
Genki diapers: types, sizes and tips for choosing

Diapers have made life much easier for parents, because they are comfortable, absorb moisture well, and allow the child to sleep peacefully. The manufacturer Genki supplies the market with high quality products in a wide variety of models. Why most parents decided to choose this brand, we learn from the article.


A child uses five to ten diapers per day. Considering that advertised brands are expensive, moms and dads began to look for alternatives in online stores. The Japanese manufacturer pleases not only with an affordable cost, but also with a quality that is in no way inferior to more famous brands. Translated into Russian, the brand name means "health". In fact, the Japanese manufacturer has introduced a revolutionary new product at an affordable cost.

This personal hygiene item, irreplaceable in the modern world, appeared on the market in the second half of the 20th century. Each model has the same design. The inner layer is made of hypoallergenic material as it comes into contact with the baby's bottom. It has special requirements, including:

  • softness;
  • safety;
  • good moisture permeability;
  • lack of fragrances.

Genki diapers perfectly allow fluid to pass through in one direction only, so the skin does not get wet. The middle layer consists of an absorbent material that absorbs moisture and turns it into jelly. The last outer layer does not release liquid, protecting the garment.

All models take into account the physiological characteristics of children at different ages, there are also universal options. For several hours, the child remains dry and comfortable. The special design does not restrict movement, the elastic bands do not leave marks on the waist and legs.

Genki supplies premium products that combine modern technology and high quality materials. The absence of allergies in the child, diaper rash and rash is one of the main advantages of the product. This is because the manufacturer took natural cotton as a basis - a material that is perfect for the delicate skin of children. All products "breathe", that is, they have a layer that allows air to pass through, allowing the skin to dry out and not remain constantly moist.

It is easy to see the indicator on the outside of any of the models. It allows parents to know in time that the diaper is full and needs to be replaced. The product of this supplier differs from analogues by a wide band on the belt, due to which fixation is made. Regardless of the size, diapers have no gender, so they can be used with equal success by boys and girls.

The surface is a non-woven fabric that is made from two materials:

  • polyester;
  • polyolefin.

Polyester is a kind of fabric that is used in many industries today. Polyolefin is very similar in structure to film. A special paper is used as an absorbent, it quickly absorbs moisture, thus, the baby's skin is less in contact with the liquid.

There are practically no flaws in real diapers from this company. However, there are many fakes on the market. In such inventions there are disadvantages - children have allergies, diaper rash and rashes. Also diapers are sometimes thick, uncomfortable for newborns.

Models for the little ones

Newborn diapers are very popular. These models are marked with the letters NB on the packaging. Pampers are designed for a child's weight up to 5 kilograms, in the smallest package there are 44 pieces, which are not consumed as quickly as it might seem to parents at first glance.

The manufacturer made sure that the design of the diaper does not interfere with the baby, and does not press during sleep. Parents speak well of this type of product, but most often they are attracted by the affordable cost. However, in the goods of the described manufacturer, quality and cost complement each other perfectly.

For babies, the size range is much wider, since children differ in weight, even if they are of the same age. The manufacturer offers the following sizes:

  • S;
  • M;
  • L;
  • XL.

The smallest one is designed for a child weighing 4-8 kg, M is intended for children 6-11 kg. For those weighing 9-14 kg, size L is ideal. For the largest babies, the company supplies XL diapers to the market.

To choose the right size, most parents are faced with choice problems, but knowing the individual characteristics of the baby's physique, everyone can find what they are looking for.

Types of panties

Genki products can be categorized by weight. Such panties, which fully meet modern requirements, can be of the following types:

  • 7-10 kilograms;
  • 9-14 kilograms;
  • 12-17 kilograms;
  • 13-25 kilograms.

It must be said that when choosing the right size, it is not enough to rely only on the weight of the baby, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of his physique. Even with the same weight, children differ in height, respectively, and the kilograms are distributed differently. If you choose the wrong diaper, then it will either subside or rub, making the baby uncomfortable.

Japanese diapers are great for the most delicate ass. The baby's skin always remains dry, and an elastic belt is sewn into the construction of the panties, which is easily stretched and does not squeeze the tummy. The rubber keeps the diaper securely on the belt.

Any of the models can be used with equal success both during the day, during walks, and at night.

The cost

On the market you can see Genki of different prices. It depends on the number of pieces inside the package. If you buy a product by the piece, then one diaper costs 21 rubles. A package with 32 diapers will cost 680 rubles, according to the promotion, such a product can be purchased for 650 rubles. The manufacturer offers a substantial discount for large packages. So, 64 pieces cost only 950 rubles, this is with regard to simple Velcro products.

Genki diaper panties are slightly more expensive. For 26 pieces, parents will have to pay 700 rubles.

You can buy the product both in numerous online stores and in ordinary ones for children. You cannot find the products of this manufacturer in supermarkets, since only well-known brands are sold there.

Feedback from parents

Moms and dads often prefer Genki diapers. You can find numerous positive reviews on the Internet, this is not surprising, since any of the models:

  • has excellent absorbency;
  • does not cause discomfort to the baby;
  • fits perfectly at the waist;
  • does not restrict movement;
  • keeps dry.

In addition, there is no irritation and redness on delicate skin. Panties are easy to put on and moisture-proof.

However, you can find other reviews, which most often indicate the individual intolerance of children to the components of the absorbent layer. For the rest, you can see numerous enthusiastic reviews from parents who once and for all decided for themselves the question of how to keep the baby dry for several hours.

Briefs-diapers meet all criteria of convenience, comfort and reliability. They retain moisture, which ensured their demand in the market for personal care products for the little ones. All over the world, moms and dads have cast their votes for this brand, since its price and quality complement each other perfectly.

For an overview of Japanese Genki diapers, see the next video.

Watch the video: REVIEW. BIG VALUE PANTS DIAPERS AEON BIG (July 2024).