Lightweight models differ in design and color scheme, which makes it easy for parents to choose models for girls and boys.

Below is a ranking of the most popular stroller brands.

Capella S-901

This type refers to the "book" design, which can be folded with one hand. The stroller has four wheels, of which the front wheels are twin wheels. The weight of the stroller is ten and a half kilograms. Recommended for children over six months old. The stroller is equipped with five-point seat belts, a fabric hood, inflatable wheels, a shopping basket. Stable when folded, has spring cushioning.

A wide range of colors allows you to choose the appropriate option for a girl and a boy. The price varies from 11 to 14 thousand rubles, depending on additional devices.

Inglesina Espresso

This model is compact when folded, which makes it easy to travel. The seat is equipped with an adjustable backrest and footrest, there are seat belts with soft pads. A hood protects from the sun, a foot cover and a raincoat are provided in case of cool weather. One-piece handle, height adjustable. The color scheme is presented in pale pink, bright red, blue, gray shades. The average price of a stroller is about 13 thousand rubles.

Geoby D208R

This model can be an economical walking option. Its price is just over five thousand rubles. The back of the structure has two positions, the footrest is adjustable, there is a limiting handrail. The set includes seat belts, raincoat, luggage basket. The weight is six kilograms.

Tips for choosing

Many factors influence the choice of parents. Among them, of course, the most important are the safety and comfort of the baby. But there are other nuances to consider.

If the house is multi-storey and there is no elevator or it often does not work, then a folding stroller with a low weight is best suited. It is very difficult to climb even to the fifth floor with a baby and a heavy stroller. Such walks will not be a joy, and the child desperately needs them.

When choosing a stroller for twins, you need to consider not only their convenience, but also check whether the transport will enter the elevator. In some houses of the old layout, the elevators are very narrow, and there are no freight elevators.

We'll have to find a stroller of the appropriate size. It is impossible for mom to lift her to the floor on her own without the help of an elevator.

If the roads near the house are uneven or you often go for walks in nature, where asphalt paths are not provided, it would be more correct to choose a stroller with shock absorption.

If a family is planning to go on vacation, you need to take into account that the stroller should be as compact and light as possible. This transport will be enough for a kid when walking, at train stations and airports. But it is not possible to fit a stroller on the road everywhere, and there are enough things besides the stroller. Therefore, the light version of the cane stroller will be simply an indispensable travel aid.

Cheap strollers aren't bad. They just have fewer additional functions and details. But if you need to save money, you can limit yourself to a more budgetary option. In any case, each stroller is equipped with the necessary elements that are responsible for the safety and comfort of the child.

For grown-up kids who are three years old, sedentary structures are suitable, in which the kids are not so often, only if there is a long way to go.

When buying, the mother takes into account the gender of the child and tries to acquire a delicate color for the girl, and for the boy something more serious, so that you can immediately see who is traveling: a little princess or a future man.

In any case, when choosing a child vehicle, you need to carefully read the technical characteristics and try it in action: is the handle comfortable, are the wheels good, how the brakes work, whether the child will be comfortable in the stroller. Some first acquire a cradle, and then a walking block. Others immediately prefer to buy a three-in-one model and use it not only in infancy, but also when the baby grows up.

When buying, each mother focuses on the family's budget and chooses the most suitable option based on all the components.

For information on how to choose a summer stroller for a child, see the next video.

Watch the video: Double Stroller. Baby Jogger City Select Double Stroller Review (July 2024).